
Headaches What Type of Headache Do You Have? Over 90% of people will have at least one headache in their life. For some, occasional headaches can turn into a daily occurrence that disturbs both work and hobbies. In many cases, headaches aren't associated with a disease but are instead a result of your daily habits and actions. The most common triggers for a headache include…


Extremities Shoulder Pain: How to Find Relief Your shoulder is the most unstable and moveable joint in your body. Its wide range of motion occurs due to four primary muscles and their tendons, which together are called the rotator cuff. If your shoulder becomes inflamed or an impingement happens, you may make the mistake of trying to avoid using your arm to help it heal. It…

Healthy Habits and Resolutions

Healthy Habits and Resolutions Setting Smart Health Goals Have you ever felt like you were working hard but weren't making any progress toward your goals? You're not alone. Most people feel that way each year around their time. They set goals, take a few action steps but never seem to accomplish very much. Often the problem isn't a lack of motivation- it's just that…

Spinal Discs

Spinal Discs What are Spinal Discs Made Of? We all know spinal discs are important- but to understand why, the real question is; what are they made of? Your spinal discs are little cushions that sit between the bones or vertebrae in your spine. Each one of your discs is made up of a tough, fibrous outer layer (annulus fibrosis) and a jelly-like inside layer (the…

What Causes Inflammation?

What Causes Inflammation? Chronic inflammation is one of the most significant health issues many of us will face today. It's been linked to everything from chronic pain to a wide range of other mild and serious medical conditions. It's important not to mistake acute inflammation for chronic inflammation. Acute inflammation describes your body's natural defense mechanism…

What is the Cause of Low Back Pain?

What is the Cause of Low Back Pain? What Causes Low Back Pain? Low back pain is the number one reason people worldwide visit their doctor and miss work. If you've dealt with it in the past (or maybe even right now), you know back pain can change your life in an instant. Not being able to enjoy hobbies, difficulty in your ability to work, and a sneaking suspicion…

How Fertile are You? | EP 92

Live LOUD Life Podcast Lafayette Colorado How Fertile are You? EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: fertility is 1/3 male, 1/3 female, 1/2 we don’t know women are more likely to take charge and find out solutions than males Sperm count on a 60% decline since the 1960s Males need a sperm analysis, blood analysis, and hormone analysis. What are some of the lifestyle things…

Weights Won’t Make you Bulky EP|91

Live LOUD Life Podcast Lafayette Colorado Weights Won’t Make you Bulky EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: What does it take to get bulky? You can have mass and size in different ways. The definition of one rep max. Functional strength and hypertrophy. General hypertrophy training intensity. Nutrition is a key factor. Building muscle mass with moderate weight.…

Why you Can’t Follow Through with Your Goals EP | 90

Live LOUD Life Podcast Lafayette Colorado Why you Can’t Follow Through with Your Goals EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: Systemizing and automating your life. Focus on a few components of the wellness wheel. Creating clarity of what you actually want. How to formulate systems that work for your season of life. Patient’s first steps. The importance of doing the…

Should You Stretch or Move First? | EP 89

Live LOUD Life Podcast Lafayette Colorado Should You Stretch or Move First? EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS:   How structure and function influence function. What is the cause of osteoarthritis in patients It’s not the structure but the function that is the issue. Change function, change behaviors - for the positive. How to improve your function.  ……