Month: June 2023

car accidents

Car Accidents: Everything You Need to Know

Car Accidents: Everything You Need to Know

Whiplash: The Symptoms You Need to Know

Whiplash is an injury that occurs when your body is suddenly forced backward and forward. It’s the most common injury that happens during an automobile accident, and it’s one of the leading causes of chronic neck and back pain. While a little fender bender may not seem like a big deal, new research has shown that even small accidents can result in significant injuries.

The violent forces that occur during an auto accident can cause damage to your spinal discs, ligaments, tendons, and bones-even at “low” speeds. Most of these injuries happen because your head is whipped backward and forward very quickly. This rapid back and forth motion frequently results in ligament tearing and spinal disc injuries. Symptoms such as neck pain, back pain, headaches, confusion, and even depression indicate that you’ve suffered a whiplash injury. Because of a spike in adrenaline at the time of the accident, you may not immediately notice any immediate pain. For many people, these symptoms may take hours or even a few days to develop after the initial shock of the car accident wears off.

  • Whiplash is an acceleration-deceleration injury that can affect your ligaments, spinal discs, muscles, and facet joints

  • There is often a period of little to no pain before the symptoms become worse

  • Symptoms of whiplash include neck or back pain, headache, radiating pain, confusion, and difficulty sleeping

It’s smart to get a complete evaluation after an auto accident to minimize your risk of long-term pain. Getting the right care at the right time can make a big difference in your ability to heal quickly and avoid long-term chronic pain. Remember, even small accidents can cause injuries, so if you’ve been involved in an auto accident, be sure to reach out to our office as soon as possible so we can help you get on the relief road.

How Long Does Whiplash Last?

Symptoms of whiplash include neck pain, back pain, headaches, dizziness, or confusion—none of these sound like a good time. So if you’ve been involved in a car accident, you may be wondering how long these symptoms are going to last. The good news is that with a proper evaluation and early treatment, you have a high likelihood of getting well within a matter of weeks.

Why it Matters:

One of the most common injuries associated with whiplash is ligament tearing. Ligaments are short, tough bands of connective tissue that hold together the bones in your neck and joints of your body. If these liga- ments are torn, it can cause neck pain. The average time it takes a ligament to heal is about six weeks with the proper care and treatment. If you notice symptoms like headaches, dizziness, or memory issues, you may have suffered a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). A majority of people with a mild TBI recover within three months.

  • Whiplash injuries frequently cause tearing of the ligaments that support proper spinal motion and stability.

  • The acute inflammatory phase of injury last up to 72 hours, the repair phase takes up to 6 weeks, and the remodeling phase of healing can last up to a year

  • A non healed ligament injury can result in osteoarthritis

After an accident, the most important step you can take is to receive a full evaluation. Only after a complete evaluation will you be able to know what type of injuries you’ve sustained, and most importantly- how to get well. You would be surprised at how many people shrug off a “small” accident and push their symptoms aside. While that may save you a little time today, it’s likely to result in much more pain down the road.

Shoulder Pain After a Car Accident: What does it mean?

You may be surprised to learn that shoulder injuries are some of the most common challenges after a car accident, in addition to whiplash. If you are the driver and have your hands on the wheels at the time of the crash, the sudden force created by the accident can lead to a torn rotator cuff. Your shoulder is one of the most complex parts of your body and is made up of a collection of bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles.

Why it Matters:

The rotator cuff is a ball and socket joint made up of three bones: your arm bone (the humerus), your shoul- der blade (the scapula), and your collarbone (the clavicle). The supporting muscles, ligaments, and tendons are designed to help you lift and rotate your arm. Your shoulder is one of the most dynamic and unstable joints in your body. It’s hard to ignore a torn rotator cuff because…it hurts! Signs of a tear include shoulder pain when lifting your arm, weakness, pain when lying down, or a limited range of motion.

  • Shoulder impingement has been estimated to occur in up to 10% of people involved in car accidents

  • The shoulder is one of the most complex, dynamic, and unstable joints in the body, with a complex network of bones, ligaments, and muscles

  • The risk of neck or shoulder pain seven years after a collision was three times higher for patients with initial whiplash injuries than those without

Ignoring a shoulder injury after a car accident is not a good idea. Your shoulder is designed to move, and if you try to “let it heal” by not moving it, then you’re putting yourself at risk for a frozen shoulder. Frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis, is when your shoulder develops adhesions due to lack of movement. This can result in severe pain that takes months to heal. If you have shoulder pain after an accident, time is of the essence! Our team is here and can provide a complete evaluation and treatment plan for you to get moving safely and heal quickly.

Finding Relief After a Car Accident without Drugs or Surgery

Screech. Bam. Uh-oh. You’ve been involved in a car accident. Your day has been thrown upside down, and a million thoughts are racing through your head. If you don’t feel immediate pain, you may be tempted to think you don’t have a problem. But waiting too long to seek care has been shown to increase the chances that you’ll need more aggressive interventions. Taking the right action steps as quickly as possible after a car accident can make a huge difference in your overall health and healing. With the stress of an accident, calling the insurance company, getting a car repaired, etc., it’s not uncommon for people to make the mistake of putting their health and wellbeing last on the to-do list.

Why it Matters:

The problem is that the longer you wait to get evaluated and receive care, the higher your likelihood becomes of needing more aggressive medical care. Without a proper diagnosis and treatment, your body may begin to “heal” with more scar tissue than necessary. You may also try to live “around” your injuries, which can cause additional stress and compensation on other parts of your body and lead to additional injuries. Research has shown that active care involving range of motion, mobilizing exercises, and strengthening can effectively reduce pain. To give yourself the best chance to find relief without the
need for drugs or surgery, we recommend three simple steps.


The three steps to finding relief after a car accident :

  • Get an evaluation: a complete evaluation can provide you with an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan

  • Begin receiving care: after reducing inflammation, movement-based techniques are often recommended to help you regain your quality of life

  • Stay consistent: getting well is a process. stay consistent with your care to heal as quickly as possible


Next Steps:

There’s no way around it- auto accidents aren’t fun. But with the right healthcare team, most people can get back to their full life and activities without the need for drugs or surgery. The key is to follow the three steps of evaluation, care, and consistency. While it seems simple, following the three steps will give you the best chance to get well quickly and stay well for years to come.



Science Source:

The Effectiveness of Conservative Management for Acute Whiplash Associated Disorder (WAD) II: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials.PLoS One. 2015

Biomechanics of whiplash injury. Chinese Journal of Traumatology. 2009

Ligament Injury and Healing: A Review of Current Clinical Diagnostics and Therapeutics. The Open Rehabilitation Journal. 2013

The association between exposure to a rear-end collision and future neck or shoulder pain: a cohort study. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2000

Subacromial impingement in patients with whiplash injury to the cervical spine. Journal of Orthopedic Surgery and Research. 2008

types of headaches



What Type of Headache Do You Have?

Over 90% of people will have at least one headache in their life. For some, occasional headaches can turn into a daily occurrence that disturbs both work and hobbies. In many cases, headaches aren’t associated with a disease but are instead a result of your daily habits and actions. The most common triggers for a headache include stress, fatigue, lack of sleep, hunger, and caffeine withdrawal.

Why it Matters:

Being aware of the type of headache you have and its triggers is the first step towards finding relief. Stress is a primary cause of all types of headaches. It’s important to remember that stress can be mental or physical. Physical stress can include muscle tension in your shoulders, head, and neck that commonly occurs due to long hours at the computer, unbalanced posture, or a lack of regular exercise. The three most common types of headaches include tension, sinus, and migraine headaches.

  • Tension Headaches: usually felt across the forehead and last a few hours

  • Sinus Headaches: typical occurs in the face, lasts a few hours, and is seasonal

  • Migraine Headaches: pain in the back of the head, temple, or eye that lasts a day or longer and can produce sensitivity to light and sound

Now you’ve identified the types of headaches you are usually affected by, you can begin taking proactive steps to reduce your risk. Getting enough rest and watching your caffeine intake is a good start. Research has also found that spinal adjustments are effective at reducing the frequency and severity of headaches. If you’ve been suffering from headaches, reach out to discover if we can help.

The Link Between Neck Pain and Headaches

Your head hurts. Could it be coming from your neck? You may be surprised to learn that neck pain
and headaches are tightly linked together. A headache that starts from an issue in the neck is called a cervicogenic headache. A cervicogenic headache is characterized by a dull pain that radiates from the neck to the back of the head. At times it may spread around the side or front of your head.

Why it Matters:

Cervicogenic headaches are common if you spend long hours at the computer each day. Neck stiffness and tender muscles around your head and shoulders often come along with cervicogenic headaches because of the position that many of us sit in all day. The added stress and strain on your upper back and neck muscles can add up over time and begin to cause occasional headaches. Without taking proactive steps

to address the cause of the issue, you may notice that the headaches become more frequent and intense.

  • Cervicogenic headaches can begin due to tightness in the shoulders, a stiff neck, or poor posture

  • Over 70% of people with cervicogenic headaches find significant relief with spinal adjustments

  • Spinal adjustments can reduce the severity and frequency of headaches

To break the cycle of daily cervicogenic headaches, you need to address the underlying cause. Staying well hydrated (with water!), stretching at least every hour, and setting your workstation up ergonomically are all important to reduce your headache risk. If you still notice that headaches are bugging you, have pain, or limited neck range of motion, call us for a complete evaluation and plan of care to get well and stay well.

How to Get Rid of Daily Headaches

If you notice that your headaches are becoming more frequent and intense, it can be troubling. Daily head- aches can make it challenging to have a high quality of life and can affect your work and home life. The good news is that many of the most common types of headaches can be reduced or even eliminated by changing just a few of your daily habits.

Why it Matters:

Stress and tensions are two of the biggest triggers for tension headaches. Chronic headaches can cause your nervous system to become sensitized. That means each day; it takes less “stimulus” to kickstart a headache. Sensitization can become a vicious cycle, especially if your days are filled with repetitive motions. One of the best ways to reset your system and decrease sensitization is through movement. Whether you prefer yoga, stretching, or massage, movement of your spine and body can ease the tensions associated with headaches.

Symptoms of Tension Headaches include:

  • Dull, aching pain in the head and neck

  • Pressure and tightness across the sides, front, and back of your head

  • Tenderness in your shoulders, head, and neck

Movement and exercise are key to life and one of the most powerfully simple ways you can break a cascade of daily headaches. If you’re struggling to get moving because of the pain, let us know. We’re happy to work with you to develop a comprehensive plan to help you reduce the frequency and severity of your headaches starting today.

Headache Medications Cause Headaches

One of the primary side effects of many prevalent headache medications is, well…more headaches. That’s right; rebound headaches are caused by taking the same medications used to find relief. If that sounds bizarre, it is. Even taking medications more than just a few days may trigger overuse, or rebound, headaches.

Why it Matters:

Taking care of yourself and creating healthy habits each day can prevent most headaches. If you find your- self reaching for over-the-counter pain medications more than once per week, you may be putting yourself at risk for rebound headaches. Most headache medications aren’t designed to be used frequently because they simply address the symptoms, not the cause of the problem. As you take medication, your body can become sensitized, meaning you need to take more medication to achieve the same result. This can lead to a downward spiral and cycle of chronic rebound headaches. Here are a few ways to naturally reduce your risk of headaches.

  • Get Enough Sleep: Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day helps your body maintain a natural rhythm

  • Reduce Your Stress: Plan, manage your daily schedule, and make stress-busting activities like yoga or meditation a part of your lifestyle

  • Exercise Regularly: Movement and exercise releases endorphins that help your brain and body feel good and block pain signals to your brain

Medications aren’t very effective at reducing the frequency or severity of headaches. Masking the symptoms with drugs can work now and again, but it’s not a sustainable way to find long-lasting relief. To find last relief, you’ll want to follow the latest healthcare guidelines that recommend movement-based care, such as chiropractic. We believe everyone should have the opportunity to live their life free from chronic headaches.



Science Source:

Headache. Stanford Health Care. 2021

Chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy for cervicogenic headache: a single-blinded, placebo, randomized controlled trial. BioMed Central. 2017. 10:310

Tensions Headaches. Mayo Clinic. 2019

Medication Overuse Headaches. Mayo Clinic. 2020 ruse-headache/symptoms-causes/syc-20377083

Further Reading: