Live LOUD Life PodcastLafayette Colorado
Episode 61
What They Told You About Arthritis & Tendonitis
With Dr. Antonio Gurule
Episode Highlights
- Overview of upcoming prenatal courses
- Defining arthritis and tendonitis –inflammation and aggravation typically associated with pain
- The benefits of loading weight & moving the body
- Avoiding arthritis and tendonitis with consistent daily movements
- The role of synovial fluid in keeping the joints healthy
About Dr. Antonio Gurule
- Father
- Doctor of Chiropractic
- Owner of Live LOUD
- Personal Trainer & Health Coach
Check Out Some of Our Other Blog Posts and Podcast Episodes
Why Changing Your Ergonomics Probably Won’t Help Your Pain EP|35
December 15, 2021
0 Comments29 Minutes
Anthony Gurule 00:00
Hey what’s up guys, welcome back to the Live Loud Life Podcast. My name is Dr. Antonio, your host of the Live Loud Life podcast. This show is brought to by Live Loud Chiropractic and Coaching. That is our practice in Lafayette, Colorado. My wife and I own Live Loud Chiropractic and Coaching. We help families through a variety and wide range of issues really starting with prenatal, postnatal, and pediatric care, while also then supporting the rest of the family from birth up into grandparents, older age, whatever that is. And our big focus is really just helping making families stronger. So that we can make our community stronger as a whole. And that you can express this loud life that you want to be able to live and pass that on to others just by setting an example about what health, fitness, strength, whatever that is to you looks like. And being that prime example I don’t know if you can hear right now. But in the background here we got some little baby chickens and ducks that are currently, they are hatched, they are currently baking under a heat lamp, as we are planning on closing on a property soon, which is amazing for us and our family and we’re gonna have just a little bit more space and hope we’re going to be having some chicken and some duck eggs. So that is what you may or may not hear in the background, not sure if you can hear that in the post edit.
Anthony Gurule 01:44
With that, a couple couple things we have coming down the pipeline. Nichelle is working with one of her good friends on a postnatal course. And what this postnatal course is, essentially, here’s all the things that we wish we knew, after we had babies, we been shown her, her friend who are doing this project again, not me. But there is application obviously to partners and husbands within that as well. From nutrition, from postpartum rehab, to postpartum mental health, you know, whatever that is, that’s going to be such an amazing course. And the reason why, when you’re pregnant, when your family is pregnant, all of the time, energy and focus is on you, up until birth, and then baby comes along, obviously, we want to make sure mom and baby are healthy and doing well. But then the focus starts transitioning on to baby– making sure that they’re gaining weight, making sure that they have everything they need. And oftentimes outside of the six week checkup that moms get, there’s not a lot of love given to the postpartum mama. And so they want to be able to fix that. So if that’s you, if that’s a friend, you know, if that’s you coming up in the future, be sure to look out for that we’ll be posting that on our Live Loud page, on our Instagram accounts, Nichelle’s personal Instagram, as well. And we don’t want to share too much about it, because it still kind of in the developmental stages, but that will be coming down the pipeline this year. Aside from that, speaking of pregnancy and postpartum, I generated-created generated-whatever you wanna call it. A course, that’s how to not suck at giving your pregnant partner massage. Obviously, us being body workers that’s something that we’re doing on the daily basis, helping our prenatal mamas. But it’s something that we advocate for at home, because there’s a ton of benefit for reducing aches and pains, for your pregnant partner, for the birth and labor preparation process of reducing restrictions within the abdominal wall and the pelvis so on and so forth to help with baby positioning and labor. But also from a connection standpoint, there’s a lot of changes going on in pregnancy. Again, I don’t know what those are, because I haven’t lived it. But I know when I’ve seen it happen through and with my wife for all three of our kiddos. And it’s a very challenging time when especially when it comes to touch and intimacy and different things like that. And not that this is an intimacy course. But the whole touch aspect is your as your body changing, it just it just feels different for not only you but also the partner. And so we wanted to help provide you a little bit of guidance on how you can give your pregnant partner some basic massages from hands which helps with carpal tunnel symptoms, from rubbing feet which helps with swelling, from working on the hips or the lower back, which is one of the main achy points or pain points when being pregnant. So if you’re interested, if you are a partner listening to this, and you’re interested in being able to provide your pregnant partner a better massage experience or have that touching connection point with you, I think I think you’d find that very handy and helpful. We’ll link that in the show notes and we all So I have that listed within our linktree in our Instagram account.
Anthony Gurule 05:06
And if you’re pregnant, or you’re about to be pregnant, or you know someone who’s pregnant, and you think that they might benefit from that, that’s a great, not passive aggressive, but insinuating gift to give to someone who’s like, Hey, would you watch this so that you feel more comfortable about giving me a massage, talking from the brain or Mama’s perspective. So it’s, it’s very, it’s very easy. We give some anatomical landmarks, it’s not clinical by any means we help describe what parts of hands can be used to make it more comfortable. It’s a short, it’s a very, very short, like, four hour course but it’s extremely, it’s extremely, extremely handy and beneficial to build upon that.
Anthony Gurule 05:53
Now, enough of the introductions, what I wanted to talk about today was arthritis, and tendinitis. Itis being the key and some different ways that I want you to, to look at arthritis and tendinitis As it pertains to what’s actually going on. Now to better describe, itis simply means inflammation. And usually associated with pain, right? Inflammation, usually associated with pain. It’s not always the case but usually associated with pain. So example, we’ll just use a bicep tendonitis. Bicep tendonitis, there could be multiple reasons as to why the bicep tendonitis in there and that first and foremost, what we’re trying not mean, first and foremost, but within the process of diagnosing and treating injuries, understanding the potential why something happened is a critical component. And this This is slightly foreshadowing for our conversation here. But also just knowing which tendon is irritated or inflamed is highly important to for knowing how to load properly, so on and so forth. But it essentially means the tendon is inflamed and irritated. Could be micro damage could be more damage, but the bicep tendonitis, tendon pain irritated. Okay. And usually that’s due to what as if you were to type this in, over use injuries, or, or too much loading or something like that, right? Does that make sense? Like usually it’s it’s described as wear and tear, or overuse, so on and so forth. And I’m going to dive a little bit more into that, hopefully help describe what that means.
Anthony Gurule 07:53
Now, we also can look at arthritis. arthro, meaning joint we can have inflammation of the joint. And most people associate this with knees, hips, shoulders, like these big major joints. Now, again, assumed and described as an overuse type of injury. For instance, if you run too much, you’re gonna destroy your knees and create arthritis, because of the wear and tear and impact. Now, that is not to say that load and too much load will not cause arthritis. But what we also have to we also have to know, not assume, but know is that load and force is one of the things that actually makes things stronger. Our body has this amazing ability to adapt and respond to the forces opposed upon it. Pending It is done at a level enough to elicit adaptation, and not so much that we create detrimental or possibly damaging effects. Okay, so there is this sweet spot of adaptation of loading just enough, but not too much that we create an issue. And that’s really where the magic happens. Now, what is that load? Well, it’s different for everyone. It’s different on a number of different criterias from your experience with lifting or loading or doing anything else. Not only that is how long you’ve been doing it, so for weightlifting, they they oftentimes called like your ‘weightlifting age’ of like how long you’ve been doing this because that that essentially will help someone determined how much how much your tendons have been under load and how much response and density they’ve built up over time.
Anthony Gurule 09:58
There’s also a number of just metabolic factors and conditions that would more so be in response to how your body recovers. So for instance, someone who might have like certain autoimmune conditions or certain conditions that just makes it harder for them to recover, that’s obviously gonna make your recovery from that adaptation more challenging. So there are, there are a number of things to consider. And we’re not going to dive into all those because that’s not what’s most important. What’s most important to understand, though, is that load is a good thing. But just like anything else, too much of a good thing could be a bad thing. But I think, more times than not, we’re erring, too far on the conservative side, assuming that too much load will create damage, and thus you will have more degeneration, or more arthritis or more tendinitis, thus leading to more damage, thus leading to more pain, thus leading to further intervention down the road, ie steroids, injections, MRIs, possible surgery. make sense? And the reason why we have to look at this is we have to have a conversation about how much you’re currently doing. And then we try to meet in that zone of adaptation.
Anthony Gurule 11:20
So for instance, right, in the the example of the bicep tendonitis, let’s say, for instance, hypothetically, that someone is working out, doing some form of HIIT training, which usually involves a lot of upper body stuff, five to six days a week, and they’ve only been doing this type of training for six months, okay, six months, relatively new. they’ve been lifting before, but it’s been mostly kind of like your basic bodybuilding. You know, less intense, less dynamic type of movements. Six months ago, they decide to start hitting trading, they start hitting it harder on they’re doing a lot of different things at speed and in a more dynamic fashion. So we can see that there is a direct change in the amount of load in which the shoulders were being exposed to, with possibly less recovery time and or not enough recovery time based on the new training methodology and style. So we can see a direct link and change to why an instance of a bicep tendon might be hurting. And so the question would then be, well, what’s the best approach to deal with this? Now, outside of an MRI, we wouldn’t necessarily know the extent of the possible damage to the tendon. But even with the MRI, you’re not going to fully know that unless there’s gross major damage and changes, okay, which your function and limitations and ability would would most likely be down because of that. So with, you know, with this story and example, making that assumption is that it’s slowly and gradually kind of crept up on us over the last six months, or realistically, maybe over the last six or eight weeks, we can make an assumption that we are above that zone of adaptation and the load is too much. Now, that does not mean we have to cut out all load. There are other factors that would be leading into this. And part of this is the biomechanical approach of leverage. There are certain movements in which when we’re talking about upper body movements, we might be loading or leveraging the bicep tendon too much and not sharing and distributing the load across other joints, such as the elbows, or other muscles, such as the pecs, the triceps and to your delts, so on and so forth. And they’re all involved in some capacity, but we’re really just looking like do we are we are we leveraging well enough, so our bigger muscles such as pecs, and delts are not taking as much load restraint as the bicep tendon might be?
Anthony Gurule 14:08
that’s a factor, the other factor would be recovery. The other factor you know, recovery involves diet, sleep, so on and so forth. So we can see a clear indication representation of why the tendon irritation or tendinitis occurred. But we cannot say that it’s because sorry, we know that it’s too much we’re just just above that zone of adaptation, but we cannot just assume that like the movement is bad because it just might be too much loading or too much weight or not enough recovery, then that’s part of the covering the rehab process is finding out what what really works, right. So I would argue that the majority of shoulder movements shouldn’t would be okay, pending we’re not significantly increasing pain within the shoulder and in thus in turn decrease in its function range of motion, swelling, and so on and so forth. Right? So we’re trying to find a middle ground of saying, hey, yeah, we would love you to keep working out, we just need to be a little bit more careful about what those might be based on those loading principles, so on and so forth. Now, what I, the reason why I wanted to share that story first was to go to the complete opposite way and talk about something as simple as knee arthritis-different. Again, we’re under the same assumption that load is the predominant factor that’s irritating, that irritating a tendon, a joint, a muscle, so on and so forth, right. And that is then in turn creating, itis, inflammation and pain. And we could say if we wanted to keep this consistent, we could say patellar tendonitis within the knee. We’re just going to say knee arthritis, patellar, patellar tendonitis and same, same region, same conversation.
Anthony Gurule 15:54
But here, we’re looking at an individual who’s been told they have knee arthritis. And they’re, let’s say, for instance, this has been an ongoing thing for the last three or four years. And essentially, the conversation is, hey, you’re doing too much on your knee, you need to you need to cut back and reduce how much load you’re putting onto your knee. Well, then the patient asked, well, what would those things be? What are your activities? Well, you know, I pretty much just walk the dog and that’s about all the extent of my exercise to do, I don’t do any resistance training or the like that well, walking, walking must be the thing that’s too much for your body. So you need to wait, let it rest, let it rest. And then you can get back to it. So we wait, and we wait. And we wait. And sometimes weeks, months, sometimes even years later, we’re still waiting for the thing to heal. Now, if you look at any, any sort of textbook, any sort of physiology textbook that talks about healing timelines, especially when you’re not doing anything, 12, six 8, 12, maybe 16 weeks is a pretty consistent timeline for when healing should occur. Right? Meaning that if you’ve been waiting that long, whatever has been quote, unquote, damaged, is healed, and that there shouldn’t be any more pain. But this is tricky about about this is the tricky part about pain. And we’ve had other episodes about pain before. But this is where you’re, we’re seeing well, if load is causing arthritis, but yet this person, or tendinitis, but yet this person isn’t doing anything, why are they still having this knee arthritis, tendonitis diagnosis, when they haven’t done anything, there’s no load even involved, but yet they’re still getting labeled as the knee is the issue and there’s some sort of damage, and that damage is irreplaceable and that it cannot change. And that’s what’s so interesting to then, you know, kind of tie this all back. Remember, the conversation of load elicits an adaptation response of strength. If you’re not loading tendons, connective tissues, muscles and joints, they will actually, I’m going to say it, I don’t want to say it but start to degenerate and weaken, if you don’t use them. It is a use it or lose it principle, right? If I was to not exercise, my knees would start to regenerate faster than if I did exercise.
Anthony Gurule 18:37
Are you argumentatively some of the extreme case, extreme extreme extreme case of too much exercise might be leading to some more damage on certain things. But you have to consider those that are doing those, they’re in tune with their programming, they’re in tune with their recovery, they’re in tune with their diet. Right. So the the likelihood of more inflammation and issues arising actually reduces. because in order to even do that much, you have to be dialed in. And outside of that, usually those individuals that have tendon issues or joint issues, they’re more accidental just based on sheer statistics of how many repetitions one might do and the likelihood of running into an issue of a bad rep or something happening. That’s the reason why not because they’re doing too much per se. And they’ve actually looked at this with marathon runners. marathon runners predominantly which are done on concrete and street running. They don’t have any more knee arthritis than a sedentary population that does not exercise and are in some would say an argumentavely based on the radiographs that they’re looking at that the sedentary population actually show more signs of degeneration than those who are running marathons and are more active. And they’re starting to dive into this more where when we look at the joint, the joint is essentially two bones that meet each other. Okay. And then within that we have a cartilage surface, which essentially is like a smooth surface, which allows for the two surfaces to rub together with less friction, okay, and they’re contoured based on the shape of the other one, so that you have this nice sliding and free free moving joint. Now that is controlled, and the amount of range of motion is controlled through the muscles, but also the ligaments. And then within that the majority of our joints are what we call a synovial joint. So there’s a capsule This is a fibrous capsule that holds synovial fluid within the joints. So if we look at, I’m going to describe this and also show up but if I have my two knuckles together as a joint, I have, per se a piece of saran wrap that attaches the two joints together. And then within that saran wrap, I have this like oil, this like lubricant and oil that helps keep the joint a little slippery and lubricated. Okay, it is a fluid. And that fluid has a number of different properties within it, which helps keep it healthy. But as with most fluids within our body, that fluid ebbs and flows and moves as a result of movement. So as an example, the majority of our venus return, while our heart is pumping, and we have blood pressure is pumping through the rest of our body. And that pressure helps return that fluid back to the heart, the majority of that is actually pumped back through our body through movements. So our veins don’t have any contractile or tensile properties like a capillary would or your arteries, right sorry, arteries, not capillaries, per se, arteries would. And so they’re basically just a hollow tube, but they have a one-way valve. So as I move my arm, my muscle actually contracts and that squeezes blood out of the system, it goes through the veins, and then that backflow valve prevents, prevents essentially blood from backing up.
Anthony Gurule 22:00
Okay, so the joints are, are very similar in the fact that you need to move the joint in order to move new synovial fluid in and out it. is constantly be an interchanged. That’s the recovery model that we’ve been talking about, right. Unlike your automobile, which does not auto generate that lubrication, you have to drain it and refill it, we’re able to constantly do that on a daily basis through movement. And you need to do that, because what they’re starting to see is that you’re actually starting to see degenerative excess growth and changes to the cartilaginous surfaces and bony surfaces as a result of not moving. Think of it almost like like, like a self smoothing piece of sandpaper where we have two joints that are moving together that keep each other nice and smooth, not so much that they’re grinding into each other, but just enough to just smooth it out. So we have this nice slick piece of ice that the two sides can can have a relationship with, which is fantastic, because that allows the joint to articulate. Now, the question that we commonly get when we’re talking about this stuff is like, Well, what about what about a crunchy joint? Does that mean there’s more crud or crap in there that’s causing that’s, that’s going to be chipping away and wearing and tearing at it? No, it doesn’t. Now there are instances of a loose body where you have a fragment for whatever reason that has come off. But the majority of this is again, we have two surfaces rubbing together, you’re bound to get a little friction, and you’re bound to get some crunchiness. But you also have ligaments that are rolling over bones, you also have muscles that are moving, there’s a number of different factors. So if you have if you have crunchy joints, which we’ll do another whole show on, this probably does not mean that you’re wearing down the joint, you just have two surfaces rubbing together. Now it wouldn’t be different is if you move the joint and you had a significant pop or sound and there is a pain that listed with it. That could be an indication of potentially something more but we’re not talking about that right now. Right? We’re talking about two joint surfaces that need that need to rub against each other to help auto regulate their their borders and their surface in addition to moving more as helping synovial fluid pump in and out which keeps your joints nice and lubricated. All of which keeps a nice healthy joint so that you can load it and then you need to load it enough and more so that you reach the zone of adaptation to elicit and keep this auto regulation or auto regenerative properties going on. That is the whole reason why movement and skeletal muscle density which then in turn leads to healthier joints is a huge proponent of longevity. The more the more mobile you are right, the more you’re able to move around on your own, the longer you are more likely to live. Those that are required to have more assistance for basic movements, their mortality rate goes up. So if anything if all you do to live longer, is keep your muscles in your joints healthy. That’s good. Now the same goes true. That’s just a side note, why there’s a lot of talk about brain health and brain activity in stimulating your brain. It’s our body regenerates based on external stimulus. So if you externally stimulate your brain, if you externally stimulate your muscles, your joints, your tendons, you will continue to make them stronger. Now what what commonly happens is we get tripped up in this. And I’m not saying this completely wrong, but we get tripped up in this model of lightweight and high repetitions, assuming that heavier weight is more damaging, again, more damaging to our joints and our tendons and ligaments. That is not the case. There are benefits to a lightweight high repetition methodology and programming. But that is not the sole focus, there is a ton of benefit with doing slightly heavier again, relative to you. Resistance training, to again, elicit proper muscle adaptation, growth, strength, neurological conditioning, as well as conditioning for your joints. Now, even more important than that is full range of motion. So I was having this conversation with someone else earlier this week who was complaining of neck pain. And I hadn’t seen her for a year and a half for a few different reasons. But we were talking about workstation, ergonomics, and posture, and I just did an Instagram video on this as well, where I don’t demonize posture, I simply have a conversation about how posture should be dynamic. And yet we run into static positions from time to time, like I’ve been sitting here with you guys for 27 minutes. Now, I am hunched and I’m over. if I was to be doing this for 56468 hours a day, that might start creating some issues within my back, because I’m simply not moving the joints of ligaments, the tendons. See where we’re going with this, right. But what we start to see is, we live in this world, I am framing the image of me right now on the camera, I’ve only been looking here, and the majority of us, we only look here throughout the whole day, maybe down a little bit to a phone or a book or a laptop. But when was the last time you’ve literally looked all the way up towards the sky, right, or keeping your shoulders square as far left as you can. And as far right as you can. when was the last time you turn all the way to the left, or all the way to the right. When was the last time you took all three of those planes of motion and combined them together. So for instance, I could tip my head back to the side and then rotate left or right. So it would look something like this if you’re watching. Right, so I’m carving out this this 3D representation of all of the possible range of motion and positions that my joints should be able to go into. Now I’m not saying you have to use every single joint through its full range of motion every single day. While that would be awesome and ideal, it’s usually not going to happen. But for shoulders, when was the last time you extended back as far as you can, thus creating a lot of tension in the front creating restrictions within the joint. For the spine, we flex a lot. But do we typically don’t go through like a lot of true good flexion and or extension, not to mention lateral flexion and rotation. So we see while we’re trying to do our best efforts of exercising even functional training, which is, you know, just plastered everywhere. We still miss out on so many opportunities to condition, the muscles, the tendons, the connective tissue and the joints by going through just proper range of motion. Now this is not stretching per se, This is a movement modality if you will, which is specifically intended to elicit using your joints through full ranges of motion, right?
Anthony Gurule 29:00
So how would that look, let’s just, we already gave the the example of the cervical spine or the neck. for your wrist, it might just be some wrist circles, right? We’re constantly in flexion. Very rarely, we might be going up and down, side to side or rotation or any combination of that. Right. the shoulder we already talked about, a flexion we do a lot of flexion. And you know kind of out to the side. But even just bringing our arms over the head, it is surprising actually some of my patients who have not lifted their head, their arms over their head and in a while. I’ll say that right? And it creates a lot of stiffness around the joints. you can get it back but it makes it a lot harder if you haven’t done it in a while. now on top of just the shoulder. The hip. while we sit it goes through some flexion we walk it goes through a little bit of extension, but we hardly challenge it into internal rotation, external rotation or a reduction or bringing it away like we would with our arm So what I want to challenge you guys to do, and I don’t have I had a previously done like mobility challenge, if you will not like a competition or anything like that, but just encouraging this principle of moving your joints throughout the day and, and this, this reminds me, I need to revamp that and update that. But I challenge you to take and think about all your joints. And think about different ways in which you can move that. now you don’t have to be, you don’t have to be a chiropractor or, or a personal trainer or movement coach to do this. Most people understand movement to a basic degree, right.
Anthony Gurule 30:45
So for instance, let’s start with some of the more simple ones, your toes. your toes are flat when you’re on the ground. And then when you walk, they go through extension, so they bend up, right to propel yourself going forward. without shoes, when was the last time you will curled your toes underneath and kind of got the tops of your toes on the ground and push down on them, creating toe flexion? I guarantee I guarantee the majority of you haven’t done that in the last day for sure. The last week, and I bet the majority of you have not done that last month. Now, why does that matter? What’s you know, I don’t have any toe issues or pain like I’m doing just fine. Yeah, true. I mean, but I’m coming at it from a different model, right? As we already indicated, the movement model for mortality is is directly correlated, right. And what’s one of the main things that you need to be able to do as an adult as you grow older to regain and have as much, you know, independence and control? walking. So, you know, I would hate for anybody to have such stiff feet and toes, that walking does become painful. And I’m not saying it well, this is not a this is not a scare tactic, saying if you don’t stretch your toes, you’re gonna die sooner. That is not what this is. So, you know, calm down, all y’all out there. But this is just a brief example to explore and see how to take the movement process of just simply moving aside from stretching aside from strength training, both of which are still important, and just trying to move the joints through all this range of motion to re-lubricate your synovial fluid, to smoothen out the surfaces that are gliding against each other, to strengthen the connective tissue that surrounds it to densify and make stronger the tendons and the ligaments that are also there. Right. But again, there’s a load principle, you cannot just mobilize and stretch your way to stronger, healthier joints. there is an element of loading that has to happen. We’ve talked about that loading the adaptation zone. And not enough is not going to elicit what we want. But yet sometimes too much. Most people assume we’re in the too much when I actually think we’re actually in the not enough. But yet, then we want to make good changes. And then we see this spike, remember the story of the crossfader they were lifting before we know they had good strong joints, but yet they did or sorry, cross it or hit training. But yet over the last six months, they change what they are doing, we saw a significant spike in load of the bicep tendon based on the activities that they were doing over the last six months. And we can then make a pretty accurate prediction and assessment that that was probably the cause of it. So just because we’re down here, majority of time, we call this the weekend warrior right? Throughout the week, most of us aren’t doing enough, we’re more sedentary than not but that on the weekends, we want to go play and we want to go play hard. And so we do a 20 mile bike ride, or we do an eight mile trail run. your body’s not conditioned to do that–the tendons the muscles, the ligaments have not been conditioned and densified and strengthened enough to withstand that. And then you see this tendinitis or joint pain or arthritis response because of a peak in loading not because the consistent thing so that’s where working with a coach is so beneficial. they’re more or less just there to help you manage load to reduce injuries to get you to do the most that you can by also reducing injuries by keeping you know kind of control and reins on how far and much you want to push. athlete dependent, person dependent, recovery dependent. Okay, but I hope I hope that this at least sparked some questions that you can ask your providers. I hope that it gave you a little bit more confidence in your joints condition that the majority of you most likely do not have this life altering joint arthritis that’s going to require a replacement– a quote unquote replacement down the road, or significant tendon damage that you’ve been told, Well, you know, just keep going until it gets really bad. And then we’ll just do surgery on it. No, there’s so much you can do, you just need to know and understand the appropriate amount of what to do. And if you don’t know, that’s why there’s professionals, skilled chiropractors that are good at rehab, skilled physical therapists, and honestly, really good personal trainers and rehab professionals, that know training and loading would be phenomenal.
Anthony Gurule 35:32
And sometimes it’s just a console, hey, this is what’s going on. What do you think, Oh, well, what are you doing? And we go through the conversation of figuring out how much you’re doing? Is it too much? Is it too little? could you supplement some additional prehab,rehab, or strength training movements to further strengthen the ligaments connective tissue, and joints so on and so forth. And and I think that would be highly beneficial.
Anthony Gurule 35:55
Now, as a caveat, because I have heard this said before, and I just don’t want people to get caught up in semantics. Someone was arguing essentially, like joints, you can’t strengthen joints, you know, indicating that strength training doesn’t strengthen the knee, you can strengthen the muscles around it. But when we’re talking about strength then, think of it as again, like craving more density, making it more resilient. So in my mind, you can strengthen a knee, you can strengthen the cartilage, you can strengthen the bone, you can strengthen the ligaments around it, all of which can be strengthened because of the load response, the impact that’s actually being absorbed into the body will then feel oh, I am getting more load into me, I need to thicken, I need to strengthen, I need to become stronger to withstand what’s being asked of me.
Anthony Gurule 36:51
So I have confidence in you, I hope you have confidence in yourself. If you don’t you need someone in your corner that can help you gain that confidence to create more positive experiences with movement. No one wants to feel limited by basic activities, right? You want to be able to do the things that you want to be able to do. Now, There are things that I was able to do when I was younger that I’m currently not able to do if I wanted to do those I could, but I don’t have the time, or the training plan to be able to accomplish those right now. So don’t just assume that “Oh, I used to be able to do those things I’ll never be able to,” it all comes back down to the proper training and loading to help squash arthritis to help eliminate tendinitis, whatever it is that you feel like you’re struggling with. I know this can help.
Anthony Gurule 37:45
Live LOUD Life podcasts. Thanks for tuning in. If you got a buddy who’s you know always like oh my tendinitis is flaring up or, you know, my arthritis is so bad. Share this with them. you know, it’s it’s extremely helpful conversation, if not at least provide some ammunition so that they can go to their order their PCP or whoever is harping on them about arthritis and tendonitis and start asking some better questions, helps them start Googling maybe some different providers in the area to help again, create that confidence in your body so that you can move your joints more, make them stronger and live longer and live a loud life. Thanks, guys. See you next time.