Live Loud Chiropractic

Why Stretching Might Not Be The Best If You Are Pregnant EP|58

Live LOUD Life Podcast
Lafayette Colorado

Episode 58

Why Stretching Might Not Be The Best If You Are Pregnant EP|58

With Dr. Antonio Gurule

Connect With Antonio and the Live LOUD team:

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Guiding your to the adventurous life you were made for!

If you dig this give it a like ❤️, if you’re loving it let me hear you with a comment 🗣👂, and if you know it will help someone or anyone out please share 👥📲


Live Loud Chiropractic and Coaching Top Chiropractor and Physical Therapy in Lafayette Colorado Serving Boulder County Boulder, Longmont, Louisville, Erie, Broomfield, and Arvada Colorado

About Dr. Antonio Gurule

Nutrition Building Blocks Broken Down


  • Father
  • Doctor of Chiropractic
  • Owner of Live LOUD
  • Personal Trainer & Health Coach

Anthony Gurule  00:00

Hey what’s up guys, welcome back to another episode of the Live LOUD Life podcast. My name is Dr. Antonio, I’m your host of the Live LOUD Life podcast. My wife and I, we co-own Live LOUD Chiropractic and Coaching here in Lafayette, Colorado. We are just outside of Boulder, Colorado in Boulder County. And our mission is to help families. We want to help make families stronger, so that we can build a stronger community. We want to help guide you to the adventurous life that you and your family were meant for. And we do this through chiropractic and coaching. chiropractic, obviously being more of a hands on approach, more of a clinical conversation, clinical diagnostics, but the coaching aspect is really what we believe is, you know, the foundation of what our system methodology, whatever you want to call it is, because a lot of this comes around through just coaching suggestions and recommendations. also, you know, obviously within that comes into clinical prescriptions of certain things to eat or supplements, so on and so forth. But it’s coaching a lifestyle, it’s coaching, it’s coaching a philosophy and a foundation about how to live an active healthy life as an individual, and setting an example of a healthy active life for your family, for your immediate family, for your friends, and more importantly for your community. So stronger families to make a stronger community as a whole would be a win win, right? And that’s what we want to be able to do. we want to be able to help fill in the gaps in the holes that you’re maybe not getting from, from other roles and conditions.


Anthony Gurule  01:43

And today that’s in particular where we’re going to talk about. it’s going to be a little bit more of a shorter episode because this is more of a quote unquote, you know, just discussion around how to lay out a framework and a better understanding of how to work out or what exercises are safe or maybe not safe during pregnancy. This is a very, very common question that we get.


Anthony Gurule  02:12

My wife Nichelle has created a mini course that has some workout ideas, recommendations, and prescriptions than laid out into a workout. She guides and  educates other clinicians on how to broach this topic as a chiropractor, how to better serve prenatal patients through chiropractic care, but also exercise recommendations and prescriptions, having recommendations with other personal trainers within the community whether that’s CrossFit whether that’s Orange Theory, chatting with coaches and owners and saying hey, if you have prenatal patients and they’re having these types of symptoms, or this has happened, here’s some better recommendations, not modifications. We call them lateralizations–you’re just you know, you’re doing something something different or something else we you know, we borrow that term from Charlie Weingroff, who’s a physical therapist and strength conditioning coach. But it also and also doulas, right, doulas and midwives and OBs who are directly involved with the prenatal process from nearly conception all the way through, having this conversation. we know that exercise is important during pregnancy,


Anthony Gurule  03:19

There are so many different studies that talk about the benefits of exercising during pregnancy, not only for the mom, but also for baby, which is quite interesting. They’re seeing increased cognitive-what’s the word I’m looking for? Excuse me, their cognitive output as a as an as a child through as they age is actually better from moms that actually worked out during pregnancy.


Anthony Gurule  03:50

Now this is tough, right? How do you define working out or exercise? it’s different for everybody. But we want to, and we encourage that, and yet we’re sympathetic to the different stages of life, aches and pains, so on and so forth, which obviously would limit what you can do from an exercise perspective. So you know, it’s a bit of a gray area on determining what is working out? what is exercise? What are the physical guidelines or recommendations for pregnancy? And without getting into the like, nitty gritty detail of every single thing. And obviously, every potential situation, if you had this versus this, what could happen? we’re not gonna be able to do that. What we just want to lay out is what is what are we trying to accomplish here, and we want to encourage you to stay as physically active as possible.


Anthony Gurule  04:41

And one of the things that constantly comes up is, well, should you add something in that you have not already been doing? Let’s say for instance, someone just through the stages of life with work and kids or whatever that is, they were not able to work out as much before they got pregnant, but now that they’re pregnant, whether they have more time or they understand the importance of exercises during pregnancy, well, would we say, “Well, you haven’t been exercising, so you shouldn’t do too much.” No, that doesn’t, that doesn’t really make sense. Now, we would encourage not to do too much, there’s obviously, you know, a too far swinging the pendulum of the other way. But we wouldn’t say “no, don’t exercise because you weren’t doing something before,” we just have to find those first few stepping stones to help them start to gain some momentum. and help hold their hand, if you will, So that their technique and they feel confident about lifting, or how far they’re walking or whatever that is. And that’s an important topic, because a lot of times people want to add things in, but they weren’t quite ready or weren’t doing them before. And they then assume that they’re not able to do them at all. So you do have to take that in consideration, there is a ton that you can do, and that you can still add, even though you weren’t doing them prior to pregnancy.


Anthony Gurule  05:54

Now on the big questions is, is it safe? you know, outside to contact sports, or different things like that the majority of what you’re going to do is safe for pregnancy, right? Rock climbing, we have pregnant patients that have been rock climbing before, obviously, there’s a certain inherent risk with certain sports or activities. You know, you could fall off riding your bike, you could fall over running, right, so we’re not encouraging any of these by any means. We’re just kind of, you know, setting some suggestions, if you will. And you have to take into consideration.


Anthony Gurule  06:31

Now, there are certain things to consider when you’re talking about like weightlifting, and how heavy and the intensity that you’re doing. And if you’re doing Valsalva movements, which is essentially holding your breath to maintain a more rigid or stiff torso, as you’re seeing changes in blood volume and blood pressure, you know, you do have to take that in consideration. And that is again, of course a conversation with your provider that is managing your, your pregnancy, but we recommend Mama’s weight lift, or do resistance training. During pregnancy, again, we talked about about load management and the intensity and things like that, but you can still lift and do fairly intense things. And it’s a fairly as a you know, as a scale and a wide range during pregnancy and see a ton of benefit from that. Now, are we trying to hit one rep maxes and PRs during pregnancy, I mean, some would argue yes, but I would argue, why, that’s not really an accurate representation of what your strength is anyways. So you know, you do have to to kind of keep manipulating the numbers and the weights and the intensity and the sets and reps in order to do it. But weightlifting and resistance training is safe, and it is effective. Now, outside of that, there’s not a lot of unsafe things to do, again, outside of contact sports, or things that would elicit, you know, potential trauma to you or baby based on impact we’ve had, again, not our recommendations, but some have tried very just easy scheme, because they’re in the winter months, and they wanted to and they felt very confident about not falling. So you know, you have those types of things.


Anthony Gurule  08:16

Overall, again, we’re talking about movement. You need to move, and it’s good to get your heart rate up. And it’s good to breathe hard. So that doesn’t mean just because you’re pregnant, you can’t do HIIT training or circuit training or CrossFit or Orange Theory. But you do have to listen to your body and understand certain signs that would indicate that things might be too much, right? Now those are going to be different for everyone, but a lot of this comes down to you know, lightheadedness, you know, breathing too hard. Certain aches and pains within lower extremity, chest, abdomen, so on and so forth would be obviously like your more extreme ones. If you’re becoming pale or anything like that, I mean, again, these are the same criteria, though, that would be if someone else was working out or training too hard. So it’s realistically the same thing. It’s just that your threshold level for all those most likely have gone down. And depending on what type of an athlete you were before, you’re going to be maybe a little frustrated that you’re not able to do the things you were able to do previously, which makes sense. But if you’re someone who wasn’t exercising before, you’re probably going to be a little bit more hyper aware of that, of just feeling that shortness of breath or that uneasiness. So again, we’re not saying you have to push through that because we’re not trying to set yourself up for a strength and conditioning program to increase your metabolic capacity to increase your strength and conditioning during pregnancy. We’re trying to help you maintain a healthy active pregnancy.


Anthony Gurule  09:54

Now, walking. walking is great. but in general, we encourage you to do something above and beyond walking. Obviously, again, certain things would dictate that you would not be able to do so. And this is again, any exercise. Any exercise that you do during pregnancy needs to be consulted with and work through and have a conversation with the primary physician who is managing your pregnancy, whether that’s your nurse practitioner, your midwife or your OB or obstetrician, right. But we would encourage more than just walking. walking is fantastic, but that’s kind of like your baseline minimum, right? Just like our activities, or recommendation activity guidelines. We want a few days a week of where we’re kind of just doing this steady state getting our steps in, you know, kind of pushing ourselves, we’re huffing and puffing, but still just kind of at that conversational level, but you’re not really getting a lot of benefits outside of that.


Anthony Gurule  10:55

So if you’re just walking, high five. kudos. can you do something more? Can you do some bodyweight squats? Can you do some bodyweight, you know, good mornings? can you do some walking lunges? do you have a suspension training, we’re able to do some bodyweight rows? Do you have some bands that you can do some rows with? You know, there’s a lot that you can do that allows you to get a little bit more out of that. Now, again, this all comes back down to preferences of exercises that you like to do, because that’s gonna allow you to maintain the most consistency, but then also the intensity that you like to do. And we do encourage having an open mind and at least being willing to try some high intensity things that allow you to still get your heart rate up a little bit. And it’s okay to lift more than five or 10 pounds. And not saying that that is a bad thing. There’s programs out there where it’s all directed around that where it’s lighter weight, high rep, but I just don’t want individuals and mamas to feel like they’re not able to do more and or being ashamed because other people are just saying they should back off because they’re pregnant. “why would you need a lift that much?” It fits within your strength, and your comfort, and your wheelhouse, that is totally fine.


Anthony Gurule  12:05

Again, you if you’ve been doing that enough, you understand the risk reward ratio and having a conversation with your practitioner has driven us to kind of help navigate and guide as you start to get further through pregnancies, what things maybe we need to change or manipulate. But that’s totally fine. Now outside of that, the question around safe also comes up around core exercises. diastasis recti, pelvic floor strength, so on and so forth, we want to enhance the capability of understanding how to control tension within your abdominal wall and your pelvic floor through pregnancy, because the pressure is increasing due to baby taking up more space. But we’re not we’re not necessarily we’re not gaining more strength, right.


Anthony Gurule  12:45

And so what a lot of people assume it’s when we’ve seen this, is “I don’t want diastasis. So I’m doing more core work to prevent diastasis from happening.” diastasis recti will happen in 100% of moms, it’s estimated at the week 35 Everyone will have some form of it. Now it is technically not a quote unquote diagnosis, though, until 12 weeks postpartum, because it is a normal thing that everyone will get. So you can’t diagnose someone with something that everyone will get–doesn’t make sense, right? So after that, though, if you still have weakness or spacing issues, then we can have a you know, a stronger conversation about putting a diagnosis on that.


Anthony Gurule  13:26

But what we’re trying to enhance and help is what exercises are quote unquote, not safe versus unsafe, but adding too much pressure or tension into the abdominal wall or the pelvic floor and creating more laxity. again, as that pressure for as baby’s growing starts to put more pressure on the pelvic floor and the abdominal wall. If you’re doing more things that increases the pressure within the within the abdominal cavity that’s going to push on that separation even more and/or push on that pelvic floor even more, creating potential incontinence or prolapse issues and/or more bulging and doming within the abdominal wall stretching out that separation or that gap even further, potentially making the recovery process more challenging or slightly longer. I’m not saying that it will but potentially, so we do have to take that in consideration. So we go through activation exercise of the pelvic floor, of the abdominal wall so that you better understand how to control those pressure increases while you’re lifting or exercising so that you simply can stay at a management level.


Anthony Gurule  14:28

And that in turn, helps you get through pregnancy of understanding how to lift up your older kiddo, having to lift up dog food or anything like that. It’s just managing and controlling pressure. So there’s really not anything that I would say that safe or unsafe. Now, things that we would advise against for core exercises is sit ups or crunches. You know a lot of those things that create like hanging knee raises and different things like that during pregnancy. A lot of those things that create a lot of intra abdominal pressure and tension. and especially during a flex position, that tends to put a lot more pressure on the abdominal wall, the separation where diastasis will occur as well as the pelvic floor.


Anthony Gurule  15:09

So, you know, while we never say never, there’s definitely a category of things that we definitely urge against because the risk/reward benefit and again, risk not being “injured,” But risk of potentially putting more pressure and making the recovery process  on the other side harder, is not is not something that we find to be as advantageous. But you can still get the benefits of quote unquote, core exercises through full body movements such as goblet squats, such as deadlifts, you know, depending on the phase that you’re in, push ups, which are, you know, a dynamic plank. or being able to do a TRX row, which is a reverse plank as you’re just lifting yourself up. three point rows where you’re on, you know, two hands or doing like a row on a bench, where you’re in a tabletop position that’s adding anti rotation exercises. So there’s a ton that you can do that still highlights and isolates, the core isolates, sorry. that highlights and will emphasize core activation, but through a full body compound movement. And what’s great about that is during pregnancy, depending on your energy levels, it’s hard to do all the little isolated accessory and all these separate exercises as it is. So it’s kind of nice being able to combine everything, so you get more bang for your buck, especially if you’re a parent and you’re on and you’re on baby number two or three, right?


Anthony Gurule  16:31

So what exercises are safe for pregnant women to do? All are. reduce or eliminate for sure contact activities, different things like that. the increased risk activities of you know, trauma and things like that. Outside of that you’re managing pressure, I would definitely encourage reducing anything that’s heavy lifting, that’s, that’s requiring you to do Valsalva moves, you’re having to hold your breath for an extended period of time. that changes blood pressure, so on and so forth. But outside of that, Pregnancy is a completely safe time to do all exercises. we definitely as we highlighted, urge and encourage, you know, certain things over other ones just for you know, added bang for your buck or full body movements, so on and so forth. And that, but outside of that you are free to do what you want.


Anthony Gurule  17:19

If you want guidance, though, you know, there are there are trainers out there that work specifically with prenatal patients. we would love to be able to have that conversation with you if that’s something you want to bounce back or navigate. Because we do want to encourage as much as we can. A very, very active pregnancy through exercise working out or however you want to describe that. So if you found this beneficial, please like share, subscribe. if you’re pregnant, I hope you can utilize this and take some of the information for you and yourself. If you have anyone else you know… a relative a family member, a friend who is pregnant and they’re unsure they’ve been you know asking this question what things I don’t know what things I can do. I don’t know if it’s safe for baby share this video with them. We’d love to be able to provide a better frame of reference and or context to be able to ask better questions so that they can find the workout program  or the movements that work best for them during their pregnancy. Until next time guys live loud .if you’re currently pregnant, Congratulations, and we look forward to helping and serving in the future.

Live Loud Chiropractic

How To Workout With Kids Around And Busy Lives EP|57

Live LOUD Life Podcast
Lafayette Colorado

Episode 57

How To Workout With Kids Around And Busy Lives EP|57

With Dr. Antonio Gurule

The Physical Activity Guidelines For Americans:

2 hours and 30 mins to 5 Hours of moderate-intensity Aerobic Exercise a week


1 hour and 15 mins to 2 hours and 30 mins of vigorous-intensity Aerobic Exercise a wekk


2 days a week of muscle-strengthening activities a week


Only 53% of Americans over the age of 18 are hitting the aerobic exercise minimum


Only 23% of Americans over the age of 18 are hitting the aerobic exercise and muscle-strengthening activities

This is part two of our physical activity guidelines conversation

Knowing exercise is important how do you accomplish these goals when you are a busy parent, especially with younger kids or toddlers

You just do!

All jokes aside you have to set somewhat of a plan

What do we mean?

I am going to work out during their mid-day nap.


My child always does really well with alone playtime in the mid-morning and that is when I can capitalize on my workout time frame.

Many times parents will default to doing all of the other things we have to do as parents when there is downtime, but there is always time to do those things that take realistically less energy and we should be prioritizing things like working out during those down times.


Connect With Antonio and the Live LOUD team:

Subscribe to my YouTube channel here:

Visit the website:

Like the Facebook page:

Follow on Instagram:

Guiding your to the adventurous life you were made for!


If you dig this give it a like ❤️, if you’re loving it let me hear you with a comment 🗣👂, and if you know it will help someone or anyone out please share 👥📲

Live Loud Chiropractic and Coaching Top Chiropractor and Physical Therapy in Lafayette Colorado Serving Boulder County Boulder, Longmont, Louisville, Erie, Broomfield, and Arvada Colorado

About Dr. Antonio Gurule

Nutrition Building Blocks Broken Down


  • Father
  • Doctor of Chiropractic
  • Owner of Live LOUD
  • Personal Trainer & Health Coach

Anthony Gurule  00:00

Hey what’s up guys, welcome back to another episode of the Live LOUD Life podcast. My name is Dr. Antonio, I’m your host of the Live LOUD Life podcast. My wife and I, we co-own Live LOUD Chiropractic and Coaching here in Lafayette, Colorado. We are just outside of Boulder, Colorado in Boulder County. And our mission is to help families. We want to help make families stronger, so that we can build a stronger community. We want to help guide you to the adventurous life that you and your family were meant for. And we do this through chiropractic and coaching. chiropractic, obviously being more of a hands on approach, more of a clinical conversation, clinical diagnostics, but the coaching aspect is really what we believe is, you know, the foundation of what our system methodology, whatever you want to call it is, because a lot of this comes around through just coaching suggestions and recommendations. also, you know, obviously within that comes into clinical prescriptions of certain things to eat or supplements, so on and so forth. But it’s coaching a lifestyle, it’s coaching, it’s coaching a philosophy and a foundation about how to live an active healthy life as an individual, and setting an example of a healthy active life for your family, for your immediate family, for your friends, and more importantly for your community. So stronger families to make a stronger community as a whole would be a win win, right? And that’s what we want to be able to do. we want to be able to help fill in the gaps in the holes that you’re maybe not getting from, from other roles and conditions.


Anthony Gurule  01:43

And today that’s in particular where we’re going to talk about. it’s going to be a little bit more of a shorter episode because this is more of a quote unquote, you know, just discussion around how to lay out a framework and a better understanding of how to work out or what exercises are safe or maybe not safe during pregnancy. This is a very, very common question that we get.


Anthony Gurule  02:12

My wife Nichelle has created a mini course that has some workout ideas, recommendations, and prescriptions than laid out into a workout. She guides and  educates other clinicians on how to broach this topic as a chiropractor, how to better serve prenatal patients through chiropractic care, but also exercise recommendations and prescriptions, having recommendations with other personal trainers within the community whether that’s CrossFit whether that’s Orange Theory, chatting with coaches and owners and saying hey, if you have prenatal patients and they’re having these types of symptoms, or this has happened, here’s some better recommendations, not modifications. We call them lateralizations–you’re just you know, you’re doing something something different or something else we you know, we borrow that term from Charlie Weingroff, who’s a physical therapist and strength conditioning coach. But it also and also doulas, right, doulas and midwives and OBs who are directly involved with the prenatal process from nearly conception all the way through, having this conversation. we know that exercise is important during pregnancy,


Anthony Gurule  03:19

There are so many different studies that talk about the benefits of exercising during pregnancy, not only for the mom, but also for baby, which is quite interesting. They’re seeing increased cognitive-what’s the word I’m looking for? Excuse me, their cognitive output as a as an as a child through as they age is actually better from moms that actually worked out during pregnancy.


Anthony Gurule  03:50

Now this is tough, right? How do you define working out or exercise? it’s different for everybody. But we want to, and we encourage that, and yet we’re sympathetic to the different stages of life, aches and pains, so on and so forth, which obviously would limit what you can do from an exercise perspective. So you know, it’s a bit of a gray area on determining what is working out? what is exercise? What are the physical guidelines or recommendations for pregnancy? And without getting into the like, nitty gritty detail of every single thing. And obviously, every potential situation, if you had this versus this, what could happen? we’re not gonna be able to do that. What we just want to lay out is what is what are we trying to accomplish here, and we want to encourage you to stay as physically active as possible.


Anthony Gurule  04:41

And one of the things that constantly comes up is, well, should you add something in that you have not already been doing? Let’s say for instance, someone just through the stages of life with work and kids or whatever that is, they were not able to work out as much before they got pregnant, but now that they’re pregnant, whether they have more time or they understand the importance of exercises during pregnancy, well, would we say, “Well, you haven’t been exercising, so you shouldn’t do too much.” No, that doesn’t, that doesn’t really make sense. Now, we would encourage not to do too much, there’s obviously, you know, a too far swinging the pendulum of the other way. But we wouldn’t say “no, don’t exercise because you weren’t doing something before,” we just have to find those first few stepping stones to help them start to gain some momentum. and help hold their hand, if you will, So that their technique and they feel confident about lifting, or how far they’re walking or whatever that is. And that’s an important topic, because a lot of times people want to add things in, but they weren’t quite ready or weren’t doing them before. And they then assume that they’re not able to do them at all. So you do have to take that in consideration, there is a ton that you can do, and that you can still add, even though you weren’t doing them prior to pregnancy.


Anthony Gurule  05:54

Now on the big questions is, is it safe? you know, outside to contact sports, or different things like that the majority of what you’re going to do is safe for pregnancy, right? Rock climbing, we have pregnant patients that have been rock climbing before, obviously, there’s a certain inherent risk with certain sports or activities. You know, you could fall off riding your bike, you could fall over running, right, so we’re not encouraging any of these by any means. We’re just kind of, you know, setting some suggestions, if you will. And you have to take into consideration.


Anthony Gurule  06:31

Now, there are certain things to consider when you’re talking about like weightlifting, and how heavy and the intensity that you’re doing. And if you’re doing Valsalva movements, which is essentially holding your breath to maintain a more rigid or stiff torso, as you’re seeing changes in blood volume and blood pressure, you know, you do have to take that in consideration. And that is again, of course a conversation with your provider that is managing your, your pregnancy, but we recommend Mama’s weight lift, or do resistance training. During pregnancy, again, we talked about about load management and the intensity and things like that, but you can still lift and do fairly intense things. And it’s a fairly as a you know, as a scale and a wide range during pregnancy and see a ton of benefit from that. Now, are we trying to hit one rep maxes and PRs during pregnancy, I mean, some would argue yes, but I would argue, why, that’s not really an accurate representation of what your strength is anyways. So you know, you do have to to kind of keep manipulating the numbers and the weights and the intensity and the sets and reps in order to do it. But weightlifting and resistance training is safe, and it is effective. Now, outside of that, there’s not a lot of unsafe things to do, again, outside of contact sports, or things that would elicit, you know, potential trauma to you or baby based on impact we’ve had, again, not our recommendations, but some have tried very just easy scheme, because they’re in the winter months, and they wanted to and they felt very confident about not falling. So you know, you have those types of things.


Anthony Gurule  08:16

Overall, again, we’re talking about movement. You need to move, and it’s good to get your heart rate up. And it’s good to breathe hard. So that doesn’t mean just because you’re pregnant, you can’t do HIIT training or circuit training or CrossFit or Orange Theory. But you do have to listen to your body and understand certain signs that would indicate that things might be too much, right? Now those are going to be different for everyone, but a lot of this comes down to you know, lightheadedness, you know, breathing too hard. Certain aches and pains within lower extremity, chest, abdomen, so on and so forth would be obviously like your more extreme ones. If you’re becoming pale or anything like that, I mean, again, these are the same criteria, though, that would be if someone else was working out or training too hard. So it’s realistically the same thing. It’s just that your threshold level for all those most likely have gone down. And depending on what type of an athlete you were before, you’re going to be maybe a little frustrated that you’re not able to do the things you were able to do previously, which makes sense. But if you’re someone who wasn’t exercising before, you’re probably going to be a little bit more hyper aware of that, of just feeling that shortness of breath or that uneasiness. So again, we’re not saying you have to push through that because we’re not trying to set yourself up for a strength and conditioning program to increase your metabolic capacity to increase your strength and conditioning during pregnancy. We’re trying to help you maintain a healthy active pregnancy.


Anthony Gurule  09:54

Now, walking. walking is great. but in general, we encourage you to do something above and beyond walking. Obviously, again, certain things would dictate that you would not be able to do so. And this is again, any exercise. Any exercise that you do during pregnancy needs to be consulted with and work through and have a conversation with the primary physician who is managing your pregnancy, whether that’s your nurse practitioner, your midwife or your OB or obstetrician, right. But we would encourage more than just walking. walking is fantastic, but that’s kind of like your baseline minimum, right? Just like our activities, or recommendation activity guidelines. We want a few days a week of where we’re kind of just doing this steady state getting our steps in, you know, kind of pushing ourselves, we’re huffing and puffing, but still just kind of at that conversational level, but you’re not really getting a lot of benefits outside of that.


Anthony Gurule  10:55

So if you’re just walking, high five. kudos. can you do something more? Can you do some bodyweight squats? Can you do some bodyweight, you know, good mornings? can you do some walking lunges? do you have a suspension training, we’re able to do some bodyweight rows? Do you have some bands that you can do some rows with? You know, there’s a lot that you can do that allows you to get a little bit more out of that. Now, again, this all comes back down to preferences of exercises that you like to do, because that’s gonna allow you to maintain the most consistency, but then also the intensity that you like to do. And we do encourage having an open mind and at least being willing to try some high intensity things that allow you to still get your heart rate up a little bit. And it’s okay to lift more than five or 10 pounds. And not saying that that is a bad thing. There’s programs out there where it’s all directed around that where it’s lighter weight, high rep, but I just don’t want individuals and mamas to feel like they’re not able to do more and or being ashamed because other people are just saying they should back off because they’re pregnant. “why would you need a lift that much?” It fits within your strength, and your comfort, and your wheelhouse, that is totally fine.


Anthony Gurule  12:05

Again, you if you’ve been doing that enough, you understand the risk reward ratio and having a conversation with your practitioner has driven us to kind of help navigate and guide as you start to get further through pregnancies, what things maybe we need to change or manipulate. But that’s totally fine. Now outside of that, the question around safe also comes up around core exercises. diastasis recti, pelvic floor strength, so on and so forth, we want to enhance the capability of understanding how to control tension within your abdominal wall and your pelvic floor through pregnancy, because the pressure is increasing due to baby taking up more space. But we’re not we’re not necessarily we’re not gaining more strength, right.


Anthony Gurule  12:45

And so what a lot of people assume it’s when we’ve seen this, is “I don’t want diastasis. So I’m doing more core work to prevent diastasis from happening.” diastasis recti will happen in 100% of moms, it’s estimated at the week 35 Everyone will have some form of it. Now it is technically not a quote unquote diagnosis, though, until 12 weeks postpartum, because it is a normal thing that everyone will get. So you can’t diagnose someone with something that everyone will get–doesn’t make sense, right? So after that, though, if you still have weakness or spacing issues, then we can have a you know, a stronger conversation about putting a diagnosis on that.


Anthony Gurule  13:26

But what we’re trying to enhance and help is what exercises are quote unquote, not safe versus unsafe, but adding too much pressure or tension into the abdominal wall or the pelvic floor and creating more laxity. again, as that pressure for as baby’s growing starts to put more pressure on the pelvic floor and the abdominal wall. If you’re doing more things that increases the pressure within the within the abdominal cavity that’s going to push on that separation even more and/or push on that pelvic floor even more, creating potential incontinence or prolapse issues and/or more bulging and doming within the abdominal wall stretching out that separation or that gap even further, potentially making the recovery process more challenging or slightly longer. I’m not saying that it will but potentially, so we do have to take that in consideration. So we go through activation exercise of the pelvic floor, of the abdominal wall so that you better understand how to control those pressure increases while you’re lifting or exercising so that you simply can stay at a management level.


Anthony Gurule  14:28

And that in turn, helps you get through pregnancy of understanding how to lift up your older kiddo, having to lift up dog food or anything like that. It’s just managing and controlling pressure. So there’s really not anything that I would say that safe or unsafe. Now, things that we would advise against for core exercises is sit ups or crunches. You know a lot of those things that create like hanging knee raises and different things like that during pregnancy. A lot of those things that create a lot of intra abdominal pressure and tension. and especially during a flex position, that tends to put a lot more pressure on the abdominal wall, the separation where diastasis will occur as well as the pelvic floor.


Anthony Gurule  15:09

So, you know, while we never say never, there’s definitely a category of things that we definitely urge against because the risk/reward benefit and again, risk not being “injured,” But risk of potentially putting more pressure and making the recovery process  on the other side harder, is not is not something that we find to be as advantageous. But you can still get the benefits of quote unquote, core exercises through full body movements such as goblet squats, such as deadlifts, you know, depending on the phase that you’re in, push ups, which are, you know, a dynamic plank. or being able to do a TRX row, which is a reverse plank as you’re just lifting yourself up. three point rows where you’re on, you know, two hands or doing like a row on a bench, where you’re in a tabletop position that’s adding anti rotation exercises. So there’s a ton that you can do that still highlights and isolates, the core isolates, sorry. that highlights and will emphasize core activation, but through a full body compound movement. And what’s great about that is during pregnancy, depending on your energy levels, it’s hard to do all the little isolated accessory and all these separate exercises as it is. So it’s kind of nice being able to combine everything, so you get more bang for your buck, especially if you’re a parent and you’re on and you’re on baby number two or three, right?


Anthony Gurule  16:31

So what exercises are safe for pregnant women to do? All are. reduce or eliminate for sure contact activities, different things like that. the increased risk activities of you know, trauma and things like that. Outside of that you’re managing pressure, I would definitely encourage reducing anything that’s heavy lifting, that’s, that’s requiring you to do Valsalva moves, you’re having to hold your breath for an extended period of time. that changes blood pressure, so on and so forth. But outside of that, Pregnancy is a completely safe time to do all exercises. we definitely as we highlighted, urge and encourage, you know, certain things over other ones just for you know, added bang for your buck or full body movements, so on and so forth. And that, but outside of that you are free to do what you want.


Anthony Gurule  17:19

If you want guidance, though, you know, there are there are trainers out there that work specifically with prenatal patients. we would love to be able to have that conversation with you if that’s something you want to bounce back or navigate. Because we do want to encourage as much as we can. A very, very active pregnancy through exercise working out or however you want to describe that. So if you found this beneficial, please like share, subscribe. if you’re pregnant, I hope you can utilize this and take some of the information for you and yourself. If you have anyone else you know… a relative a family member, a friend who is pregnant and they’re unsure they’ve been you know asking this question what things I don’t know what things I can do. I don’t know if it’s safe for baby share this video with them. We’d love to be able to provide a better frame of reference and or context to be able to ask better questions so that they can find the workout program  or the movements that work best for them during their pregnancy. Until next time guys live loud .if you’re currently pregnant, Congratulations, and we look forward to helping and serving in the future.

Live Loud Chiropractic

Physical Activity Guidelines For Americans EP|56

Live LOUD Life Podcast
Lafayette Colorado

Episode 56

Physical Activity Guidelines For Americans EP|56

With Dr. Antonio Gurule

The Physical Activity Guidelines For Americans:

2 hours and 30 mins to 5 Hours of moderate-intensity Aerobic Exercise a week


1 hour and 15 mins to 2 hours and 30 mins of vigorous-intensity Aerobic Exercise a week


2 days a week of muscle-strengthening activities a week


Now when most of you read this you are going to think.

That is not that much.

That is the point we are looking at a minimum effective dose for substantial health benefits.

Now argumentatively I think it should be higher but, looking at the baseline guideline that everyone should be hitting makes it easier to lay out a plan.


Only 53% of Americans over the age of 18 are hitting the aerobic exercise minimum


Only 23% of Americans over the age of 18 are hitting the aerobic exercise and muscle-strengthening activities

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Guiding your to the adventurous life you were made for!


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Live Loud Chiropractic and Coaching Top Chiropractor and Physical Therapy in Lafayette Colorado Serving Boulder County Boulder, Longmont, Louisville, Erie, Broomfield, and Arvada Colorado

About Dr. Antonio Gurule

Nutrition Building Blocks Broken Down


  • Father
  • Doctor of Chiropractic
  • Owner of Live LOUD
  • Personal Trainer & Health Coach

Anthony Gurule  00:00

Hey what’s up guys, welcome back to another episode of the Live LOUD Life podcast. My name is Dr. Antonio, I’m your host of the Live LOUD Life podcast. My wife and I, we co-own Live LOUD Chiropractic and Coaching here in Lafayette, Colorado. We are just outside of Boulder, Colorado in Boulder County. And our mission is to help families. We want to help make families stronger, so that we can build a stronger community. We want to help guide you to the adventurous life that you and your family were meant for. And we do this through chiropractic and coaching. chiropractic, obviously being more of a hands on approach, more of a clinical conversation, clinical diagnostics, but the coaching aspect is really what we believe is, you know, the foundation of what our system methodology, whatever you want to call it is, because a lot of this comes around through just coaching suggestions and recommendations. also, you know, obviously within that comes into clinical prescriptions of certain things to eat or supplements, so on and so forth. But it’s coaching a lifestyle, it’s coaching, it’s coaching a philosophy and a foundation about how to live an active healthy life as an individual, and setting an example of a healthy active life for your family, for your immediate family, for your friends, and more importantly for your community. So stronger families to make a stronger community as a whole would be a win win, right? And that’s what we want to be able to do. we want to be able to help fill in the gaps in the holes that you’re maybe not getting from, from other roles and conditions.


Anthony Gurule  01:43

And today that’s in particular where we’re going to talk about. it’s going to be a little bit more of a shorter episode because this is more of a quote unquote, you know, just discussion around how to lay out a framework and a better understanding of how to work out or what exercises are safe or maybe not safe during pregnancy. This is a very, very common question that we get.


Anthony Gurule  02:12

My wife Nichelle has created a mini course that has some workout ideas, recommendations, and prescriptions than laid out into a workout. She guides and  educates other clinicians on how to broach this topic as a chiropractor, how to better serve prenatal patients through chiropractic care, but also exercise recommendations and prescriptions, having recommendations with other personal trainers within the community whether that’s CrossFit whether that’s Orange Theory, chatting with coaches and owners and saying hey, if you have prenatal patients and they’re having these types of symptoms, or this has happened, here’s some better recommendations, not modifications. We call them lateralizations–you’re just you know, you’re doing something something different or something else we you know, we borrow that term from Charlie Weingroff, who’s a physical therapist and strength conditioning coach. But it also and also doulas, right, doulas and midwives and OBs who are directly involved with the prenatal process from nearly conception all the way through, having this conversation. we know that exercise is important during pregnancy,


Anthony Gurule  03:19

There are so many different studies that talk about the benefits of exercising during pregnancy, not only for the mom, but also for baby, which is quite interesting. They’re seeing increased cognitive-what’s the word I’m looking for? Excuse me, their cognitive output as a as an as a child through as they age is actually better from moms that actually worked out during pregnancy.


Anthony Gurule  03:50

Now this is tough, right? How do you define working out or exercise? it’s different for everybody. But we want to, and we encourage that, and yet we’re sympathetic to the different stages of life, aches and pains, so on and so forth, which obviously would limit what you can do from an exercise perspective. So you know, it’s a bit of a gray area on determining what is working out? what is exercise? What are the physical guidelines or recommendations for pregnancy? And without getting into the like, nitty gritty detail of every single thing. And obviously, every potential situation, if you had this versus this, what could happen? we’re not gonna be able to do that. What we just want to lay out is what is what are we trying to accomplish here, and we want to encourage you to stay as physically active as possible.


Anthony Gurule  04:41

And one of the things that constantly comes up is, well, should you add something in that you have not already been doing? Let’s say for instance, someone just through the stages of life with work and kids or whatever that is, they were not able to work out as much before they got pregnant, but now that they’re pregnant, whether they have more time or they understand the importance of exercises during pregnancy, well, would we say, “Well, you haven’t been exercising, so you shouldn’t do too much.” No, that doesn’t, that doesn’t really make sense. Now, we would encourage not to do too much, there’s obviously, you know, a too far swinging the pendulum of the other way. But we wouldn’t say “no, don’t exercise because you weren’t doing something before,” we just have to find those first few stepping stones to help them start to gain some momentum. and help hold their hand, if you will, So that their technique and they feel confident about lifting, or how far they’re walking or whatever that is. And that’s an important topic, because a lot of times people want to add things in, but they weren’t quite ready or weren’t doing them before. And they then assume that they’re not able to do them at all. So you do have to take that in consideration, there is a ton that you can do, and that you can still add, even though you weren’t doing them prior to pregnancy.


Anthony Gurule  05:54

Now on the big questions is, is it safe? you know, outside to contact sports, or different things like that the majority of what you’re going to do is safe for pregnancy, right? Rock climbing, we have pregnant patients that have been rock climbing before, obviously, there’s a certain inherent risk with certain sports or activities. You know, you could fall off riding your bike, you could fall over running, right, so we’re not encouraging any of these by any means. We’re just kind of, you know, setting some suggestions, if you will. And you have to take into consideration.


Anthony Gurule  06:31

Now, there are certain things to consider when you’re talking about like weightlifting, and how heavy and the intensity that you’re doing. And if you’re doing Valsalva movements, which is essentially holding your breath to maintain a more rigid or stiff torso, as you’re seeing changes in blood volume and blood pressure, you know, you do have to take that in consideration. And that is again, of course a conversation with your provider that is managing your, your pregnancy, but we recommend Mama’s weight lift, or do resistance training. During pregnancy, again, we talked about about load management and the intensity and things like that, but you can still lift and do fairly intense things. And it’s a fairly as a you know, as a scale and a wide range during pregnancy and see a ton of benefit from that. Now, are we trying to hit one rep maxes and PRs during pregnancy, I mean, some would argue yes, but I would argue, why, that’s not really an accurate representation of what your strength is anyways. So you know, you do have to to kind of keep manipulating the numbers and the weights and the intensity and the sets and reps in order to do it. But weightlifting and resistance training is safe, and it is effective. Now, outside of that, there’s not a lot of unsafe things to do, again, outside of contact sports, or things that would elicit, you know, potential trauma to you or baby based on impact we’ve had, again, not our recommendations, but some have tried very just easy scheme, because they’re in the winter months, and they wanted to and they felt very confident about not falling. So you know, you have those types of things.


Anthony Gurule  08:16

Overall, again, we’re talking about movement. You need to move, and it’s good to get your heart rate up. And it’s good to breathe hard. So that doesn’t mean just because you’re pregnant, you can’t do HIIT training or circuit training or CrossFit or Orange Theory. But you do have to listen to your body and understand certain signs that would indicate that things might be too much, right? Now those are going to be different for everyone, but a lot of this comes down to you know, lightheadedness, you know, breathing too hard. Certain aches and pains within lower extremity, chest, abdomen, so on and so forth would be obviously like your more extreme ones. If you’re becoming pale or anything like that, I mean, again, these are the same criteria, though, that would be if someone else was working out or training too hard. So it’s realistically the same thing. It’s just that your threshold level for all those most likely have gone down. And depending on what type of an athlete you were before, you’re going to be maybe a little frustrated that you’re not able to do the things you were able to do previously, which makes sense. But if you’re someone who wasn’t exercising before, you’re probably going to be a little bit more hyper aware of that, of just feeling that shortness of breath or that uneasiness. So again, we’re not saying you have to push through that because we’re not trying to set yourself up for a strength and conditioning program to increase your metabolic capacity to increase your strength and conditioning during pregnancy. We’re trying to help you maintain a healthy active pregnancy.


Anthony Gurule  09:54

Now, walking. walking is great. but in general, we encourage you to do something above and beyond walking. Obviously, again, certain things would dictate that you would not be able to do so. And this is again, any exercise. Any exercise that you do during pregnancy needs to be consulted with and work through and have a conversation with the primary physician who is managing your pregnancy, whether that’s your nurse practitioner, your midwife or your OB or obstetrician, right. But we would encourage more than just walking. walking is fantastic, but that’s kind of like your baseline minimum, right? Just like our activities, or recommendation activity guidelines. We want a few days a week of where we’re kind of just doing this steady state getting our steps in, you know, kind of pushing ourselves, we’re huffing and puffing, but still just kind of at that conversational level, but you’re not really getting a lot of benefits outside of that.


Anthony Gurule  10:55

So if you’re just walking, high five. kudos. can you do something more? Can you do some bodyweight squats? Can you do some bodyweight, you know, good mornings? can you do some walking lunges? do you have a suspension training, we’re able to do some bodyweight rows? Do you have some bands that you can do some rows with? You know, there’s a lot that you can do that allows you to get a little bit more out of that. Now, again, this all comes back down to preferences of exercises that you like to do, because that’s gonna allow you to maintain the most consistency, but then also the intensity that you like to do. And we do encourage having an open mind and at least being willing to try some high intensity things that allow you to still get your heart rate up a little bit. And it’s okay to lift more than five or 10 pounds. And not saying that that is a bad thing. There’s programs out there where it’s all directed around that where it’s lighter weight, high rep, but I just don’t want individuals and mamas to feel like they’re not able to do more and or being ashamed because other people are just saying they should back off because they’re pregnant. “why would you need a lift that much?” It fits within your strength, and your comfort, and your wheelhouse, that is totally fine.


Anthony Gurule  12:05

Again, you if you’ve been doing that enough, you understand the risk reward ratio and having a conversation with your practitioner has driven us to kind of help navigate and guide as you start to get further through pregnancies, what things maybe we need to change or manipulate. But that’s totally fine. Now outside of that, the question around safe also comes up around core exercises. diastasis recti, pelvic floor strength, so on and so forth, we want to enhance the capability of understanding how to control tension within your abdominal wall and your pelvic floor through pregnancy, because the pressure is increasing due to baby taking up more space. But we’re not we’re not necessarily we’re not gaining more strength, right.


Anthony Gurule  12:45

And so what a lot of people assume it’s when we’ve seen this, is “I don’t want diastasis. So I’m doing more core work to prevent diastasis from happening.” diastasis recti will happen in 100% of moms, it’s estimated at the week 35 Everyone will have some form of it. Now it is technically not a quote unquote diagnosis, though, until 12 weeks postpartum, because it is a normal thing that everyone will get. So you can’t diagnose someone with something that everyone will get–doesn’t make sense, right? So after that, though, if you still have weakness or spacing issues, then we can have a you know, a stronger conversation about putting a diagnosis on that.


Anthony Gurule  13:26

But what we’re trying to enhance and help is what exercises are quote unquote, not safe versus unsafe, but adding too much pressure or tension into the abdominal wall or the pelvic floor and creating more laxity. again, as that pressure for as baby’s growing starts to put more pressure on the pelvic floor and the abdominal wall. If you’re doing more things that increases the pressure within the within the abdominal cavity that’s going to push on that separation even more and/or push on that pelvic floor even more, creating potential incontinence or prolapse issues and/or more bulging and doming within the abdominal wall stretching out that separation or that gap even further, potentially making the recovery process more challenging or slightly longer. I’m not saying that it will but potentially, so we do have to take that in consideration. So we go through activation exercise of the pelvic floor, of the abdominal wall so that you better understand how to control those pressure increases while you’re lifting or exercising so that you simply can stay at a management level.


Anthony Gurule  14:28

And that in turn, helps you get through pregnancy of understanding how to lift up your older kiddo, having to lift up dog food or anything like that. It’s just managing and controlling pressure. So there’s really not anything that I would say that safe or unsafe. Now, things that we would advise against for core exercises is sit ups or crunches. You know a lot of those things that create like hanging knee raises and different things like that during pregnancy. A lot of those things that create a lot of intra abdominal pressure and tension. and especially during a flex position, that tends to put a lot more pressure on the abdominal wall, the separation where diastasis will occur as well as the pelvic floor.


Anthony Gurule  15:09

So, you know, while we never say never, there’s definitely a category of things that we definitely urge against because the risk/reward benefit and again, risk not being “injured,” But risk of potentially putting more pressure and making the recovery process  on the other side harder, is not is not something that we find to be as advantageous. But you can still get the benefits of quote unquote, core exercises through full body movements such as goblet squats, such as deadlifts, you know, depending on the phase that you’re in, push ups, which are, you know, a dynamic plank. or being able to do a TRX row, which is a reverse plank as you’re just lifting yourself up. three point rows where you’re on, you know, two hands or doing like a row on a bench, where you’re in a tabletop position that’s adding anti rotation exercises. So there’s a ton that you can do that still highlights and isolates, the core isolates, sorry. that highlights and will emphasize core activation, but through a full body compound movement. And what’s great about that is during pregnancy, depending on your energy levels, it’s hard to do all the little isolated accessory and all these separate exercises as it is. So it’s kind of nice being able to combine everything, so you get more bang for your buck, especially if you’re a parent and you’re on and you’re on baby number two or three, right?


Anthony Gurule  16:31

So what exercises are safe for pregnant women to do? All are. reduce or eliminate for sure contact activities, different things like that. the increased risk activities of you know, trauma and things like that. Outside of that you’re managing pressure, I would definitely encourage reducing anything that’s heavy lifting, that’s, that’s requiring you to do Valsalva moves, you’re having to hold your breath for an extended period of time. that changes blood pressure, so on and so forth. But outside of that, Pregnancy is a completely safe time to do all exercises. we definitely as we highlighted, urge and encourage, you know, certain things over other ones just for you know, added bang for your buck or full body movements, so on and so forth. And that, but outside of that you are free to do what you want.


Anthony Gurule  17:19

If you want guidance, though, you know, there are there are trainers out there that work specifically with prenatal patients. we would love to be able to have that conversation with you if that’s something you want to bounce back or navigate. Because we do want to encourage as much as we can. A very, very active pregnancy through exercise working out or however you want to describe that. So if you found this beneficial, please like share, subscribe. if you’re pregnant, I hope you can utilize this and take some of the information for you and yourself. If you have anyone else you know… a relative a family member, a friend who is pregnant and they’re unsure they’ve been you know asking this question what things I don’t know what things I can do. I don’t know if it’s safe for baby share this video with them. We’d love to be able to provide a better frame of reference and or context to be able to ask better questions so that they can find the workout program  or the movements that work best for them during their pregnancy. Until next time guys live loud .if you’re currently pregnant, Congratulations, and we look forward to helping and serving in the future.

3 Exercises to Improve Hip Mobility

Hip Mobility Series

Do you have tight hips? Do you want better hip mobility? Here is a series of three hip drills that will help improve your mobility and stability. 

We’ll also articulate how to create dexterity around the hip. When we have dexterity, we have more control. Creating more control allows us to have better movement, and better movement awareness, depending on various activities. 

When it comes to the hips, we typically assume we move the leg kind of around the body, which is important. But some of these drills will show how we can move the body about the hip, which is really important for sports and performance because a lot of these rotational movements or other movements are going to be our torso and our hips moving around our stable hip, which is planted into the ground. 

I’m Dr. Antonio with Live Loud Chiropractic and Coaching in Lafayette, Colorado, and today I’m going to show you these hip exercises in series, and explain how you can go about them, and how they can help your hip mobility and stability. 


The Hip Airplane

We can do the hip airplane in a couple of different ways. The main thing to keep in mind is when we’re doing a lot of movements around the hip, the leg is moving around the pelvis.

But here, we want to ask, how can we control the body moving around the hip?

We’re going to first start with a split stance. A split stance simply means one foot forward and one foot backward. 

From here, I’m going to try to put the majority of my weight in my front leg. And my back toe is simply touching the ground for a little bit of stability. So here, what we’re going to practice is just opening and closing the hip. So the front leg ideally has toes pointing straight ahead. And the front hip ideally has the knee in line with the toes. 

But you can see in the video how my torso rotates around. So what we wouldn’t want is if I’m falling, my knee comes in, or as I’m coming out, that knee is pushing out. I want to maintain some rigidity and planting through the ground. I’m thinking about is my pubic bone and my sternum, opening away, and then closing towards. I don’t twist through my back because I want this whole system to come with me. 

That is the first step to understanding the whole movement. 

Now, ideally, what we’re going to build up to is being able to do this without any help. So what you can do is use a foam roller or a countertop to help you balance so that we can create that first stepping stone into understanding the movement. 

As you can see in the video, using my hands to balance, I’m going to reach my heel and my hand away from each other. Same thing as before: I open away from the leg, then come down and close towards the leg. (What’s nice too is you’ll actually feel a nice big stretch in the hip muscle here.) 

You can also put a plate on a squat rack to use for balance and rotate on that plate as it’s anchored into a barbell or whatever rack you have. 

The importance is the control of the torso moving around a fixed point (the planted foot). This is important for a lot of sports and activities that we do because a lot of what we do is plant a foot and then everything else rotates around that fixed leg. 

Hip airplanes are not intended to be done fast or sloppy. These are about control, creating dexterity, and improving mobility. If you’re finding that in one of these planes of motion you feel a little tighter, you can actually hang out there a little bit and get a stretch. So there you have it–hip airplanes. If you’re not doing them, give it a try. They’re super beneficial for good hip health. 

The Windmill 

Now we’re focusing on creating torsion or torque within the hip. We tend to think of torsion as tight. Think of torsion as creating lines of tension where we want lines of tension, and then releasing where we don’t want it. 

To do the windmill, the feet maintain a fixed position, and then we rotate in whichever direction from there. This can be a great mobility test, which I learned from a previous colleague of mine, Dr. Jordan Shallow with Pre-Script. He uses it as a test because by fixing this, we really get a true understanding of thoracic rotation and hip rotation. 

I like being in a more open position for the actual mobility drill, I don’t like fixing it. Because again, primarily, my patients are not as performance-based, where they’re having a range of motion restrictions; I don’t want to put their shoulders in precarious positions, or create too much tension in an area that needs to move. 

So our feet are going to move opposite to the direction of the hand that has the weight. We’re going to start with just bodyweight first, meaning it’s just my arm up–I don’t want to load yet. But you can see in the video how my toes turn. 

Now, the most important part of this movement, just like when we do a hinge, is that my butt moves away from my toes, or in the same direction on my heels. The same goes true here. So if I’m square to you, and I turn 45 degrees, I do not want my hips moving. This way, my hips should be moving away from my toes in this diagonal fashion that we’ve just created. 

Now, a very helpful cue is taking the front arm, or the down arm, and trying to slide your forearm down your thigh, towards your inner shin. As one arm comes up, opposite to the front leg, the other arm slides down, and my hips shift away. The majority of the weight is on your front, you can even bend the toes on the back foot a little bit if you want. This allows me to sit into that front hip more to work the mobility and stability of that front hip. 

Again, those go hand in hand. When we’re trying to create stability, we have to have a certain amount of mobility. And for that mobility to happen, we have to feel oftentimes very comfortable with the stability in that hip. So that’s why we’re talking about both of these processes together. 

I’m also testing and working on thoracic rotation, which is good as part of the test we have just indicated. And if I have a weight above me, I’m working on that shoulder stability as well. 

But from a mobility perspective with the hip, we can now change that toe variation angle to coil and create more tension, as previously mentioned by Dr. Shallow. By squaring up, then doing my motion, I’m going to challenge the amount of hip and thoracic rotation we see. 

I like doing these in sets and reps. I tend to not do them crazy heavy because I am working on it from more of a thoracic rotation and hip mobility perspective. You can load it up a little bit heavier if you want to challenge shoulder stability and some other factors as well.

I’ll try to get weight overhead. I tend to use between 12, 16, and maybe 20 kilos, and then I’ll do some easy movements. I might find, oh, this one’s a little tight. Then I’ll sit into that hip a little bit more, then I’ll come up. And when I’m down there, too, I’m playing around and just wiggling to see where I might need to focus a little more time and attention. 

The windmill can be done with a kettlebell, a dumbbell, or just bodyweight. But it’s a fantastic exercise for challenging first and foremost, shoulder stability, but what I really love it for is a spinal mobility movement and a hip mobility movement, which really helps open up the hips. 

The Turkish Get-up Windmill

This is great for challenging mobility and stability, but also for working on positioning. A lot of times we can’t progress with the Turkish Get-up because we’re missing certain stages that are super advantageous for stacking yourself appropriately to then transition into the next phase so that you can get up. 

We’re going to do it first with bodyweight. To start, whether I’m going down or up, I’m going to be in this lunge pattern. Now, what’s important is if I’m coming down or up this middle phase, I need to square my hips. What does that mean? One toe is pointing in one direction and the back toe is facing another direction. My knees are facing 90 degrees away from each other. 

This allows me to sit my bottom hip towards the back heel, allowing me to hinge down into the movement. Now, this is where the mobility comes in. A lot of people with tight hips will see that that top knee collapse down, but we want to try to keep that stacked. That’s where I get that 90-degree shape I had. I’m also starting to open up and challenge that downward knee or inner thigh as I hinge and turn. So this is the Windmill within the Turkish Get-up. 

So I’ll stage this for clients or patients as practicing what this feels like to just work on hip mobility and stability in a different context. If you start to fall in as you go back and forth, we see where that tension is wanting to pull you in, and where we’re biased to not being able to appropriately load.

So we’re going to practice this first, without weight, coming up and down, loading into that hip, and coiling up and down, starting to loosen up both hips extremely well. 

So let’s say, for instance, I’m coming down, I’m going to lunge back, then I’m going to windshield wiper my top foot so that my knees are at a 90-degree angle. I’m going to sit this bottom hip back towards my heel, slide the hand down in line with the knee. Now I’m in the position to kick that leg through, and then I would reverse down. 

On the way up, it’s the same thing. Once I’ve come up to my hands. I’m going to pull that knee through, but it’s got to open up at 90 degrees to the top, so I can pull my leg through into that windmill. Then sit the hip back, pop up, windshield wiper the leg around, and then we’re gonna stand. 

So that is the windmill position within the Turkish getup to challenge mobility, not only in the thoracic spine, definitely in the hips, but also challenging the stability of the shoulder as well.

The Prying Goblet Squat 

The goblet squat is one of my favorite exercises. It is great for teaching the squat pattern, but also for showing and challenging how we integrate core stability. 

It is also really good as a hip mobility drill because it puts you in a position where you’re loaded and helps you get down into that deep position where you can kind of offset that weight. But because you can get your elbows down inside of your knees, you can start to pry your hips open to use it as a mobility drill. 

First take a weight, bring it up like we normally would for a goblet squat. And then we’re gonna simply squat down. And notice if I hold it away from me that’s going to allow me to stay more upright. But now I can wedge those elbows in between my knees, and start to bob and weave and shift and pry open to stretch those inner thighs and that inner hip. 

Now, you could try to maintain a straight back and still do the same thing. We’re just showing that if we want to try to get into this position, to use the elbows to open up the hips and widen that space to create more mobility. This is something that we que consistently when working on a squat pattern. 

Oftentimes, our squat patterns turn poor where we’re leaning forward or something. Not always because we have poor mobility, sometimes we’re just too narrow and we’re not able to utilize a hip range of motion. 

So we’re trying to find that squat stance and enhance that range of motion by prying the hips open. So what we mean by pry is if my two ball and socket joints in the femurs move away from each other, now I have more space for my torso and pelvis essentially, to sit down in between, which helps me keep some more upright squat pattern, which will help in performances, such as front squats, overhead squats, even back squats, depending on the position of the bar, so prying goblet squat is a fantastic mobility drill.


Remember, you do need to have a certain amount of mobility to even get down into these positions. So you might need to utilize a lot of other hip mobility drills that we have to first get there because we don’t want anyone to sacrifice or create any issues by forcing yourself down low enough just to get your elbows in. 

Goblet squat or prying goblet squat–use it as a good mobility drill. Use it as a great warm-up before your squats or any of your other workouts because I know it will be beneficial for you.

Keep up the great work and LIVE LOUD!

Live Loud Chiropractic

Becoming a Hybrid Athlete With Katie Knight EP|55

Live LOUD Life Podcast
Lafayette Colorado

Episode 55

Becoming a Hybrid Athlete With Katie Knight EP|55

With Dr. Antonio Gurule

Show Notes:

  • We go over some of the unique adventure events and races:
    • Hyrox
    • DEKA Fit
    • Spartan Races
    • Tough Mudder
    • Training for Mix Modal Events and Races
  • Having an Aerobic Capacity Base is needed
  • Biking is a great way to keep up aerobic capacity while reducing the load
  • Playing different sports as a child will create a better more well-rounded athlete
  • Nasal breathing can be helpful to determine what your rate of running or aerobic training could be at
  • Heart rate monitors are wonderful tools to help determine what zone or rate you should be training at
  • Learning how to gear up and down is critical, most of this is down through understanding how to control your breathing rate and heart rate during your rest intervals

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Guiding your to the adventurous life you were made for! If you dig this give it a like ❤️, if you’re loving it let me hear you with a comment 🗣👂, and if you know it will help someone or anyone out please share 👥📲

About Dr. Antonio Gurule

Nutrition Building Blocks Broken Down


  • Father
  • Doctor of Chiropractic
  • Owner of Live LOUD
  • Personal Trainer & Health Coach

Anthony Gurule  00:00

Hey what’s up guys, welcome back to another episode of the Live LOUD Life podcast. My name is Dr. Antonio, I’m your host of the Live LOUD Life podcast. My wife and I, we co-own Live LOUD Chiropractic and Coaching here in Lafayette, Colorado. We are just outside of Boulder, Colorado in Boulder County. And our mission is to help families. We want to help make families stronger, so that we can build a stronger community. We want to help guide you to the adventurous life that you and your family were meant for. And we do this through chiropractic and coaching. chiropractic, obviously being more of a hands on approach, more of a clinical conversation, clinical diagnostics, but the coaching aspect is really what we believe is, you know, the foundation of what our system methodology, whatever you want to call it is, because a lot of this comes around through just coaching suggestions and recommendations. also, you know, obviously within that comes into clinical prescriptions of certain things to eat or supplements, so on and so forth. But it’s coaching a lifestyle, it’s coaching, it’s coaching a philosophy and a foundation about how to live an active healthy life as an individual, and setting an example of a healthy active life for your family, for your immediate family, for your friends, and more importantly for your community. So stronger families to make a stronger community as a whole would be a win win, right? And that’s what we want to be able to do. we want to be able to help fill in the gaps in the holes that you’re maybe not getting from, from other roles and conditions.


Anthony Gurule  01:43

And today that’s in particular where we’re going to talk about. it’s going to be a little bit more of a shorter episode because this is more of a quote unquote, you know, just discussion around how to lay out a framework and a better understanding of how to work out or what exercises are safe or maybe not safe during pregnancy. This is a very, very common question that we get.


Anthony Gurule  02:12

My wife Nichelle has created a mini course that has some workout ideas, recommendations, and prescriptions than laid out into a workout. She guides and  educates other clinicians on how to broach this topic as a chiropractor, how to better serve prenatal patients through chiropractic care, but also exercise recommendations and prescriptions, having recommendations with other personal trainers within the community whether that’s CrossFit whether that’s Orange Theory, chatting with coaches and owners and saying hey, if you have prenatal patients and they’re having these types of symptoms, or this has happened, here’s some better recommendations, not modifications. We call them lateralizations–you’re just you know, you’re doing something something different or something else we you know, we borrow that term from Charlie Weingroff, who’s a physical therapist and strength conditioning coach. But it also and also doulas, right, doulas and midwives and OBs who are directly involved with the prenatal process from nearly conception all the way through, having this conversation. we know that exercise is important during pregnancy,


Anthony Gurule  03:19

There are so many different studies that talk about the benefits of exercising during pregnancy, not only for the mom, but also for baby, which is quite interesting. They’re seeing increased cognitive-what’s the word I’m looking for? Excuse me, their cognitive output as a as an as a child through as they age is actually better from moms that actually worked out during pregnancy.


Anthony Gurule  03:50

Now this is tough, right? How do you define working out or exercise? it’s different for everybody. But we want to, and we encourage that, and yet we’re sympathetic to the different stages of life, aches and pains, so on and so forth, which obviously would limit what you can do from an exercise perspective. So you know, it’s a bit of a gray area on determining what is working out? what is exercise? What are the physical guidelines or recommendations for pregnancy? And without getting into the like, nitty gritty detail of every single thing. And obviously, every potential situation, if you had this versus this, what could happen? we’re not gonna be able to do that. What we just want to lay out is what is what are we trying to accomplish here, and we want to encourage you to stay as physically active as possible.


Anthony Gurule  04:41

And one of the things that constantly comes up is, well, should you add something in that you have not already been doing? Let’s say for instance, someone just through the stages of life with work and kids or whatever that is, they were not able to work out as much before they got pregnant, but now that they’re pregnant, whether they have more time or they understand the importance of exercises during pregnancy, well, would we say, “Well, you haven’t been exercising, so you shouldn’t do too much.” No, that doesn’t, that doesn’t really make sense. Now, we would encourage not to do too much, there’s obviously, you know, a too far swinging the pendulum of the other way. But we wouldn’t say “no, don’t exercise because you weren’t doing something before,” we just have to find those first few stepping stones to help them start to gain some momentum. and help hold their hand, if you will, So that their technique and they feel confident about lifting, or how far they’re walking or whatever that is. And that’s an important topic, because a lot of times people want to add things in, but they weren’t quite ready or weren’t doing them before. And they then assume that they’re not able to do them at all. So you do have to take that in consideration, there is a ton that you can do, and that you can still add, even though you weren’t doing them prior to pregnancy.


Anthony Gurule  05:54

Now on the big questions is, is it safe? you know, outside to contact sports, or different things like that the majority of what you’re going to do is safe for pregnancy, right? Rock climbing, we have pregnant patients that have been rock climbing before, obviously, there’s a certain inherent risk with certain sports or activities. You know, you could fall off riding your bike, you could fall over running, right, so we’re not encouraging any of these by any means. We’re just kind of, you know, setting some suggestions, if you will. And you have to take into consideration.


Anthony Gurule  06:31

Now, there are certain things to consider when you’re talking about like weightlifting, and how heavy and the intensity that you’re doing. And if you’re doing Valsalva movements, which is essentially holding your breath to maintain a more rigid or stiff torso, as you’re seeing changes in blood volume and blood pressure, you know, you do have to take that in consideration. And that is again, of course a conversation with your provider that is managing your, your pregnancy, but we recommend Mama’s weight lift, or do resistance training. During pregnancy, again, we talked about about load management and the intensity and things like that, but you can still lift and do fairly intense things. And it’s a fairly as a you know, as a scale and a wide range during pregnancy and see a ton of benefit from that. Now, are we trying to hit one rep maxes and PRs during pregnancy, I mean, some would argue yes, but I would argue, why, that’s not really an accurate representation of what your strength is anyways. So you know, you do have to to kind of keep manipulating the numbers and the weights and the intensity and the sets and reps in order to do it. But weightlifting and resistance training is safe, and it is effective. Now, outside of that, there’s not a lot of unsafe things to do, again, outside of contact sports, or things that would elicit, you know, potential trauma to you or baby based on impact we’ve had, again, not our recommendations, but some have tried very just easy scheme, because they’re in the winter months, and they wanted to and they felt very confident about not falling. So you know, you have those types of things.


Anthony Gurule  08:16

Overall, again, we’re talking about movement. You need to move, and it’s good to get your heart rate up. And it’s good to breathe hard. So that doesn’t mean just because you’re pregnant, you can’t do HIIT training or circuit training or CrossFit or Orange Theory. But you do have to listen to your body and understand certain signs that would indicate that things might be too much, right? Now those are going to be different for everyone, but a lot of this comes down to you know, lightheadedness, you know, breathing too hard. Certain aches and pains within lower extremity, chest, abdomen, so on and so forth would be obviously like your more extreme ones. If you’re becoming pale or anything like that, I mean, again, these are the same criteria, though, that would be if someone else was working out or training too hard. So it’s realistically the same thing. It’s just that your threshold level for all those most likely have gone down. And depending on what type of an athlete you were before, you’re going to be maybe a little frustrated that you’re not able to do the things you were able to do previously, which makes sense. But if you’re someone who wasn’t exercising before, you’re probably going to be a little bit more hyper aware of that, of just feeling that shortness of breath or that uneasiness. So again, we’re not saying you have to push through that because we’re not trying to set yourself up for a strength and conditioning program to increase your metabolic capacity to increase your strength and conditioning during pregnancy. We’re trying to help you maintain a healthy active pregnancy.


Anthony Gurule  09:54

Now, walking. walking is great. but in general, we encourage you to do something above and beyond walking. Obviously, again, certain things would dictate that you would not be able to do so. And this is again, any exercise. Any exercise that you do during pregnancy needs to be consulted with and work through and have a conversation with the primary physician who is managing your pregnancy, whether that’s your nurse practitioner, your midwife or your OB or obstetrician, right. But we would encourage more than just walking. walking is fantastic, but that’s kind of like your baseline minimum, right? Just like our activities, or recommendation activity guidelines. We want a few days a week of where we’re kind of just doing this steady state getting our steps in, you know, kind of pushing ourselves, we’re huffing and puffing, but still just kind of at that conversational level, but you’re not really getting a lot of benefits outside of that.


Anthony Gurule  10:55

So if you’re just walking, high five. kudos. can you do something more? Can you do some bodyweight squats? Can you do some bodyweight, you know, good mornings? can you do some walking lunges? do you have a suspension training, we’re able to do some bodyweight rows? Do you have some bands that you can do some rows with? You know, there’s a lot that you can do that allows you to get a little bit more out of that. Now, again, this all comes back down to preferences of exercises that you like to do, because that’s gonna allow you to maintain the most consistency, but then also the intensity that you like to do. And we do encourage having an open mind and at least being willing to try some high intensity things that allow you to still get your heart rate up a little bit. And it’s okay to lift more than five or 10 pounds. And not saying that that is a bad thing. There’s programs out there where it’s all directed around that where it’s lighter weight, high rep, but I just don’t want individuals and mamas to feel like they’re not able to do more and or being ashamed because other people are just saying they should back off because they’re pregnant. “why would you need a lift that much?” It fits within your strength, and your comfort, and your wheelhouse, that is totally fine.


Anthony Gurule  12:05

Again, you if you’ve been doing that enough, you understand the risk reward ratio and having a conversation with your practitioner has driven us to kind of help navigate and guide as you start to get further through pregnancies, what things maybe we need to change or manipulate. But that’s totally fine. Now outside of that, the question around safe also comes up around core exercises. diastasis recti, pelvic floor strength, so on and so forth, we want to enhance the capability of understanding how to control tension within your abdominal wall and your pelvic floor through pregnancy, because the pressure is increasing due to baby taking up more space. But we’re not we’re not necessarily we’re not gaining more strength, right.


Anthony Gurule  12:45

And so what a lot of people assume it’s when we’ve seen this, is “I don’t want diastasis. So I’m doing more core work to prevent diastasis from happening.” diastasis recti will happen in 100% of moms, it’s estimated at the week 35 Everyone will have some form of it. Now it is technically not a quote unquote diagnosis, though, until 12 weeks postpartum, because it is a normal thing that everyone will get. So you can’t diagnose someone with something that everyone will get–doesn’t make sense, right? So after that, though, if you still have weakness or spacing issues, then we can have a you know, a stronger conversation about putting a diagnosis on that.


Anthony Gurule  13:26

But what we’re trying to enhance and help is what exercises are quote unquote, not safe versus unsafe, but adding too much pressure or tension into the abdominal wall or the pelvic floor and creating more laxity. again, as that pressure for as baby’s growing starts to put more pressure on the pelvic floor and the abdominal wall. If you’re doing more things that increases the pressure within the within the abdominal cavity that’s going to push on that separation even more and/or push on that pelvic floor even more, creating potential incontinence or prolapse issues and/or more bulging and doming within the abdominal wall stretching out that separation or that gap even further, potentially making the recovery process more challenging or slightly longer. I’m not saying that it will but potentially, so we do have to take that in consideration. So we go through activation exercise of the pelvic floor, of the abdominal wall so that you better understand how to control those pressure increases while you’re lifting or exercising so that you simply can stay at a management level.


Anthony Gurule  14:28

And that in turn, helps you get through pregnancy of understanding how to lift up your older kiddo, having to lift up dog food or anything like that. It’s just managing and controlling pressure. So there’s really not anything that I would say that safe or unsafe. Now, things that we would advise against for core exercises is sit ups or crunches. You know a lot of those things that create like hanging knee raises and different things like that during pregnancy. A lot of those things that create a lot of intra abdominal pressure and tension. and especially during a flex position, that tends to put a lot more pressure on the abdominal wall, the separation where diastasis will occur as well as the pelvic floor.


Anthony Gurule  15:09

So, you know, while we never say never, there’s definitely a category of things that we definitely urge against because the risk/reward benefit and again, risk not being “injured,” But risk of potentially putting more pressure and making the recovery process  on the other side harder, is not is not something that we find to be as advantageous. But you can still get the benefits of quote unquote, core exercises through full body movements such as goblet squats, such as deadlifts, you know, depending on the phase that you’re in, push ups, which are, you know, a dynamic plank. or being able to do a TRX row, which is a reverse plank as you’re just lifting yourself up. three point rows where you’re on, you know, two hands or doing like a row on a bench, where you’re in a tabletop position that’s adding anti rotation exercises. So there’s a ton that you can do that still highlights and isolates, the core isolates, sorry. that highlights and will emphasize core activation, but through a full body compound movement. And what’s great about that is during pregnancy, depending on your energy levels, it’s hard to do all the little isolated accessory and all these separate exercises as it is. So it’s kind of nice being able to combine everything, so you get more bang for your buck, especially if you’re a parent and you’re on and you’re on baby number two or three, right?


Anthony Gurule  16:31

So what exercises are safe for pregnant women to do? All are. reduce or eliminate for sure contact activities, different things like that. the increased risk activities of you know, trauma and things like that. Outside of that you’re managing pressure, I would definitely encourage reducing anything that’s heavy lifting, that’s, that’s requiring you to do Valsalva moves, you’re having to hold your breath for an extended period of time. that changes blood pressure, so on and so forth. But outside of that, Pregnancy is a completely safe time to do all exercises. we definitely as we highlighted, urge and encourage, you know, certain things over other ones just for you know, added bang for your buck or full body movements, so on and so forth. And that, but outside of that you are free to do what you want.


Anthony Gurule  17:19

If you want guidance, though, you know, there are there are trainers out there that work specifically with prenatal patients. we would love to be able to have that conversation with you if that’s something you want to bounce back or navigate. Because we do want to encourage as much as we can. A very, very active pregnancy through exercise working out or however you want to describe that. So if you found this beneficial, please like share, subscribe. if you’re pregnant, I hope you can utilize this and take some of the information for you and yourself. If you have anyone else you know… a relative a family member, a friend who is pregnant and they’re unsure they’ve been you know asking this question what things I don’t know what things I can do. I don’t know if it’s safe for baby share this video with them. We’d love to be able to provide a better frame of reference and or context to be able to ask better questions so that they can find the workout program  or the movements that work best for them during their pregnancy. Until next time guys live loud .if you’re currently pregnant, Congratulations, and we look forward to helping and serving in the future.

Weight Loss Nutrition EP|54 Live Loud Life

Live LOUD Life Podcast
Lafayette Colorado

Episode 54

Weight Loss Nutrition

With Roy Ulrich & RUF Fitness

What are some of the biggest mistakes people are making with their diet?

Monitoring progress is looking back at your goals.

Understanding macros is the key to weight loss.

Most people are undereating in terms of calories and undereating protein.

The scale is a tool and needs to be used as a tool not the only form of progress, a tool can be mismanaged and used and it needs to be helping you not hurting you

About Roy Ulrich

Nutritional Building Block With Roy Ulrich RUF Fitness Live Loud Chiropractic Lafayette Colorado


  • Personal Trainer & Health Coach
  • Nutrition Coach
  • Gym Owner
  • Online Coach

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RUF Fitness Website:
RUF Fitness App:…

Anthony Gurule  00:09

What’s up, guys, welcome back to the Live LOUD Life Podcast. My name is Antonio, your host. And today we’re gonna be talking about nutrition and training I have with me Roy, all rich, he owns rough fitness. But it’s more than just that, because I’m gonna let him give the intro on what he’s doing, not only here in Lafayette, Colorado, but from a global scale as well.

Roy Ulrich  00:33

Yeah, man, thanks for having me on the podcast. I’m extremely excited to be here and talk to you guys about nutrition today. So yeah, so as you were saying, We own a gym right here, literally right across the street from you guys. In Lafayette, and we do a mix between hit training, cross training, bodybuilding, but more so on a global scale. We do a lot of things between workouts, nutrition and accountability. We have our own app, we have our own supplements to help people with supplement regimens if they have gaps in their nutrition. But what we do different than what I find most people is the educational piece, I think a lot of people will join an online program or a gym and they just say, okay, workout or follow this nutrition plan this, do this. And then that’s it. And nobody ever really knows why. And as soon as you’re one month, three months, six months, however long it is of your workout, nutrition commitment is done, then you’re like trying to figure out what what do I do now? Right? So what we do is when people come into the program, people always asked will tell me what to eat or tell me what to do. And we pride ourselves in going through the journey with you. So you can figure out with us what works best for you. Because at the end of the day, we’re all I mean, biologically, we’re all humans are certain rules we need to follow. But everybody’s different how they respond to certain things. So it’s about figuring out what’s best for you and your results.


Yeah, that’s awesome. And we were chatting about before we started, is, and before I said, how you how long? How long have you had the app? When did you first create it?


In 2019. So we’ve had that for about three years now.


But you were previously doing the online training.


Before starting online training, probably back in 2016. I’d love to say and it was all through like text messages and emails and people used to like, type out, like what they ate every single day type out their workouts. And I don’t think people nowadays we always make fun because we have some of our clients have been with us for like five years, for sure. And we always make fun. We’re like, remember when you used to have to like, send those reports and probably took you like 30 minutes to an hour just to type it up. And now people are like, Oh, it’s so difficult to track my stuff in our app. I’m like, This is the easiest thing. You have no idea man.


I used to walk to school, but an uphill boy. Oh boy, I was gonna say is 2020 was huge for you guys, because obviously everyone was online. At that point was so many gyms being shut down. And which is really cool, because it gave a lot of people from the online platform, you know, a very awesome, equal opportunity, a chance to compete with all the local gyms because everyone was gonna be in the local.


Absolutely, yeah, we’re super grateful. It’s bittersweet because the online stuff was starting to do really well. And it got to a point where financially I said, Man, we should have a headquarters where we can film videos and film content for our people. But we can also run in person classes. And so we finally took that leap, we opened up our gym in 2020 was February 1 of 2020. And it wasn’t a month or two later that everything got shut down. So bittersweet because this new gym that we’re gonna do in this idea, and all this ambition was like, oh, and we lost upwards, over 50% of our members. Because of COVID, the shutdowns in the regulations and stuff, but the online stuff we went, I mean, we ended up getting over 300 350 People like it was crazy, how much growth but you know, I’m super grateful. Because of all the work we put into this online program, we had the foundation. So we were able to handle those people, we’re able to make custom plans for all those people and connect with them and get them to where they want to be during the hardest time for fitness, but also the most important time when it comes to everything. Now you


said something interesting. So custom plans, because I know there’s obviously a ton of different programs and whatnot out there some of which are custom some or which are just template forums, or whatever that is, what are some of the things you do the the intakes, the questionnaires and everything else that helps you develop the custom plans.


This is my favorite part of the process, but also the part where we figure out how serious people are about their health and nutrition. So usually people will join a program and immediately say, oh, based on your goals, here’s your plan, right? And in the first week to two weeks, we get people to document and track what they do, right. So in this first period, people were like, well, what am I supposed to be doing? We’re like, just track like, just track what you do because What that does is it tells us where you’re at. One of the biggest issues we have with nutrition plans is that it’s so black and white. It’s so from one extreme to the next, you went from drinking a couple times a week eating pizza, not caring what you did on weekends, not working out to all of a sudden, you’re working out five days a week, and you can’t have carbs or sugar or alcohol. It’s like night and day difference, and how are you supposed to make that a lifestyle, right? And then people always talk about having to be in a caloric deficit to lose weight, right? Well, how much is a caloric deficit, most people don’t even know where they’re at. And we find a lot of people are actually under eating on a regular basis, more so than over eating. And it’s causing all these hormone imbalances and issues with our thyroid and their metabolism. So when we track in that first week, what allows us to do is say, Yeah, typically a coach would probably start you here, this is where your goals would be. But because you’re 600 calories off of that goal, instead of just jumping you to where you need to be. It’s like running a marathon, right? If your goal was to run a marathon, if your coach had, okay, sweet, you want to run a marathon? Let’s go do that right now. You’d look at him like he’s crazy. Yeah. But with nutrition, when they say, Oh, this is your goal is to lose weight. Well, let’s just cut all these calories or change all this stuff overnight, then how is that supposed to fit into your lifestyle. So we always teach people like, this is where you’re at, this is where we want to be. And this is where we’re going to start this week. And that’s, that’s where the customization comes in for people.


That’s awesome. And as we were kind of chatting beforehand, some of the topics we want to discuss is the Under eating mentality now, and part of the reason, one of the things I wanted to chat with you specifically because you did the cross train, because you did the hit training, and those types of different mixed modal factors that how much does under eating really create a negative impact for people?


Yeah, well, I just give you guys a rundown through this, especially if you struggle with your weight. Most people who join a gym, or they want to work out or change nutritionists, because they want to build lean muscle and burn fat. Like ultimately, that’s what it comes down to whether you want to perform better, or you just want to look better or lower your blood pressure, those two things always correlate. And what happens is that so many people are in this mindset of I have to be in a caloric deficit to lose weight. But most people don’t really understand how many calories they burn on a day just being alive. And so they think I can’t tell you how many people have come to me be like, Oh, my God, I’m eating 1300 calories a day, that’s too many. So then they cut themselves to 1200. And they lose a little bit of weight. And then they hit a plateau. Yeah. So then they cut to 1100. And they hit a plateau even faster. So then they cut to 1000. And then they aren’t losing any more weight. And they’re like, then they go to 900. And it creates this, this cascade of negative events in your body for sure. Right. And so what ends up happening is that you can’t go any lower, and you’re wondering why you’re not losing weight and what you didn’t realize that you weren’t fueling yourself right for whether it’s your training, or building lean muscle, optimizing your hormones, I can’t tell you how many people struggle just with hormones as a whole, when it comes to performing better being better in their workouts, losing weight, whatever the case is. So most people when they actually come to us, they never have an issue with their carbs, or their fats, usually, those two things are pretty in place. And so what we have people do for that first week or two is we have them track their food, right, you have to track your food, just like you track your workouts to measure progress and what’s working and what’s not. And the biggest thing, it never fails, 99% of the people aren’t eating enough protein. And protein is the only nutrient your body can use to build your lean muscle tissue to repair it and to preserve it right not to mention its functions for your hormone production, like so many amazing things that your hair, skin and nails, protein, right? We’ve had clients, their hair’s falling out in there trying to do all these medications to fix their hair, and we get them eating more protein like, Oh, my hair is much nicer. It’s crazy. And the scary part for people though, is that they want to perform better in the gym, right? They want to start working out, but they’ve cut their calories so low, less than what you need just to even survive. And it’s like how do you expect to perform at a level high enough whether it’s hit training, or cross training or bodybuilding, whatever it is, or even just running? How do you expect to perform well enough to challenge yourself? If you’re such if you’re not giving your body the nutrients that need for sure. Right? And not to mention that let’s say you do you get over that and you are able to put yourself in the workouts? Well, the workout in itself is where you do damage and stress to your body. And because of that damage and stress, you probably heard if you don’t challenge yourself, you don’t change, right? So you challenge yourself, your body says man, here’s all the stress now, we need to recover. We need to adapt, we need to build this lean muscle so that way we can perform better next time. But again, we just said that protein is only macronutrient that could technically create a lot of those adaptations. So if you’re not feeling yourself the right way, how are you going to progress? How are you going to move forward? And this is the issue we see again and again why? Somebody works out for two or three days. They’re extremely sore their way like The first three days you wake up and you feel great, right? And wake up at 5am You’re crushing it. I never want to stop working out ever, right? We hear that all the time. And then come day four, or the next week or the weekend, you’re like, You’re so dead to the world and tired. It’s like, you can’t even get the motivation to get out of bed. Yeah. And you’ve heard it before you are what you eat, right? And people aren’t eating enough. So how could you expect to be more if you’re not eating enough for that? Does that make sense for sure.


Now on that same token, because I know we were talking about protein, obviously, being less is how much carbs are demonized. And especially when you’re looking at HIIT training. And I think it really just depends too, because I had another nutritionist on registered dietitian A while ago, and it was the same thing. Not enough protein, typically not enough calories. But from an endurance standpoint, looking at utilizing different substrates, such as fat over carbs, but when we’re talking about hit training, I mean, fats come into play a little bit, but not as much as carbohydrates. Right.


And so I think the issue is, and especially with a lot of the fad diets, people put a lot of emphasis on demonizing these things. But all three of them play a huge role, right? Sure. Even thoughts as far as like your cell health and protecting yourself and optimizing and your hormones as well. Fats are super important. But people say, oh, there’s good fats like avocado, you can obviously if you eat a whole avocado for most people, that would be way too many fats for a lot of people, right? So again, it’s specific to the person it’s not good or bad. It’s the right portions for you. Same thing with carbs, a lot of people like, how could you say carbs are bad? If I were to ask you if broccoli is good for you, or brussel sprouts are good for you. You’re like, Well, absolutely. I’m like, Well, those are cards. Right? Right. But it gets really funny when we start talking about like fruits and how some people have this controversy of fruits are healthy or not, of course, they’re healthy. But again, if you only ate apples, bananas and vegetables, and nothing else, no fats, no protein, that wouldn’t be good. Yeah. And same thing for the alternative. Right? So carbs are your body’s main source of energy. And even you kind of mentioned like endurance running, even people who run marathons. If you are proficient marathon runner, you do Iron Man’s, what are they eating in the middle of their runs, they have these goo packs that are all carbs, right? Because they need that energy right here right now. And the only way to get that is through carbohydrates. Fats take a long time to digest. And it’s funny to me, for people especially like with a diet, that’s the Atkins diet or the keto diet, for you to say, Oh, if I eat too many carbs, it’ll get turned to fat. Or do you not think the same for if you eat too many fats? Yeah, that is fat, fat. So just to get people away from the idea that carbs are bad, and that you need it to fuel and the craziest thing ever, right. So I always teach people that the more lean muscle tissue that you can build, the more you’ll increase your metabolism and ultimately burn more calories. So when we look at the long term of performing better or burning more fat, you want to build that lean muscle. A lot of people have this idea that if I eat too much protein or build too much muscle, I’ll be bulky, I promise you like you would have to easily eat doubled what you’re eating right now just even think about maybe it’s not gonna happen. Yeah. But what people also don’t think about is that your body’s main function is to survive. That’s it, and you need energy to survive. Yep. And carbs are a body’s main source of energy. So it had to choose between having the luxury of building more lean muscle and burning more fat, which stored fat as your stored energy in case you ever need it, if had choose between burning that fat and building lean muscle as a luxury, or surviving and getting energy from your carbs, was going to choose energy every single time. So if you’re, even if you are eating enough protein, if you’re under eating and carbs, you’re not getting enough energy from your carbs, or fats, while your body still needs to energy and your body is more than capable of taking the protein from your muscle or the protein you’re eating and going through a process called nuco. nucleaus messing up the word here we go Genesis nuclear, I can’t ever say I can’t say but you know, it’s, it’s a mouthful. But taking that protein and turning it into carbs, right. So it’s almost counterproductive to not eat enough of these energy sources. Because then again, as your body’s main energy system, if you’re not getting it from the food you’re eating, you’re going to get it from somewhere else for sure.


Yeah, yeah. You made an interesting point, too. It’s funny, I just had a patient this morning. More of an endurance athlete who’s looking to get into some mix modal training and more resistance training whatnot. And I was showing them you know, a couple endurance athletes that are doing more of that OCR racing and that type of stuff, what she’s interested in, and one of the guys like, oh, I don’t want to I don’t want to be bulky like that. I’m like, you know, cuz that’s, that’s the such a common misconception is that if you lift weights, you’re going to get bulky I was like, You need you can’t just make muscle out of nothing.


Well, it’s it’s so funny because I was 125 pounds soaking wet in High School. St. Height fights. Yeah, I used to wrestle and I never had to like, they were like, make me eat more just to hit my weight class. And when I got to college, I got into bodybuilding. And my goal was get to 160 pounds, which took me about two years. But I don’t think people realize the amount of food I have to eat on daily basis to gain weight and I still just look like an overgrown teenager. Like I still don’t even look big no, like, it’s it’s one of the hardest things to do. Like people say that they struggle losing weight, like losing weight once you understand it right? Once you learn, you know how to eat right in the right portion of stuff. Once you have the discipline, it’s just consistency. To eat, the amount of food you would have to eat to actually put on muscle and train your body to do that is so intense, I don’t think people realize, and it’s just crazy, like, it’s just not going to happen. And my favorite thing is, is somebody actually came to that they said, I don’t want you bulky I said, Listen, I said, this is what you’re doing. Now. This is what I’m going to make you do. Just trust the process. If it makes you big and bulky. If in six weeks, you’re big and bulky, then just go back to what you were doing before and you’ll be good, right? It’ll go away. And it never happens. People never gain the weight.


My my daughter’s for right now, when she was born. When I had more time, obviously only having two kids and earlier on in business. My goal was to bulk. And they call it the seafood diet, right? Like if you see food and you eat it. And that’s what I did. And I was joking, because my wife was breastfeeding at the time too consistent, we’ll just have to have a baby. So I would make her the same shakes that I made that I also made. It consisted of almond milk, half and half, I put like four scoops of peanut butter protein, some cacao and I don’t know something else, man, it was like that one shake was probably like 1000 calories, right? So, but I was also doing the things that would promote it too. It wasn’t like I was just lifting. And with that, too, you also have to do hypertrophy type of lifting. I mean, what most people don’t understand is like there’s so many things that have to come into play in order for that to actually happen, which does also make it challenging to build muscle for an older population as well, where hypertrophy training is so important. Yep. I’m dealing with circles, sarcopenia and everything else. But I think that’s what is so interesting is just like, No, no, no, that’s not going to happen. But to that point, also, it just shows you when you’re talking about quality, right? Because when we’re looking at calories, it’s that fast, fast fat, that peanut butter the whole point of the peanut butter. How many of you actually notice serving size of peanut butter? Oh


my goodness, my favorite thing is my favorite thing on social media, they have a little meme going around. It’s like what you think a serving size of peanut butter is versus what and they had the tablespoon it sure enough looks exactly like what I put on a on a spoon, right? Like, it’s like four times the amount of peanut butter. And I’m also like, put that on my sandwich. And I’m like licking the spoon. Yeah, I’m getting all of it. Whereas


it’s a teaspoon in that one teaspoon is 180 calories, give or take. And now not saying that that’s bad. But when you’re talking about calories in calories out and understand the balance of protein, fats, and all these other things is like we as a as a society over eat. And it’s typically over eating in not an advantageous way. We’re saying you need more calories, right? But the conversation is really about like the portions of the portions and what type of calories to and


the amount of people who come to me and you’ll probably a lot of people fall into this category is whether they’re they have this goal, right? And they can’t figure it out. And so they come to me asking for help. And they say, I say well, what is your nutrition look like? And they say, Oh, I’m not worried about that because I eat healthy. Yeah. I say, Well, if you’re a pretty good at you, and you’ve heard before, it’s 80% diet 20% workouts abs are made in the kitchen, you can’t outwork a bad diet. So if your nutrition is on point, right, and that’s what you’re telling me, then why are you coming to me for help? Obviously, something’s missing. Yeah. And it’s not always to say that you’re not eating healthy, but you’re not eating in the right portions. And that’s why I always tell people track their food, like somebody who’s doing the keto diet, I say, sweet, can I see what you’ve been eating? I say, Oh, I don’t track. I’m just doing keto. And I almost chuckle on the inside, right? Because I’m like, the amount of carbs you do get if you’re getting any are probably way more than what it needs to be, or you’re still under eating or even in the keto diet, you can overeat protein, and that same process can be kept and and throw you out of ketosis. So if you’re not tracking you really don’t ever know. Right? And same thing with like the serving size of peanut butter, right? People could say on eating healthy, well, sweet, but you’re eating three times the amount you’re supposed to and don’t realize until you actually measure and weigh it.


Yeah, and do keto cracks me up? Because now you got keto keto candy bars, and you know, keto everything.


My favorite is keto water, and I really wish there was one of them. And I looked at it, and I was like, oh, maybe they like add something to it. But nope, it’s just water. It’s just straight water and they just put the word keto in front of it cuz they know people are gonna buy it is the craziest thing that cracks me and what’s even funnier. And because you’ll see this a lot to like, because, you know, there’s a lot of value on run around the higher protein diet and stuff too. But even with keto is that there’s a company that makes this bar right, and it has, let’s just say, like 25 grams of carbs. And so then they make a bar that only has 19 grams of carbs. So now to them for their product line. That’s a Keto bar because it’s less carbs, but it’s not a Keto bar. Same thing with protein, right? They’ll have a cereal with one gram of protein. They’ll add protein to it. So it’s five grams. Protein is like a high protein cereal. I’m like, pick it


out. Yeah, I’ve seen like pancakes and everything. So you write protein pancakes and all that. But


again, that’s why like if we get you to track what you eat, and you’re doing all these high protein things, but then you realize how your carbs are being blown out of proportion, because it’s not really high protein, higher protein than what it was before. Then all of a sudden, you start realizing that even though I’m trying to do higher protein, now it’s blowing my carbs and fats, we can start to regulate those things, for sure. And then sort of another point of all this to kind of bring this together as far as calories in versus calories out, and people under eating, but I find for most people, as far as portion goes, and fixing their hormones and regulating their metabolism and things like that, that most people, I don’t even need them to eat in a caloric deficit, right? Because I always ask people, I say, what’s your goal is to lose weight, or is it to burn fat? And people always say, Well, I want both. And I’m like, no, no, if you had to choose and they said, well, obviously I’d rather burn fat. I’m like, well, sweet, losing weight. It’s not hard, right? Like, just like start skipping breakfast. Yeah, right. Like if I stepped on the scale, and then I step off the scale to eat a hamburger, I step back on the scale, you’re heavier, like just eat less, right, that’s easy to lose weight. But when you try to do this the right way and burn fat, right? Again, we talked about building the lean muscle tissue, increasing metabolism burning more calories. And because people for so long, I’ve just focused in on calories in versus calories out. If I can just get you to eat the same amount of calories that you burn on a regular basis. In the right portions with the right protein, your body’s gonna be like holy cow, like, what are we gonna do with all those proteins gonna do such amazing things for your metabolism, your thyroid, your hormones, that naturally you’re going to burn more fat. And I said, even if you gain a pound or stay the same way, but you feel better, you have more energy, your clothes are fitting better, the inches are coming off, wouldn’t you rather that anyways, for sure. And so for most people, when they join the program, that’s it’s like super scary for them. I’m like, Okay, sweet. This is where you’re at, this is where you want to go in this where you’re starting, they’re like, Oh, my God, I was eating 1200 calories, and you’re telling me to eat 1600 calories, that’s going to be way too many. And sure enough, like after six weeks, after eight weeks are like, Oh my god, like they look at their photos. And they’re like, I never even realized, you know where to go. And then once we regulate where everything’s at, and then you hit a plateau, now we have so much room to work with, to be able to cut you down a little bit. But even with a caloric deficit, you don’t want to be there for a long time, right? Cuz your body’s not optimal, there, you want to lower yourself a little bit, hit your plateau, then go back up to where you’re optimal. And then you can cut a little bit more, right. And that’s kind of the process that we have to repeat again and again, again. And that’s where I think it’s hard for people because they just want that one solution, oh, I just have to give up carbs, or I just have to eat in this window of time. Or I just have to do this one thing for the rest of forever. And it’s never going to have to change. But your body is always changing, right? You cannot eat the same thing you ate when you were 19 years old, or drink the same way you drank when you first got to college, and have the same results, right? Like just with age in general things change, right? I’m already started noticing for myself that my body doesn’t hold on and use carbs the same way it used to when I was in my 20s or in my early 20s. Right? So I’m starting to notice that, hey, I got to get my fats a little higher, my carbs a little lower, just for how my body’s changing. For sure.


So one of the other I can’t remember when I was going through Gen G’s using in body, we do have an in body scan. Yeah, so I so I wanted to go back to basal metabolic right. So we have an in body scanner that we we’ve had for many years now we mostly got it because gyms that we were a part of are gyms within the community, every New Year’s everyone’s doing a new year’s challenge. And it’s always about weight loss. And people get super upset. They’re like, I didn’t lose any weight. And so really having the conversation was, well if you lose three pounds of fat, but you gained three pounds of muscle, what’s your net loss? Correct. And they’re like, Oh, I guess it’s not anything. So you tip the scales in a beneficial way, even though it shows the same amount. And so what’s important about that is for those who don’t understand what basal metabolic rate is, this is the way I describe it is imagine which is kind of a weird analogy, I apologize. But imagine you’re in the hospital, and you’re on in you’re just in an accident and you’re just laying there, right, you’re just laying there because you’re just in an accident. This is the amount of calories they need to give you to sustain basic metabolic functions ie your heart, your your digestive system, so on and so forth, so that you don’t start wasting away because if you’re under that, then your body will pull from whatever it can, whether that’s fat, whether that’s protein or stored glycogen within the muscle, so on and so forth. So you can still use glycogen being glucose and or carbs, right? So you can still utilize those, but your body is going to start wasting away. Now obviously, can you be like Well, can I still select fat first? It doesn’t happen that way. So what most people don’t understand is I show them that basal metabolic rate based on their lean muscle mass, which has come to your point, right? And they’re just like, oh shit, I’m like really? Below that.


No. And what’s really crazy off that point is you just said that if you were in an accident, you were laying in the hospital bed doing nothing. That’s yeah, some people come to my gym and they do the in body scan right before they work out in bed. Add an extra 300 calories. Yeah, so you got to think that let’s say you’re in body scan says you burn 1350 calories just to be alive, not wither away. Well, if you just come to this work on you burn an extra 200 calories, well, now you’re at 1550. Not to mention walking and living movement, right? Lifting your kids up, right? Like all these things that happened throughout the day, like, that’s where I’m saying, like, when people see, I’m putting them at 1600 calories, I’m like, it’s probably just a good amount for you. It’s just making sure we eat in the right portions of things, you know, for sure. Um, so yeah, and with the body scan, what we really use it for more than anything as a measuring tool. So I’m not a big fan of scales in general, because there’s so much room for it. Like variation, there’s air variation, just like I just said, like, people will come to me, and they will, when they we have check ins once a week. And they’ll get on a scale like, Ah, it’s up to pounds. And I’m like, Well, yesterday, you just went out to eat, and you don’t normally do that. So your sodium is probably higher retaining more water, or you just ate more food than you’re used to. Or my favorites, like when ladies are on their period. And like, you know that this happens every month, you’re retaining fluid, your hormones are out of whack, and you’re gonna gain the most weight I’ve ever seen a lady gained during their period was 12 pounds. And it wasn’t the week later, they had it looked like they lost 15 pounds in one week. That’s crazy. It’s It was insane. Because you’re not going to hold on to that weight, right? But same thing with the in body scan, right? Like you can get on the scale before the workout or after. Yeah, even coffee, you having caffeine before you get on anybody’s can can vary their results, how much water you’re drinking, all these things can bury it. So, of course, we always take things and I just actually just did a lecture on this not too long guys, as a coach. That’s why I tell you that it has to take more than an eight week challenge, right? It has to be a lifestyle. Because we look at things on a monthly basis, you actually check in on a weekly basis to make sure like, Hey, do we need to tweak anything, keep motivated. But over the course of a month, what does this inbody scan look like? So that way you can get rid of those variables. And for sure, the longer you stick to the program, three months of data, six months of data a year of data, that one time that scale was extra high for whatever reason was not going to look like much over the course of time, we can see where those trends are happening. Right. So my favorite way to track progress is two things is one how do you feel and to your progress photos? When I asked you how do you feel you’re like, Oh, my clothes are fitting better. But the scales up four pounds. I’m like, I’m like you just said Your clothes are fitting better, and you feel great and have more energy. But the scales up, right? Well, again, right? If your body’s used to eating 1000 calories because you’ve been cutting Now have you eaten 1300 scales probably going to go up. But you’re burning fat, right? So like again, and we look at progress photos. And again over the course of three months, six months, everybody hates their progress photos. Like I don’t want to take them like that’s the reason why you need to take them. Yeah, that’s the reason why you’re here is because you don’t like the way you look and you want to fix Yeah, and never fails. Within three months, six months, they look and I show them those pictures like holy cow. Yeah, I just I think back to that person six months ago. And they didn’t even want to take that photo. I’m so glad that I did it


well into that no to I mean, going back to that time where I was talking about bulking, I was lifting, I was eating. And this was again, the seafood diet. I was when I say eating everything. I wasn’t like I was slamming candy bars. You know, I was definitely eating a much more high fat diet and high protein diet. But I wasn’t really being restrictive in any sense. I was at my lowest body fat percentage, and I look the best that ever did. But I was also the heaviest I’ve ever been. That being the key I was probably I got up to and it was kind of crazy. And again, this is going off the embodying the scales with the scale show this, I hover around 190. Within within. Within 12 weeks, I was up to 215. And but I was lifting one rep max heavy stuff. A lot of that was and I was still doing like high intensity was because I do a ton of kettlebells. But I was the heaviest I’ve ever been. I was the leanest I’ve ever been. Also look the others that look the best that ever have. It’s crazy because I was yeah, it was just I love that. Yeah. And now I want to be able to get I want to try to bulk and get that much. It’s just there’s just been it was hard because it was I was eating everything. But the training was the hardest part to be honest. Because it It took again, back to the point, it took a specific type of training to hypertrophy.


Absolutely. And I think back to like what you were saying with the scale of stuff, like I don’t want to diminish the scale, because we do use it as a measuring tool to tool. But the issue I run into is when people like their identity is in that scale. Because we actually had this with a couple of our clients, like they struggle with their body image and their weight or their performance, whatever it was, and their whole identity wasn’t at scale and losing weight. And when they learned what we taught them again, education is such a huge piece. They did it like they lost the weight. And it’s like well, then like what’s your purpose after that? Right, you know, and so what’s really hard is that once you get to that point where you’ve lost the weight or you’re really really really lean at the scale might actually start going in the opposite or you’re definitely going to lose any more Weight, right? So to find the motivation or realize that, hey, you have a different goal now, it’s so hard to separate people from that scale. So yeah, right from the beginning, when somebody joins a program, although we use it as a tool, I try my very hardest not to have somebody identify, like their happiness with the number on the scale says, because even just working out harder, right, like I My favorite example is like if you go start going for a run outside, and you get a little bit of a sunburn. Well, if you get a sunburn, your body is going to want to repair that it’s going to send fluid, it’s going to send nutrients to fix that sunburn to retain water skill is going to go up. And people don’t think about that, like, same thing happens with your muscles, like you work out, your muscles get sore, they swell a little bit. And so all of a sudden, after one week, the scale goes up because you’re sore, and you’ve been working so hard. And your pants might fit a little tighter because your muscles are swollen. They think, oh, I’m bulking. I’m like if it happened that fast. Like I would already be like 190 pounds at the CrossFit Games. That’s how it would be. And it just doesn’t happen that way. Right? And so the thing is, of course, it’s going to take time, right? Like, let it play out, let it happen, it’s going to take way longer than just a week. And again, even after that, like how long are you willing to be consistent with this thing? Because once you learn these things, and you get the performance, or you get the goal or you lose the weight? Well, something has to happen after that. Yeah, as soon as you stop tracking the food, or you stop tracking the workouts or you stop, where there’s no more goal or no more ambition, then you’re gonna go right back to your old habits. And you’re gonna end up there right back in the same situation you were before


what what we did with a few people and knowing that they had that, that mindset, and that reservation about the scale is before those challenges, I would just put like a sticky note or a piece of paper up there. So they couldn’t even see the results. And then at the end, you’re like, hey, look what you did. Yeah, you know what I mean, today is cool. They had no idea what it was. But to that point, also, I was listening to the it’s called the it’s either Hubber min. Or Huberman podcast, if you heard of him, Andrew Huberman. He’s a, he’s a Stanford professor. So each podcast episode is literally like a neuro science lecture. It’s amazing. But he has amazing guests on too. And I apologize. I cannot remember the gals name because I literally just listened to part of it yesterday. But she does a lot of research on mindset. And what was really interesting is they’re talking about mindset and nutrition. So oftentimes, and then this was called the milkshake study. So they had they had a milkshake. And they had, they split up into two groups. So they had one group who was basically told, Hey, this is a high fat. This is a high fat milkshake, that you’re going to consume forever amount. So the fact that the person knew his high fat milkshake, they thought it was high fat, they thought they’re consuming high fat, they had a certain hormonal response within their body, they were given the exact same milkshake that they were told was high fat and say, Oh, this is actually a low fat milkshake thinking it’s healthier for you, right? They actually saw reduction in ghrelin, which is basically that hormone that’s released to tell you more, you are hungry, they saw that they saw a reduction in the ghrelin with that because they assume that they were actually eating something healthier, right. So a lot of So basically, what they’re pointing towards is like when you’re looking at nutrition, this is the whole demonizing of the carbs to protein to fat, whatever it is, when you have that negative mindset or connotation about what that’s doing for you, you’re actually in turn creating a negative internal effect hormonally, just from that. Whereas if you think like, oh, this is broccoli, and this is the education component, which you guys do so well about. This is broccoli. It’s not like we know it’s good for us. But like, we don’t really know why, oh, this is broccoli, it’s got carbohydrates in it’s got a lot of good vitamins, minerals, that’s good. And then you actually have a much more positive hormonal effect outside from just a normal metabolic effect.


Well, two points to what you just said about first education that D My demonizing things, and I think a lot of it, the demonizing has to how people were raised, like how their parents Oh, you did the amount of people who come to me and say, I can eat potatoes. I’m like, potatoes are amazing. And it’s amazing to me how they think potatoes are bad. So they won’t eat potatoes, but nobody’s gonna process tortilla and go wrap that because they don’t have potatoes with their ground meat they want to have and like because somebody says low calorie, right. So it’s just the low calorie thing is healthy, but the potato that grows from the Earth is not much search man. Right? So it’s just crazy how people envision these things. But there was a study that I did in college and I wish I had I need to go find it. When is this kind of talked about all the time, around mindset, and they had three groups. And they had one group that just didn’t work out at all right? They had the last group that got to work out in a gym, and they had this this middle group that got to go to the gym, but they didn’t work out. And they just watched videos of people working out and learning. And, of course, the people who didn’t work out so the worst results, right? The people who did workouts are the best results. But what was crazy was that middle group that still didn’t work out, but was just in the environment and learning and it was just part of their life. And they were in that mindset performed better than the group that didn’t work out at all, even though they had the same amount of activity. Yeah, and it’s just it’s crazy to me to think right how important that mindset It is. And again, that’s why we’ve emphasized so much in our program, the educational side of that, because if we can get you to understand why you’re doing this, and understand what you’re putting on your plate in importance versus a Kosha, saying, oh, eat chicken and broccoli, like, I hate chicken and broccoli. Yeah. Right. Like the education is just so important there.


Yeah, it’s funny because that guy had mentioned a very similar study where they were looking at people that did, their their occupation was more activity than obviously, like a desk worker. So in this particular study, they talked about, like housekeeping that like a hotel or something like that. And so they asked them, the majority of the people assumed like, Oh, I’m not, I’m not working out, right, because their day to day activities in life didn’t seem like working out. But so they took the group, they split them up. And you know, one side basically was not told about the benefits of movement and exercise and the other ones just like, hey, you guys actually are moving quite a bit. And you should consider this a good amount of your exercise daily recommendations for which again, for a week saw significant physiological changes within their body simply by doing the exact same thing. And that’s the hard part too, is what we talked about, is just like, a lot of times people assume that you have to only do things within the gym. Some Some people live a very active life, for instance, like not all but like mechanics, or landscapers on my hay ban. And this is back when I was doing some more coaching. I was like, you don’t need to come in here and bust yourself. You’re working out seven hours a day, like if anything, you should come in here and supplement and augment some maybe some some of the deficits you have in certain problematic areas, but you’re just crushing yourself not understanding that you’re also working out. So it’s


so funny, because like, again, I feel almost everybody. If I said this, she would say oh, yeah, I’ve heard that before. It’s 80% diet 20% workouts. We talked about this earlier, ads are made in the kitchen, you cannot work about diet. But these landscapers who are working all day are these nurses who are on their feet all day. Oh, I want to get in shape. Let me go to the gym, like like you’re already I’ve had people lose 30 pounds, just walking, right like or like, literally any activity that’s more than what you’re doing now. Or if you just consider what you’re doing as physical activity. If you can just fix your diet, if we can teach you about those things. Like you got to think that in one workout, you might burn What 100 calories, right 200 calories. But you have to think that throughout the entire day, you might be burning 1300 14 1500 hours. So that workout as far as calorie X, like the amount of energy expenditure, I didn’t want to have to mess up another word. Like it’s so small, so my new compared to the amount of calories you’re eating throughout the day, so that’s going to play such a bigger role when it comes to your results than anything else.


Yeah, I had a conversation with a colleague. This was years ago, but he was talking about same same principle right? We as hunter gatherers, what is the same thing that what is that? What is the one movement? This The question is what is the one movement that humans have been doing? For aeons that’s burn the most calories than anything else. Walking, walking, right? Just it’s it’s, it’s it’s not only just the amount of calorie expenditure, but also that comes with it, right, because most of us are walking outdoors. But the added benefits from not only being outside, there’s just so many other benefits layered on top of that bump from going back to that calorie expenditure. And and again, technology scales, wearable devices and things like that they have their place, maybe not the most accurate, but in the turn of this year, I’ve been attempting the 75 Our challenge has many ups and downs. But seeing that scene from a heart rate, shot monitor and everything else, seeing the changes that I get from consistent walking and or more aerobic base type of things like running, I’m hitting more than I am on my hit training. Yep, my high intensity interval training, which is saying that you actually burn more fat and stuff with this. I mean, there’s, it’s, it’s just crazy. It’s just insane to think about because then you also dive in into, which is a whole nother thing, which I don’t know as much about but talking about the implications of nasal breathing and aerobic capacity actually burning more fat than high intensity. When you’re at a certain level, you’re basically within a zone that’s only predominantly burning carbs and things like that. So, you know, it’s much more layered in the most people think but at the same time, we oftentimes make it more complex in


  1. Yeah, it’s funny, cuz I just, I literally just did a call on this right before we started this podcast. And it’s the question is like, well, what’s the best workout? And the answer is always what you love and what you can do most consistently, it’s very difficult for me as a coach to to motivate you and convince you to work out. Like it’s so hard for me to do. And I think people look for that. I’m like, you’ve got to, you have to make up your mind that you’re going to work out, right. So even if it’s just a 10 minute walk a day. And you do that seven days a week, which isn’t hard, right? It’s a 10 minute walk. But what that does, that builds the habit. And now it’s easy for me to change what you do in that 10 minutes or to add on to that 10 minutes than it is for me to convince you to do the 10 minutes. And we just talked about the fact how all the benefits of walking and the great things about it. And again, while you’re doing that, we can focus on nutrition, which is gonna play the biggest factor anyways, and we just build from there


to new Pablo Satsu Linus kettlebell guy, he’s the one who’s kind of coined for bringing kettlebells to the states in America. You know Russian says comrade a lot and things like that, but he’s funny. He has a he has a quote or saying he’s like, you’re all adults. I don’t need to cheerlead you. I don’t need to motivate you either want it or you


don’t. Right. Right. That’s what that is the either you want it or you don’t. Why do you want it? But I don’t want to wake up. I’m like, that’s fine. You just want to sleep more than you want these results. That’s the end of it.


Yeah, that’s awesome, man. Well, I appreciate your time. Is there anything else you want to add? Or maybe let’s finish up with with a plug? Where can people find you what your website would shoot Instagram handle, like kind of that stuff, we’ll


go through all the things so you guys can find me on social media. It’s ROI, underscore, Ul, Ri, CH show ROI, underscore all rich. But if you’re interested in training with us, or anything like that, that’s gonna be the best place to find me shoot me a message on there. And then I can point you in the right direction of what you want to do. If you’re local. to Colorado, I’d love to meet you in person, our gym is in Lafayette, Colorado, right by this entire US High School. But you can go to rough Ruf, Colorado calm. So it’s Ruf That’s our local gym. But if you’re looking for maybe you’re out of the state, or maybe you’re just an hour away, and you don’t want to come all the way for that drive we do. Like we said, our own app is less than $1 a day custom programming is 29 bucks a month. If you’re ever interested in like a supplement regimen, or what to do with your nutrition or workouts is just train Ruf calm, but again, right you’re gonna go to those websites and be like, I don’t even know what’s best. So yeah, best thing is just to find me on Instagram or you can email me Roy at train rough calm, and let me help you and guide you because again, we do everything custom. So the best thing is for me and you just to talk and say okay, we’re where do we need to go from here and then I can point you in the right direction.


Awesome, man. Well, thanks again for taking the time. I always love talking about these things. Yeah, definitely good knowledge from someone who’s doing it on a daily basis.


Cool. I do it every day. I love it. That’s been my purpose for a long time. So I appreciate you having me. If you ever need anything from me, just let me know.

Live LOUD Life Podcast Sponsored by Live LOUD Chiropractic and Coaching in Lafayette Colorado serving the communities of Boulder, Superior, Lafayette, Lousiville, Erie, and Broomfield

live loud life podcast lafayette colorado

Do I Need An XRAY or MRI? EP|50

Live LOUD Life Podcast, Lafayette Colorado

Episode 50

Do I Need an XRAY or MRI?

With Dr. Antonio Gurule DC

In pain and wondering if you should get an Xray or MRI? Both are great tools but oftentimes they are overdone and overused. In Episode 50 of the Live Loud Life podcast, Dr. Antonio breaks down when and why you might need special imaging and when you would not need it.


Episode Highlights

  • Why imaging is overused
  • How proper evaluation trumps imaging
  • Xrays and MRIs as a first step in care
  • Pain does not equal tissue damage
  • What happens when there are other red flags?
  • Sometimes imaging will not change the course of care

About Dr. Antonio Gurule DC



  • Father
  • Doctor of Chiropractic
  • Owner of Live LOUD
  • Personal Trainer & Health Coach

What’s New on the Podcast

Welcome back to another Live Loud Life podcast episode. I’m Dr. Antonio Gurule, your host of the Live Loud Life podcast brought to you by Live Loud Chiropractic and Coaching. My wife and I own Live Loud Chiropractic and Coaching, we’re based out of Lafayette, Colorado, which is in Boulder County. We went to Boulder for our undergrad, we were out to California for grad school and we knew we were coming back home because we love the mountains, we love the sunshine and it’s an amazing place to be. But that’s not what we’re talking about, that was just a little bit of brief history.


Not a lot of housekeeping stuff today. We hope you guys are enjoying the episodes, we have some other guests that will be joining us on the episodes soon, I promise. The start of the year is always a little crazy, we’re all in from the holidays, we had a wedding and all that stuff and just the scheduling–it’s just been harder to connect with people, to be honest. But we hope that you’re finding the content still valuable and beneficial for your health and your wellness and your longevity, to help you live a loud life.


When Do You Need Imaging?

Today, we’re going to be talking about something that we get as a question quite commonly. It was sparked by a recent patient we had who is 10, who ended up having an injury playing soccer. The parents just basically wanted to know, do we need to go get Xrays or an MRI? Pretty simple as that, they wanted an evaluation done. What’s interesting is, depending on who you see, imaging is pretty much the first and only thing that they do. And so I was thrilled that they trusted us with the care for their son and glad they came to a place like ours who values an evaluation and history to understand when imaging is not necessary and when it’s, quite honestly, overdone. That’s what we’re talking about today.


Special imaging, Xrays, MRI, CT scans–amazing technology. Like it blows my mind that we can do these things and get insight into the world within our body. It is absolutely amazing and it is necessary for healthcare and for certain things. In the case of musculoskeletal care and injuries, very beneficial but again oftentimes overused and overdone, so that’s what we’re talking about today.


Changes in Body Tissue

The insight into your body is a great tool that could give indication as to why there might be certain pain in certain areas or certain issues. But that’s not always the case because they have done a number of studies on asymptomatic individuals where we see changes from the “normal” body tissue and the way things should look in asymptomatic individuals. For instance, if you’re over the age of 50 and you’re asymptomatic and you go get an MRI, you’re going to find old injuries, old disc bulges, just different things that have happened over the years that don’t correlate to any pain. When someone is in pain and we do see those changes in imaging, yes, there could be an indication that those would be consistent with the pain pattern and maybe causing it. But the question always comes down to “will it change the course of care?” We’re going to get into a little bit of that because that’s always something that we want to understand and realize.


Simple Pain Remedies

In the case of this 10-year-old, we did a knee exam, we talked about what happened, a little bit of swelling, he was limping. But a lot of the why he was having the symptoms he was having is because he had been doing the old school method of RICE (Rest, Ice, Compress and Elevate) and he hasn’t moved his knee in over a week, like hardly moved it at all. The knee is stiff as can be and so I’m asking him to move and do things, it’s going to hurt because he hasn’t been moving it. And so all we did was kind of trick him in doing some gentle plyometric walking, skipping, different things like that, and miraculously the knee was fine. There was still some end range pain in certain directions but still… It doesn’t take it all away but it was pretty cool to see this immediate change. After all the evaluation, I was just like, no, you don’t need imaging. It’s slightly hyperextended because he missed a ball and that created some tissue irritation, added some swelling. What they did was not wrong but we encouraged them to just start moving him more and more and then we’re going to get a little bit of a return to play program going in.


Examples of Overuse

But in the case of musculoskeletal injuries, we oftentimes overuse this. They would have gone to a PCP. Many PCPs are skilled in orthopedic evaluation and they hopefully would have come to the same conclusion, but many would be like, yeah, it’s always good to just get an Xray to see if anything’s going on. Why? Just do the evaluation to figure out if something’s going on!


This is definitely the case, depending on the cascade of events of how you get to whoever’s helping you. And again, nothing against orthopedists but they are skilled at their role and almost everything they do revolves around having some sort of image around something. Many of the orthopedists that we work with, people will go see them and they’ll basically say nothing’s wrong with you–you need to go see a physio, a chiro or a personal trainer and you need to rehab this out. Which is amazing, but even chiropractors depend on Xrays to set up their treatment course and plan. There’s absolutely no reason you need to get Xrays before starting chiropractic care. Nothing indicates that that would be the case.


This is not a pain science episode, we just wanted to talk about some of the reasons as to maybe why you might get imaging. This is not a pain science episode talking about the complexity of pain, but we do know that tissue damage does not equal pain and pain does not equal tissue damage, and that’s the whole premise of this. You could have an injury or pain in an area and everything would check out, which would mean you would not need imaging. There are functional MRIs and stress Xrays but most of them are a stilled image of what the tissue looks like beneath the surface. Beneficial, but more times than not we’re going to try to do an appropriate evaluation and assessment to determine if something actually does need an image, and more times than not it doesn’t.


Here are some reasons as to why imaging might be good, and I’ll try to give some examples as they come up.


Significant Trauma

Let’s say for instance, someone was in a rollover car accident. If they were in a rollover, they probably were checked out by EMTs at the scene–and if they cleared everything, then most likely you’re good. But significant trauma like from a car accident and they’re having unrelenting pain and there’s just a number of different things going on, that would be a good time to be like, hey, let’s get some imaging to make sure things are good. And if you’re checked out by the EMTs, depending on the severity of the accident, you might be in a C-spine, on a board, brought to the hospital, and they’re going to do all that imaging to check you out.


When people are in significant car accidents and they come in to us, it’s kind of this middle ground where we’re like we want to find out about the severity. More times than not, the people that are walking in the clinic after a car accident probably don’t have something broken. It’s not to say they don’t. Depending on the story and the history as we go through it, that would lead us to believe if there’s something correlated to the traumatic trauma.


Another example would be a patient that I’ve seen on and off, does CrossFit, a lot of intense stuff, oftentimes will come in with like, oh my gosh, my back hurts so bad. I did this, this or this, whatever it might be. Chatting more with this individual, she’s like, oh, yeah, I got bucked off my horse last week and I’m having this SI joint, lower back pain–and she points kind of to the back of her pelvis and her lower back. We’re chatting a lot more and it’s like, yeah, getting bucked off a horse and hitting the ground, that’s quite a bit of trauma. I want you to get an Xray first. Fractured her pelvis, right? She had a fracture in her pelvis. It didn’t really change the course of care for what we did because we can still do some soft tissue and stuff, but I’m not going to be doing a lot of adjustments around a fractured pelvis that takes time to heal. That would be an example of significant trauma.


Inability to Bear Weight

Now, with significant trauma, we’re looking at things like is the individual able to bear weight? There are certain criteria, without getting to the specifics of it. Let’s say for instance you twisted your ankle. “I don’t know if I broke my ankle.” Obviously, a lot of swelling, different things like that, and we’re looking at can you bear weight. If someone’s able to bear weight and walk and do certain things after a sprain or a twisted ankle, the likelihood of them having fractured their ankle goes down. What’s great about an Xray is that a three-view ankle Xray cache is like $45 so it can be a simple easy tool to just rule that out. We’re not saying don’t do imaging; we’re just trying to find the appropriate time and place so that you’re not doing unnecessary imaging. In the case of something like that, it’s like, yeah, we’re curious. Let’s go get a quick image and we’ll hopefully be able to see something. So inability to bear weight could be a factor as well.


Cancer and Other Red Flags

When we’re looking at more potentially sinister things, these are these red flags where it’s like, yeah, let’s dive into some of these things. In the case of even something like lower back pain, part of our questionnaire is do you have a history of cancer? Cancer can grow in other areas and the spine depending on it can be an area that it definitely can. Someone who basically has this unexplained lower back pain that’s started and they have a history of cancer, it’s like let’s go get some Xrays and let’s get some imaging and see if there’s anything going on. That’s an easy way to rule out if it has metastasized to a different part. That can be again a very useful tool so that you’re not creating more of an issue where their pain might be. And we want to know those types of things to help manage their care because it’s not just something that we’re going to be managing on our own.


Signs of Inflammation

Other things that could be in the spine but let’s say even more peripheral, and we’re talking about more like a joint here, the affected area is very hot and swollen. We can have joint infections and there’s different reasons as to why that might happen. When something is infected, it doesn’t have to be very swollen but it can be very warm to the touch. We see a lot of this like acute inflammation moving to this area, trying to fight off whatever that is. That would be an indication of looking into further imaging or evaluation assessment to determine what that might be. Also, looking at the overall temperature of the individual and other things like that would lead you down that road.


Neurological Symptoms

Other things, let’s take into consideration lower back pain or even neck pain or something like that–progressive weakness or progressive neurological symptoms. A term that gets overused way too often is sciatica. Basically, anything from your back or in your butt or down your legs a little bit is going to be sciatica, that’s how people portray it. It’s a little bit more defined than that but we’re not going to talk about that today. When someone has a lower back injury or neck injury and let’s just say it is a disc herniation or a bulge and we’re having inflammation and/or direct pressure on the nerve root, they could be having weakness or neurological symptoms such as numbness and tingling, burning pain, or even motor deficit loss. Those would be considered neurological symptoms.


If we’re seeing someone and progressively those symptoms are getting worse, we want to get an MRI and check out to see what’s going on, what’s pushing on the nerve. There are obviously different interventions such as steroid packs and other things like that which would significantly help. (We don’t prescribe that because that’s a medication but we would refer on to that.) But that would be a time where I would be like, hey, your weakness is getting worse, your motor loss is getting worse, your numbness is becoming more prominent, if you will, and/or the area in which it is numb is growing. The tingling would be kind of correlated with that as well and then even if someone is having like burning pain, if it’s getting more intense, it’s progressing and/or the area is getting larger, you’re not going in the right direction–we want some imaging, we want to go check it out, we want to make sure what’s going on. That would be another indication of doing it.


Lack of Progress

And then last, one of the criteria is a potential just lack of progress. While what we do is super beneficial and it helps a lot of people in a lot of different areas, there are times when we’re just not getting the progress that we want to see. So if for whatever reason we’re working on an ankle injury, something like that, a knee or something like that. We’re working on it, we’re rehabbing it, we’re strengthening it and it’s just like, oh, I’m not getting better, there’s still this one thing or this one position or this is happening. I get a sharp pain or something like that in these certain angles, positions, so on and so forth, there might be something in there that’s just not right.


One case that comes to mind is I had a CrossFitter, this was years ago, who had a sticky elbow. Sticky elbow, the elbow did not like end range flexion and end range extension. There’s not many times when you go into like deep, deep flexion. Front rack would be definitely one of those. You have the barbell on your shoulders, rested on your fingertips and your elbows up–that’s deep weighted flexion. And then terminal extension, I actually do quite a bit because you’re locking everything out, whether that’s a press overhead, whether it’s a push up or dips. And we’re mobilizing, we’re working on it, we’re adjusting it, we’re doing all these things, and it’s just not getting anywhere. I was like, dude, I don’t know what’s going on. Can I just refer you for a quick Xray? He had a loose body in there. Basically, like a little fragment of connected tissue bone, whatever it was, that was basically just blocking the joint. You know a hinge? Imagine you have a door hinge with like a big granule of sand in there, it’s not going to be able to function as good as it could. A simple thing such as that, we found it. For him, it was enough where it was restricting the things that he wanted to do. They went in, they took that out, and it was like he had a brand-new elbow, nothing was wrong. So a lack of progress can be an indication of when to do it.


Pain Does Not Equal Tissue Damage

But, overall, when we’re looking at these, most of these are fairly intense things and the likelihood of these being the cause of your pain issue and under function are low. They are a possibility, we are not saying that this is not the case, but we do have to take into consideration (and just coming back into this) tissue damage does not equal pain and pain does not equal tissue damage. You can be in intense pain with literally nothing physically wrong or broken. The pain cycle is complex, that’s not to say that your pain is not real. Making sure that we make that a point. That does not mean that what you’re feeling is not real. It’s just saying that when you’re looking for imaging to try to find the cause and when you’re going through all these diagnostic things, sometimes providers make up things to correlate and associate with it because we need an answer, we need to know why. That’s getting down into again the pain science discussion, that pain is complex or our bodies are complex and when we want answers and we’re searching for answers, you’ll find something. You’ll find something but that doesn’t mean it’s the cause.


If you have an injury, obviously get it evaluated, get it checked out, but hopefully this brings a little bit of awareness and comfort in knowing that the majority of these things that would require special imaging, Xrays, MRIs and CT scans, if the individual who’s evaluating you does a really good assessment and evaluation, they’re going to rule those things out. So then if we’re working with something, we know we’re not dealing with a structural issue.


Would Imaging Change the Course of Care?

I just finished up with a gal who had a pinchy shoulder. She has been told, oh, it’s probably a rotator cuff tear and all these other things. It was just like, hey, your strength and everything is checking out, you have poor scapular mechanics and weakness in the shoulder. (Weakness meaning like a complete deficit from right to left as to what she’s able to accomplish.) Especially talking about an overhead athlete, it’s like let’s just try to make it super strong, work on your range of motion mechanics, so on and so forth, and see where we get. We checked it out, there doesn’t appear to be any sort of structural damage based on an evaluation. I don’t know that for sure, obviously, because I didn’t have an MRI. But even then, if her pain gets better but yet she did have a rotator cuff tear, does that mean the rotator cuff tear needs to be addressed or fixed? And that’s the conversation that we have constantly–will it change the outcome of care?


Do you want to know if you have a rotator cuff tear? Yes. Okay, fine, we can get imaging. We have insurance and free market healthcare allows us to get those things fairly quickly. You could pay cash for it too. Fine, ease of mind, great, and then we can set it up from there. But for a lot of people, you’re just like I’m not going to do surgery so it doesn’t really matter. It’s just like, cool, then let’s just dive into what we know and help make it better.



Special imaging–we love it, we need it, it’s great. But knowing when and what we are to do. And for your injuries, being evaluated by a good provider will help you strongly determine what needs to be done and so that way you’re not also just getting unnecessary imaging. Also, just knowing. It’s just like we said, the more things you go through–the more imaging, the more diagnostics, the more things you’re looking for–you’re getting further down that road that pushes towards more interventions such as injections and medications and surgeries and things like that. So, understanding that if you don’t need those things right off the bat and you can start a course of conservative care and improve, then you don’t even have to go down that slippery slope.


Live LOUD Chiropractic and Coaching Serving the Communities of Lafayette, Louisville, Erie, Broomfield, Longmont, and Boulder Colorado.

Live Loud Chiropractic

Consistency in Your Life EP|53

Live LOUD Life Podcast
Lafayette Colorado

Episode 53

EP|53 Consistency in Your Life

With Dr. Antonio Gurule

Connect With Antonio and the Live LOUD team:

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Guiding your to the adventurous life you were made for!

If you dig this give it a like ❤️, if you’re loving it let me hear you with a comment 🗣👂, and if you know it will help someone or anyone out please share 👥📲 Videos are instructed by professionals and for educational purposes only.

About Dr. Antonio Gurule

Nutrition Building Blocks Broken Down


  • Father
  • Doctor of Chiropractic
  • Owner of Live LOUD
  • Personal Trainer & Health Coach

Anthony Gurule  00:00

Hey what’s up guys, welcome back to another episode of the Live LOUD Life podcast. My name is Dr. Antonio, I’m your host of the Live LOUD Life podcast. My wife and I, we co-own Live LOUD Chiropractic and Coaching here in Lafayette, Colorado. We are just outside of Boulder, Colorado in Boulder County. And our mission is to help families. We want to help make families stronger, so that we can build a stronger community. We want to help guide you to the adventurous life that you and your family were meant for. And we do this through chiropractic and coaching. chiropractic, obviously being more of a hands on approach, more of a clinical conversation, clinical diagnostics, but the coaching aspect is really what we believe is, you know, the foundation of what our system methodology, whatever you want to call it is, because a lot of this comes around through just coaching suggestions and recommendations. also, you know, obviously within that comes into clinical prescriptions of certain things to eat or supplements, so on and so forth. But it’s coaching a lifestyle, it’s coaching, it’s coaching a philosophy and a foundation about how to live an active healthy life as an individual, and setting an example of a healthy active life for your family, for your immediate family, for your friends, and more importantly for your community. So stronger families to make a stronger community as a whole would be a win win, right? And that’s what we want to be able to do. we want to be able to help fill in the gaps in the holes that you’re maybe not getting from, from other roles and conditions.


Anthony Gurule  01:43

And today that’s in particular where we’re going to talk about. it’s going to be a little bit more of a shorter episode because this is more of a quote unquote, you know, just discussion around how to lay out a framework and a better understanding of how to work out or what exercises are safe or maybe not safe during pregnancy. This is a very, very common question that we get.


Anthony Gurule  02:12

My wife Nichelle has created a mini course that has some workout ideas, recommendations, and prescriptions than laid out into a workout. She guides and  educates other clinicians on how to broach this topic as a chiropractor, how to better serve prenatal patients through chiropractic care, but also exercise recommendations and prescriptions, having recommendations with other personal trainers within the community whether that’s CrossFit whether that’s Orange Theory, chatting with coaches and owners and saying hey, if you have prenatal patients and they’re having these types of symptoms, or this has happened, here’s some better recommendations, not modifications. We call them lateralizations–you’re just you know, you’re doing something something different or something else we you know, we borrow that term from Charlie Weingroff, who’s a physical therapist and strength conditioning coach. But it also and also doulas, right, doulas and midwives and OBs who are directly involved with the prenatal process from nearly conception all the way through, having this conversation. we know that exercise is important during pregnancy,


Anthony Gurule  03:19

There are so many different studies that talk about the benefits of exercising during pregnancy, not only for the mom, but also for baby, which is quite interesting. They’re seeing increased cognitive-what’s the word I’m looking for? Excuse me, their cognitive output as a as an as a child through as they age is actually better from moms that actually worked out during pregnancy.


Anthony Gurule  03:50

Now this is tough, right? How do you define working out or exercise? it’s different for everybody. But we want to, and we encourage that, and yet we’re sympathetic to the different stages of life, aches and pains, so on and so forth, which obviously would limit what you can do from an exercise perspective. So you know, it’s a bit of a gray area on determining what is working out? what is exercise? What are the physical guidelines or recommendations for pregnancy? And without getting into the like, nitty gritty detail of every single thing. And obviously, every potential situation, if you had this versus this, what could happen? we’re not gonna be able to do that. What we just want to lay out is what is what are we trying to accomplish here, and we want to encourage you to stay as physically active as possible.


Anthony Gurule  04:41

And one of the things that constantly comes up is, well, should you add something in that you have not already been doing? Let’s say for instance, someone just through the stages of life with work and kids or whatever that is, they were not able to work out as much before they got pregnant, but now that they’re pregnant, whether they have more time or they understand the importance of exercises during pregnancy, well, would we say, “Well, you haven’t been exercising, so you shouldn’t do too much.” No, that doesn’t, that doesn’t really make sense. Now, we would encourage not to do too much, there’s obviously, you know, a too far swinging the pendulum of the other way. But we wouldn’t say “no, don’t exercise because you weren’t doing something before,” we just have to find those first few stepping stones to help them start to gain some momentum. and help hold their hand, if you will, So that their technique and they feel confident about lifting, or how far they’re walking or whatever that is. And that’s an important topic, because a lot of times people want to add things in, but they weren’t quite ready or weren’t doing them before. And they then assume that they’re not able to do them at all. So you do have to take that in consideration, there is a ton that you can do, and that you can still add, even though you weren’t doing them prior to pregnancy.


Anthony Gurule  05:54

Now on the big questions is, is it safe? you know, outside to contact sports, or different things like that the majority of what you’re going to do is safe for pregnancy, right? Rock climbing, we have pregnant patients that have been rock climbing before, obviously, there’s a certain inherent risk with certain sports or activities. You know, you could fall off riding your bike, you could fall over running, right, so we’re not encouraging any of these by any means. We’re just kind of, you know, setting some suggestions, if you will. And you have to take into consideration.


Anthony Gurule  06:31

Now, there are certain things to consider when you’re talking about like weightlifting, and how heavy and the intensity that you’re doing. And if you’re doing Valsalva movements, which is essentially holding your breath to maintain a more rigid or stiff torso, as you’re seeing changes in blood volume and blood pressure, you know, you do have to take that in consideration. And that is again, of course a conversation with your provider that is managing your, your pregnancy, but we recommend Mama’s weight lift, or do resistance training. During pregnancy, again, we talked about about load management and the intensity and things like that, but you can still lift and do fairly intense things. And it’s a fairly as a you know, as a scale and a wide range during pregnancy and see a ton of benefit from that. Now, are we trying to hit one rep maxes and PRs during pregnancy, I mean, some would argue yes, but I would argue, why, that’s not really an accurate representation of what your strength is anyways. So you know, you do have to to kind of keep manipulating the numbers and the weights and the intensity and the sets and reps in order to do it. But weightlifting and resistance training is safe, and it is effective. Now, outside of that, there’s not a lot of unsafe things to do, again, outside of contact sports, or things that would elicit, you know, potential trauma to you or baby based on impact we’ve had, again, not our recommendations, but some have tried very just easy scheme, because they’re in the winter months, and they wanted to and they felt very confident about not falling. So you know, you have those types of things.


Anthony Gurule  08:16

Overall, again, we’re talking about movement. You need to move, and it’s good to get your heart rate up. And it’s good to breathe hard. So that doesn’t mean just because you’re pregnant, you can’t do HIIT training or circuit training or CrossFit or Orange Theory. But you do have to listen to your body and understand certain signs that would indicate that things might be too much, right? Now those are going to be different for everyone, but a lot of this comes down to you know, lightheadedness, you know, breathing too hard. Certain aches and pains within lower extremity, chest, abdomen, so on and so forth would be obviously like your more extreme ones. If you’re becoming pale or anything like that, I mean, again, these are the same criteria, though, that would be if someone else was working out or training too hard. So it’s realistically the same thing. It’s just that your threshold level for all those most likely have gone down. And depending on what type of an athlete you were before, you’re going to be maybe a little frustrated that you’re not able to do the things you were able to do previously, which makes sense. But if you’re someone who wasn’t exercising before, you’re probably going to be a little bit more hyper aware of that, of just feeling that shortness of breath or that uneasiness. So again, we’re not saying you have to push through that because we’re not trying to set yourself up for a strength and conditioning program to increase your metabolic capacity to increase your strength and conditioning during pregnancy. We’re trying to help you maintain a healthy active pregnancy.


Anthony Gurule  09:54

Now, walking. walking is great. but in general, we encourage you to do something above and beyond walking. Obviously, again, certain things would dictate that you would not be able to do so. And this is again, any exercise. Any exercise that you do during pregnancy needs to be consulted with and work through and have a conversation with the primary physician who is managing your pregnancy, whether that’s your nurse practitioner, your midwife or your OB or obstetrician, right. But we would encourage more than just walking. walking is fantastic, but that’s kind of like your baseline minimum, right? Just like our activities, or recommendation activity guidelines. We want a few days a week of where we’re kind of just doing this steady state getting our steps in, you know, kind of pushing ourselves, we’re huffing and puffing, but still just kind of at that conversational level, but you’re not really getting a lot of benefits outside of that.


Anthony Gurule  10:55

So if you’re just walking, high five. kudos. can you do something more? Can you do some bodyweight squats? Can you do some bodyweight, you know, good mornings? can you do some walking lunges? do you have a suspension training, we’re able to do some bodyweight rows? Do you have some bands that you can do some rows with? You know, there’s a lot that you can do that allows you to get a little bit more out of that. Now, again, this all comes back down to preferences of exercises that you like to do, because that’s gonna allow you to maintain the most consistency, but then also the intensity that you like to do. And we do encourage having an open mind and at least being willing to try some high intensity things that allow you to still get your heart rate up a little bit. And it’s okay to lift more than five or 10 pounds. And not saying that that is a bad thing. There’s programs out there where it’s all directed around that where it’s lighter weight, high rep, but I just don’t want individuals and mamas to feel like they’re not able to do more and or being ashamed because other people are just saying they should back off because they’re pregnant. “why would you need a lift that much?” It fits within your strength, and your comfort, and your wheelhouse, that is totally fine.


Anthony Gurule  12:05

Again, you if you’ve been doing that enough, you understand the risk reward ratio and having a conversation with your practitioner has driven us to kind of help navigate and guide as you start to get further through pregnancies, what things maybe we need to change or manipulate. But that’s totally fine. Now outside of that, the question around safe also comes up around core exercises. diastasis recti, pelvic floor strength, so on and so forth, we want to enhance the capability of understanding how to control tension within your abdominal wall and your pelvic floor through pregnancy, because the pressure is increasing due to baby taking up more space. But we’re not we’re not necessarily we’re not gaining more strength, right.


Anthony Gurule  12:45

And so what a lot of people assume it’s when we’ve seen this, is “I don’t want diastasis. So I’m doing more core work to prevent diastasis from happening.” diastasis recti will happen in 100% of moms, it’s estimated at the week 35 Everyone will have some form of it. Now it is technically not a quote unquote diagnosis, though, until 12 weeks postpartum, because it is a normal thing that everyone will get. So you can’t diagnose someone with something that everyone will get–doesn’t make sense, right? So after that, though, if you still have weakness or spacing issues, then we can have a you know, a stronger conversation about putting a diagnosis on that.


Anthony Gurule  13:26

But what we’re trying to enhance and help is what exercises are quote unquote, not safe versus unsafe, but adding too much pressure or tension into the abdominal wall or the pelvic floor and creating more laxity. again, as that pressure for as baby’s growing starts to put more pressure on the pelvic floor and the abdominal wall. If you’re doing more things that increases the pressure within the within the abdominal cavity that’s going to push on that separation even more and/or push on that pelvic floor even more, creating potential incontinence or prolapse issues and/or more bulging and doming within the abdominal wall stretching out that separation or that gap even further, potentially making the recovery process more challenging or slightly longer. I’m not saying that it will but potentially, so we do have to take that in consideration. So we go through activation exercise of the pelvic floor, of the abdominal wall so that you better understand how to control those pressure increases while you’re lifting or exercising so that you simply can stay at a management level.


Anthony Gurule  14:28

And that in turn, helps you get through pregnancy of understanding how to lift up your older kiddo, having to lift up dog food or anything like that. It’s just managing and controlling pressure. So there’s really not anything that I would say that safe or unsafe. Now, things that we would advise against for core exercises is sit ups or crunches. You know a lot of those things that create like hanging knee raises and different things like that during pregnancy. A lot of those things that create a lot of intra abdominal pressure and tension. and especially during a flex position, that tends to put a lot more pressure on the abdominal wall, the separation where diastasis will occur as well as the pelvic floor.


Anthony Gurule  15:09

So, you know, while we never say never, there’s definitely a category of things that we definitely urge against because the risk/reward benefit and again, risk not being “injured,” But risk of potentially putting more pressure and making the recovery process  on the other side harder, is not is not something that we find to be as advantageous. But you can still get the benefits of quote unquote, core exercises through full body movements such as goblet squats, such as deadlifts, you know, depending on the phase that you’re in, push ups, which are, you know, a dynamic plank. or being able to do a TRX row, which is a reverse plank as you’re just lifting yourself up. three point rows where you’re on, you know, two hands or doing like a row on a bench, where you’re in a tabletop position that’s adding anti rotation exercises. So there’s a ton that you can do that still highlights and isolates, the core isolates, sorry. that highlights and will emphasize core activation, but through a full body compound movement. And what’s great about that is during pregnancy, depending on your energy levels, it’s hard to do all the little isolated accessory and all these separate exercises as it is. So it’s kind of nice being able to combine everything, so you get more bang for your buck, especially if you’re a parent and you’re on and you’re on baby number two or three, right?


Anthony Gurule  16:31

So what exercises are safe for pregnant women to do? All are. reduce or eliminate for sure contact activities, different things like that. the increased risk activities of you know, trauma and things like that. Outside of that you’re managing pressure, I would definitely encourage reducing anything that’s heavy lifting, that’s, that’s requiring you to do Valsalva moves, you’re having to hold your breath for an extended period of time. that changes blood pressure, so on and so forth. But outside of that, Pregnancy is a completely safe time to do all exercises. we definitely as we highlighted, urge and encourage, you know, certain things over other ones just for you know, added bang for your buck or full body movements, so on and so forth. And that, but outside of that you are free to do what you want.


Anthony Gurule  17:19

If you want guidance, though, you know, there are there are trainers out there that work specifically with prenatal patients. we would love to be able to have that conversation with you if that’s something you want to bounce back or navigate. Because we do want to encourage as much as we can. A very, very active pregnancy through exercise working out or however you want to describe that. So if you found this beneficial, please like share, subscribe. if you’re pregnant, I hope you can utilize this and take some of the information for you and yourself. If you have anyone else you know… a relative a family member, a friend who is pregnant and they’re unsure they’ve been you know asking this question what things I don’t know what things I can do. I don’t know if it’s safe for baby share this video with them. We’d love to be able to provide a better frame of reference and or context to be able to ask better questions so that they can find the workout program  or the movements that work best for them during their pregnancy. Until next time guys live loud .if you’re currently pregnant, Congratulations, and we look forward to helping and serving in the future.

Easy Vs. Hard

Easy Vs Hard Choices EP|52

Live LOUD Life Podcast
Lafayette Colorado

Episode 52

EP|52 Easy Vs Hard Choices

With Dr. Antonio Gurule

Episode Notes:

  • The consequences of easy vs hard
  • we assume that because it is a hard choice that it is actually harder for you but when you chose the easy path you actually make it much harder on yourself in the long run
  • There is strength in the struggle
  • Something I and all of us on a daily basis have to work on “Si vis pacem, para bellum” translation: if peace is what you want, prepare for war
  • You have to work and sometimes that work is for simply peace
  • keep challenging yourself and growing!


Connect With Antonio and the Live LOUD team:

Subscribe to our YouTube channel here:

Visit the website:

Like the Facebook page:

Follow on Instagram:


Guiding your to the adventurous life you were made for!

If you dig this give it a like ❤️, if you’re loving it let me hear you with a comment 🗣👂, and if you know it will help someone or anyone out please share 👥📲 Videos are instructed by professionals and for educational purposes only.


Viewers should consult with their providers to see if the movements are right for them. The videos are tailored to educate families on prenatal, postpartum, and pediatric-related issues., along with general health, wellness, and pain issues such as low back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, etc.

About Dr. Antonio Gurule

Nutrition Building Blocks Broken Down


  • Father
  • Doctor of Chiropractic
  • Owner of Live LOUD
  • Personal Trainer & Health Coach

Anthony Gurule  00:00

Hey what’s up guys, welcome back to another episode of the Live LOUD Life podcast. My name is Dr. Antonio, I’m your host of the Live LOUD Life podcast. My wife and I, we co-own Live LOUD Chiropractic and Coaching here in Lafayette, Colorado. We are just outside of Boulder, Colorado in Boulder County. And our mission is to help families. We want to help make families stronger, so that we can build a stronger community. We want to help guide you to the adventurous life that you and your family were meant for. And we do this through chiropractic and coaching. chiropractic, obviously being more of a hands on approach, more of a clinical conversation, clinical diagnostics, but the coaching aspect is really what we believe is, you know, the foundation of what our system methodology, whatever you want to call it is, because a lot of this comes around through just coaching suggestions and recommendations. also, you know, obviously within that comes into clinical prescriptions of certain things to eat or supplements, so on and so forth. But it’s coaching a lifestyle, it’s coaching, it’s coaching a philosophy and a foundation about how to live an active healthy life as an individual, and setting an example of a healthy active life for your family, for your immediate family, for your friends, and more importantly for your community. So stronger families to make a stronger community as a whole would be a win win, right? And that’s what we want to be able to do. we want to be able to help fill in the gaps in the holes that you’re maybe not getting from, from other roles and conditions.


Anthony Gurule  01:43

And today that’s in particular where we’re going to talk about. it’s going to be a little bit more of a shorter episode because this is more of a quote unquote, you know, just discussion around how to lay out a framework and a better understanding of how to work out or what exercises are safe or maybe not safe during pregnancy. This is a very, very common question that we get.


Anthony Gurule  02:12

My wife Nichelle has created a mini course that has some workout ideas, recommendations, and prescriptions than laid out into a workout. She guides and  educates other clinicians on how to broach this topic as a chiropractor, how to better serve prenatal patients through chiropractic care, but also exercise recommendations and prescriptions, having recommendations with other personal trainers within the community whether that’s CrossFit whether that’s Orange Theory, chatting with coaches and owners and saying hey, if you have prenatal patients and they’re having these types of symptoms, or this has happened, here’s some better recommendations, not modifications. We call them lateralizations–you’re just you know, you’re doing something something different or something else we you know, we borrow that term from Charlie Weingroff, who’s a physical therapist and strength conditioning coach. But it also and also doulas, right, doulas and midwives and OBs who are directly involved with the prenatal process from nearly conception all the way through, having this conversation. we know that exercise is important during pregnancy,


Anthony Gurule  03:19

There are so many different studies that talk about the benefits of exercising during pregnancy, not only for the mom, but also for baby, which is quite interesting. They’re seeing increased cognitive-what’s the word I’m looking for? Excuse me, their cognitive output as a as an as a child through as they age is actually better from moms that actually worked out during pregnancy.


Anthony Gurule  03:50

Now this is tough, right? How do you define working out or exercise? it’s different for everybody. But we want to, and we encourage that, and yet we’re sympathetic to the different stages of life, aches and pains, so on and so forth, which obviously would limit what you can do from an exercise perspective. So you know, it’s a bit of a gray area on determining what is working out? what is exercise? What are the physical guidelines or recommendations for pregnancy? And without getting into the like, nitty gritty detail of every single thing. And obviously, every potential situation, if you had this versus this, what could happen? we’re not gonna be able to do that. What we just want to lay out is what is what are we trying to accomplish here, and we want to encourage you to stay as physically active as possible.


Anthony Gurule  04:41

And one of the things that constantly comes up is, well, should you add something in that you have not already been doing? Let’s say for instance, someone just through the stages of life with work and kids or whatever that is, they were not able to work out as much before they got pregnant, but now that they’re pregnant, whether they have more time or they understand the importance of exercises during pregnancy, well, would we say, “Well, you haven’t been exercising, so you shouldn’t do too much.” No, that doesn’t, that doesn’t really make sense. Now, we would encourage not to do too much, there’s obviously, you know, a too far swinging the pendulum of the other way. But we wouldn’t say “no, don’t exercise because you weren’t doing something before,” we just have to find those first few stepping stones to help them start to gain some momentum. and help hold their hand, if you will, So that their technique and they feel confident about lifting, or how far they’re walking or whatever that is. And that’s an important topic, because a lot of times people want to add things in, but they weren’t quite ready or weren’t doing them before. And they then assume that they’re not able to do them at all. So you do have to take that in consideration, there is a ton that you can do, and that you can still add, even though you weren’t doing them prior to pregnancy.


Anthony Gurule  05:54

Now on the big questions is, is it safe? you know, outside to contact sports, or different things like that the majority of what you’re going to do is safe for pregnancy, right? Rock climbing, we have pregnant patients that have been rock climbing before, obviously, there’s a certain inherent risk with certain sports or activities. You know, you could fall off riding your bike, you could fall over running, right, so we’re not encouraging any of these by any means. We’re just kind of, you know, setting some suggestions, if you will. And you have to take into consideration.


Anthony Gurule  06:31

Now, there are certain things to consider when you’re talking about like weightlifting, and how heavy and the intensity that you’re doing. And if you’re doing Valsalva movements, which is essentially holding your breath to maintain a more rigid or stiff torso, as you’re seeing changes in blood volume and blood pressure, you know, you do have to take that in consideration. And that is again, of course a conversation with your provider that is managing your, your pregnancy, but we recommend Mama’s weight lift, or do resistance training. During pregnancy, again, we talked about about load management and the intensity and things like that, but you can still lift and do fairly intense things. And it’s a fairly as a you know, as a scale and a wide range during pregnancy and see a ton of benefit from that. Now, are we trying to hit one rep maxes and PRs during pregnancy, I mean, some would argue yes, but I would argue, why, that’s not really an accurate representation of what your strength is anyways. So you know, you do have to to kind of keep manipulating the numbers and the weights and the intensity and the sets and reps in order to do it. But weightlifting and resistance training is safe, and it is effective. Now, outside of that, there’s not a lot of unsafe things to do, again, outside of contact sports, or things that would elicit, you know, potential trauma to you or baby based on impact we’ve had, again, not our recommendations, but some have tried very just easy scheme, because they’re in the winter months, and they wanted to and they felt very confident about not falling. So you know, you have those types of things.


Anthony Gurule  08:16

Overall, again, we’re talking about movement. You need to move, and it’s good to get your heart rate up. And it’s good to breathe hard. So that doesn’t mean just because you’re pregnant, you can’t do HIIT training or circuit training or CrossFit or Orange Theory. But you do have to listen to your body and understand certain signs that would indicate that things might be too much, right? Now those are going to be different for everyone, but a lot of this comes down to you know, lightheadedness, you know, breathing too hard. Certain aches and pains within lower extremity, chest, abdomen, so on and so forth would be obviously like your more extreme ones. If you’re becoming pale or anything like that, I mean, again, these are the same criteria, though, that would be if someone else was working out or training too hard. So it’s realistically the same thing. It’s just that your threshold level for all those most likely have gone down. And depending on what type of an athlete you were before, you’re going to be maybe a little frustrated that you’re not able to do the things you were able to do previously, which makes sense. But if you’re someone who wasn’t exercising before, you’re probably going to be a little bit more hyper aware of that, of just feeling that shortness of breath or that uneasiness. So again, we’re not saying you have to push through that because we’re not trying to set yourself up for a strength and conditioning program to increase your metabolic capacity to increase your strength and conditioning during pregnancy. We’re trying to help you maintain a healthy active pregnancy.


Anthony Gurule  09:54

Now, walking. walking is great. but in general, we encourage you to do something above and beyond walking. Obviously, again, certain things would dictate that you would not be able to do so. And this is again, any exercise. Any exercise that you do during pregnancy needs to be consulted with and work through and have a conversation with the primary physician who is managing your pregnancy, whether that’s your nurse practitioner, your midwife or your OB or obstetrician, right. But we would encourage more than just walking. walking is fantastic, but that’s kind of like your baseline minimum, right? Just like our activities, or recommendation activity guidelines. We want a few days a week of where we’re kind of just doing this steady state getting our steps in, you know, kind of pushing ourselves, we’re huffing and puffing, but still just kind of at that conversational level, but you’re not really getting a lot of benefits outside of that.


Anthony Gurule  10:55

So if you’re just walking, high five. kudos. can you do something more? Can you do some bodyweight squats? Can you do some bodyweight, you know, good mornings? can you do some walking lunges? do you have a suspension training, we’re able to do some bodyweight rows? Do you have some bands that you can do some rows with? You know, there’s a lot that you can do that allows you to get a little bit more out of that. Now, again, this all comes back down to preferences of exercises that you like to do, because that’s gonna allow you to maintain the most consistency, but then also the intensity that you like to do. And we do encourage having an open mind and at least being willing to try some high intensity things that allow you to still get your heart rate up a little bit. And it’s okay to lift more than five or 10 pounds. And not saying that that is a bad thing. There’s programs out there where it’s all directed around that where it’s lighter weight, high rep, but I just don’t want individuals and mamas to feel like they’re not able to do more and or being ashamed because other people are just saying they should back off because they’re pregnant. “why would you need a lift that much?” It fits within your strength, and your comfort, and your wheelhouse, that is totally fine.


Anthony Gurule  12:05

Again, you if you’ve been doing that enough, you understand the risk reward ratio and having a conversation with your practitioner has driven us to kind of help navigate and guide as you start to get further through pregnancies, what things maybe we need to change or manipulate. But that’s totally fine. Now outside of that, the question around safe also comes up around core exercises. diastasis recti, pelvic floor strength, so on and so forth, we want to enhance the capability of understanding how to control tension within your abdominal wall and your pelvic floor through pregnancy, because the pressure is increasing due to baby taking up more space. But we’re not we’re not necessarily we’re not gaining more strength, right.


Anthony Gurule  12:45

And so what a lot of people assume it’s when we’ve seen this, is “I don’t want diastasis. So I’m doing more core work to prevent diastasis from happening.” diastasis recti will happen in 100% of moms, it’s estimated at the week 35 Everyone will have some form of it. Now it is technically not a quote unquote diagnosis, though, until 12 weeks postpartum, because it is a normal thing that everyone will get. So you can’t diagnose someone with something that everyone will get–doesn’t make sense, right? So after that, though, if you still have weakness or spacing issues, then we can have a you know, a stronger conversation about putting a diagnosis on that.


Anthony Gurule  13:26

But what we’re trying to enhance and help is what exercises are quote unquote, not safe versus unsafe, but adding too much pressure or tension into the abdominal wall or the pelvic floor and creating more laxity. again, as that pressure for as baby’s growing starts to put more pressure on the pelvic floor and the abdominal wall. If you’re doing more things that increases the pressure within the within the abdominal cavity that’s going to push on that separation even more and/or push on that pelvic floor even more, creating potential incontinence or prolapse issues and/or more bulging and doming within the abdominal wall stretching out that separation or that gap even further, potentially making the recovery process more challenging or slightly longer. I’m not saying that it will but potentially, so we do have to take that in consideration. So we go through activation exercise of the pelvic floor, of the abdominal wall so that you better understand how to control those pressure increases while you’re lifting or exercising so that you simply can stay at a management level.


Anthony Gurule  14:28

And that in turn, helps you get through pregnancy of understanding how to lift up your older kiddo, having to lift up dog food or anything like that. It’s just managing and controlling pressure. So there’s really not anything that I would say that safe or unsafe. Now, things that we would advise against for core exercises is sit ups or crunches. You know a lot of those things that create like hanging knee raises and different things like that during pregnancy. A lot of those things that create a lot of intra abdominal pressure and tension. and especially during a flex position, that tends to put a lot more pressure on the abdominal wall, the separation where diastasis will occur as well as the pelvic floor.


Anthony Gurule  15:09

So, you know, while we never say never, there’s definitely a category of things that we definitely urge against because the risk/reward benefit and again, risk not being “injured,” But risk of potentially putting more pressure and making the recovery process  on the other side harder, is not is not something that we find to be as advantageous. But you can still get the benefits of quote unquote, core exercises through full body movements such as goblet squats, such as deadlifts, you know, depending on the phase that you’re in, push ups, which are, you know, a dynamic plank. or being able to do a TRX row, which is a reverse plank as you’re just lifting yourself up. three point rows where you’re on, you know, two hands or doing like a row on a bench, where you’re in a tabletop position that’s adding anti rotation exercises. So there’s a ton that you can do that still highlights and isolates, the core isolates, sorry. that highlights and will emphasize core activation, but through a full body compound movement. And what’s great about that is during pregnancy, depending on your energy levels, it’s hard to do all the little isolated accessory and all these separate exercises as it is. So it’s kind of nice being able to combine everything, so you get more bang for your buck, especially if you’re a parent and you’re on and you’re on baby number two or three, right?


Anthony Gurule  16:31

So what exercises are safe for pregnant women to do? All are. reduce or eliminate for sure contact activities, different things like that. the increased risk activities of you know, trauma and things like that. Outside of that you’re managing pressure, I would definitely encourage reducing anything that’s heavy lifting, that’s, that’s requiring you to do Valsalva moves, you’re having to hold your breath for an extended period of time. that changes blood pressure, so on and so forth. But outside of that, Pregnancy is a completely safe time to do all exercises. we definitely as we highlighted, urge and encourage, you know, certain things over other ones just for you know, added bang for your buck or full body movements, so on and so forth. And that, but outside of that you are free to do what you want.


Anthony Gurule  17:19

If you want guidance, though, you know, there are there are trainers out there that work specifically with prenatal patients. we would love to be able to have that conversation with you if that’s something you want to bounce back or navigate. Because we do want to encourage as much as we can. A very, very active pregnancy through exercise working out or however you want to describe that. So if you found this beneficial, please like share, subscribe. if you’re pregnant, I hope you can utilize this and take some of the information for you and yourself. If you have anyone else you know… a relative a family member, a friend who is pregnant and they’re unsure they’ve been you know asking this question what things I don’t know what things I can do. I don’t know if it’s safe for baby share this video with them. We’d love to be able to provide a better frame of reference and or context to be able to ask better questions so that they can find the workout program  or the movements that work best for them during their pregnancy. Until next time guys live loud .if you’re currently pregnant, Congratulations, and we look forward to helping and serving in the future.

Easy Vs. Hard

Movement Modifications When You Hurt EP|51

Live LOUD Life Podcast
Lafayette Colorado

Episode 51

EP|51 Movement Modifications When You Hurt

With Dr. Antonio Gurule

Pain is inevitable

We all want to avoid it but when you can’t we need to ensure that you are staying active

One of the worst things to occur to someone who is elderly is an injury not because of the physical pain itself, but because of the immobility it creates as a result of the injury and they start to lose muscle and function deteriorates

How can you continue to move and work out in the presence of pain?


Let us help you!


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Guiding your to the adventurous life you were made for!

If you dig this give it a like ❤️, if you’re loving it let me hear you with a comment 🗣👂, and if you know it will help someone or anyone out please share 👥📲 Videos are instructed by professionals and for educational purposes only.


Viewers should consult with their providers to see if the movements are right for them. The videos are tailored to educate families on prenatal, postpartum, and pediatric-related issues., along with general health, wellness, and pain issues such as low back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, etc.

About Dr. Antonio Gurule

Nutrition Building Blocks Broken Down


  • Father
  • Doctor of Chiropractic
  • Owner of Live LOUD
  • Personal Trainer & Health Coach

Anthony Gurule  00:00

Hey what’s up guys, welcome back to another episode of the Live LOUD Life podcast. My name is Dr. Antonio, I’m your host of the Live LOUD Life podcast. My wife and I, we co-own Live LOUD Chiropractic and Coaching here in Lafayette, Colorado. We are just outside of Boulder, Colorado in Boulder County. And our mission is to help families. We want to help make families stronger, so that we can build a stronger community. We want to help guide you to the adventurous life that you and your family were meant for. And we do this through chiropractic and coaching. chiropractic, obviously being more of a hands on approach, more of a clinical conversation, clinical diagnostics, but the coaching aspect is really what we believe is, you know, the foundation of what our system methodology, whatever you want to call it is, because a lot of this comes around through just coaching suggestions and recommendations. also, you know, obviously within that comes into clinical prescriptions of certain things to eat or supplements, so on and so forth. But it’s coaching a lifestyle, it’s coaching, it’s coaching a philosophy and a foundation about how to live an active healthy life as an individual, and setting an example of a healthy active life for your family, for your immediate family, for your friends, and more importantly for your community. So stronger families to make a stronger community as a whole would be a win win, right? And that’s what we want to be able to do. we want to be able to help fill in the gaps in the holes that you’re maybe not getting from, from other roles and conditions.


Anthony Gurule  01:43

And today that’s in particular where we’re going to talk about. it’s going to be a little bit more of a shorter episode because this is more of a quote unquote, you know, just discussion around how to lay out a framework and a better understanding of how to work out or what exercises are safe or maybe not safe during pregnancy. This is a very, very common question that we get.


Anthony Gurule  02:12

My wife Nichelle has created a mini course that has some workout ideas, recommendations, and prescriptions than laid out into a workout. She guides and  educates other clinicians on how to broach this topic as a chiropractor, how to better serve prenatal patients through chiropractic care, but also exercise recommendations and prescriptions, having recommendations with other personal trainers within the community whether that’s CrossFit whether that’s Orange Theory, chatting with coaches and owners and saying hey, if you have prenatal patients and they’re having these types of symptoms, or this has happened, here’s some better recommendations, not modifications. We call them lateralizations–you’re just you know, you’re doing something something different or something else we you know, we borrow that term from Charlie Weingroff, who’s a physical therapist and strength conditioning coach. But it also and also doulas, right, doulas and midwives and OBs who are directly involved with the prenatal process from nearly conception all the way through, having this conversation. we know that exercise is important during pregnancy,


Anthony Gurule  03:19

There are so many different studies that talk about the benefits of exercising during pregnancy, not only for the mom, but also for baby, which is quite interesting. They’re seeing increased cognitive-what’s the word I’m looking for? Excuse me, their cognitive output as a as an as a child through as they age is actually better from moms that actually worked out during pregnancy.


Anthony Gurule  03:50

Now this is tough, right? How do you define working out or exercise? it’s different for everybody. But we want to, and we encourage that, and yet we’re sympathetic to the different stages of life, aches and pains, so on and so forth, which obviously would limit what you can do from an exercise perspective. So you know, it’s a bit of a gray area on determining what is working out? what is exercise? What are the physical guidelines or recommendations for pregnancy? And without getting into the like, nitty gritty detail of every single thing. And obviously, every potential situation, if you had this versus this, what could happen? we’re not gonna be able to do that. What we just want to lay out is what is what are we trying to accomplish here, and we want to encourage you to stay as physically active as possible.


Anthony Gurule  04:41

And one of the things that constantly comes up is, well, should you add something in that you have not already been doing? Let’s say for instance, someone just through the stages of life with work and kids or whatever that is, they were not able to work out as much before they got pregnant, but now that they’re pregnant, whether they have more time or they understand the importance of exercises during pregnancy, well, would we say, “Well, you haven’t been exercising, so you shouldn’t do too much.” No, that doesn’t, that doesn’t really make sense. Now, we would encourage not to do too much, there’s obviously, you know, a too far swinging the pendulum of the other way. But we wouldn’t say “no, don’t exercise because you weren’t doing something before,” we just have to find those first few stepping stones to help them start to gain some momentum. and help hold their hand, if you will, So that their technique and they feel confident about lifting, or how far they’re walking or whatever that is. And that’s an important topic, because a lot of times people want to add things in, but they weren’t quite ready or weren’t doing them before. And they then assume that they’re not able to do them at all. So you do have to take that in consideration, there is a ton that you can do, and that you can still add, even though you weren’t doing them prior to pregnancy.


Anthony Gurule  05:54

Now on the big questions is, is it safe? you know, outside to contact sports, or different things like that the majority of what you’re going to do is safe for pregnancy, right? Rock climbing, we have pregnant patients that have been rock climbing before, obviously, there’s a certain inherent risk with certain sports or activities. You know, you could fall off riding your bike, you could fall over running, right, so we’re not encouraging any of these by any means. We’re just kind of, you know, setting some suggestions, if you will. And you have to take into consideration.


Anthony Gurule  06:31

Now, there are certain things to consider when you’re talking about like weightlifting, and how heavy and the intensity that you’re doing. And if you’re doing Valsalva movements, which is essentially holding your breath to maintain a more rigid or stiff torso, as you’re seeing changes in blood volume and blood pressure, you know, you do have to take that in consideration. And that is again, of course a conversation with your provider that is managing your, your pregnancy, but we recommend Mama’s weight lift, or do resistance training. During pregnancy, again, we talked about about load management and the intensity and things like that, but you can still lift and do fairly intense things. And it’s a fairly as a you know, as a scale and a wide range during pregnancy and see a ton of benefit from that. Now, are we trying to hit one rep maxes and PRs during pregnancy, I mean, some would argue yes, but I would argue, why, that’s not really an accurate representation of what your strength is anyways. So you know, you do have to to kind of keep manipulating the numbers and the weights and the intensity and the sets and reps in order to do it. But weightlifting and resistance training is safe, and it is effective. Now, outside of that, there’s not a lot of unsafe things to do, again, outside of contact sports, or things that would elicit, you know, potential trauma to you or baby based on impact we’ve had, again, not our recommendations, but some have tried very just easy scheme, because they’re in the winter months, and they wanted to and they felt very confident about not falling. So you know, you have those types of things.


Anthony Gurule  08:16

Overall, again, we’re talking about movement. You need to move, and it’s good to get your heart rate up. And it’s good to breathe hard. So that doesn’t mean just because you’re pregnant, you can’t do HIIT training or circuit training or CrossFit or Orange Theory. But you do have to listen to your body and understand certain signs that would indicate that things might be too much, right? Now those are going to be different for everyone, but a lot of this comes down to you know, lightheadedness, you know, breathing too hard. Certain aches and pains within lower extremity, chest, abdomen, so on and so forth would be obviously like your more extreme ones. If you’re becoming pale or anything like that, I mean, again, these are the same criteria, though, that would be if someone else was working out or training too hard. So it’s realistically the same thing. It’s just that your threshold level for all those most likely have gone down. And depending on what type of an athlete you were before, you’re going to be maybe a little frustrated that you’re not able to do the things you were able to do previously, which makes sense. But if you’re someone who wasn’t exercising before, you’re probably going to be a little bit more hyper aware of that, of just feeling that shortness of breath or that uneasiness. So again, we’re not saying you have to push through that because we’re not trying to set yourself up for a strength and conditioning program to increase your metabolic capacity to increase your strength and conditioning during pregnancy. We’re trying to help you maintain a healthy active pregnancy.


Anthony Gurule  09:54

Now, walking. walking is great. but in general, we encourage you to do something above and beyond walking. Obviously, again, certain things would dictate that you would not be able to do so. And this is again, any exercise. Any exercise that you do during pregnancy needs to be consulted with and work through and have a conversation with the primary physician who is managing your pregnancy, whether that’s your nurse practitioner, your midwife or your OB or obstetrician, right. But we would encourage more than just walking. walking is fantastic, but that’s kind of like your baseline minimum, right? Just like our activities, or recommendation activity guidelines. We want a few days a week of where we’re kind of just doing this steady state getting our steps in, you know, kind of pushing ourselves, we’re huffing and puffing, but still just kind of at that conversational level, but you’re not really getting a lot of benefits outside of that.


Anthony Gurule  10:55

So if you’re just walking, high five. kudos. can you do something more? Can you do some bodyweight squats? Can you do some bodyweight, you know, good mornings? can you do some walking lunges? do you have a suspension training, we’re able to do some bodyweight rows? Do you have some bands that you can do some rows with? You know, there’s a lot that you can do that allows you to get a little bit more out of that. Now, again, this all comes back down to preferences of exercises that you like to do, because that’s gonna allow you to maintain the most consistency, but then also the intensity that you like to do. And we do encourage having an open mind and at least being willing to try some high intensity things that allow you to still get your heart rate up a little bit. And it’s okay to lift more than five or 10 pounds. And not saying that that is a bad thing. There’s programs out there where it’s all directed around that where it’s lighter weight, high rep, but I just don’t want individuals and mamas to feel like they’re not able to do more and or being ashamed because other people are just saying they should back off because they’re pregnant. “why would you need a lift that much?” It fits within your strength, and your comfort, and your wheelhouse, that is totally fine.


Anthony Gurule  12:05

Again, you if you’ve been doing that enough, you understand the risk reward ratio and having a conversation with your practitioner has driven us to kind of help navigate and guide as you start to get further through pregnancies, what things maybe we need to change or manipulate. But that’s totally fine. Now outside of that, the question around safe also comes up around core exercises. diastasis recti, pelvic floor strength, so on and so forth, we want to enhance the capability of understanding how to control tension within your abdominal wall and your pelvic floor through pregnancy, because the pressure is increasing due to baby taking up more space. But we’re not we’re not necessarily we’re not gaining more strength, right.


Anthony Gurule  12:45

And so what a lot of people assume it’s when we’ve seen this, is “I don’t want diastasis. So I’m doing more core work to prevent diastasis from happening.” diastasis recti will happen in 100% of moms, it’s estimated at the week 35 Everyone will have some form of it. Now it is technically not a quote unquote diagnosis, though, until 12 weeks postpartum, because it is a normal thing that everyone will get. So you can’t diagnose someone with something that everyone will get–doesn’t make sense, right? So after that, though, if you still have weakness or spacing issues, then we can have a you know, a stronger conversation about putting a diagnosis on that.


Anthony Gurule  13:26

But what we’re trying to enhance and help is what exercises are quote unquote, not safe versus unsafe, but adding too much pressure or tension into the abdominal wall or the pelvic floor and creating more laxity. again, as that pressure for as baby’s growing starts to put more pressure on the pelvic floor and the abdominal wall. If you’re doing more things that increases the pressure within the within the abdominal cavity that’s going to push on that separation even more and/or push on that pelvic floor even more, creating potential incontinence or prolapse issues and/or more bulging and doming within the abdominal wall stretching out that separation or that gap even further, potentially making the recovery process more challenging or slightly longer. I’m not saying that it will but potentially, so we do have to take that in consideration. So we go through activation exercise of the pelvic floor, of the abdominal wall so that you better understand how to control those pressure increases while you’re lifting or exercising so that you simply can stay at a management level.


Anthony Gurule  14:28

And that in turn, helps you get through pregnancy of understanding how to lift up your older kiddo, having to lift up dog food or anything like that. It’s just managing and controlling pressure. So there’s really not anything that I would say that safe or unsafe. Now, things that we would advise against for core exercises is sit ups or crunches. You know a lot of those things that create like hanging knee raises and different things like that during pregnancy. A lot of those things that create a lot of intra abdominal pressure and tension. and especially during a flex position, that tends to put a lot more pressure on the abdominal wall, the separation where diastasis will occur as well as the pelvic floor.


Anthony Gurule  15:09

So, you know, while we never say never, there’s definitely a category of things that we definitely urge against because the risk/reward benefit and again, risk not being “injured,” But risk of potentially putting more pressure and making the recovery process  on the other side harder, is not is not something that we find to be as advantageous. But you can still get the benefits of quote unquote, core exercises through full body movements such as goblet squats, such as deadlifts, you know, depending on the phase that you’re in, push ups, which are, you know, a dynamic plank. or being able to do a TRX row, which is a reverse plank as you’re just lifting yourself up. three point rows where you’re on, you know, two hands or doing like a row on a bench, where you’re in a tabletop position that’s adding anti rotation exercises. So there’s a ton that you can do that still highlights and isolates, the core isolates, sorry. that highlights and will emphasize core activation, but through a full body compound movement. And what’s great about that is during pregnancy, depending on your energy levels, it’s hard to do all the little isolated accessory and all these separate exercises as it is. So it’s kind of nice being able to combine everything, so you get more bang for your buck, especially if you’re a parent and you’re on and you’re on baby number two or three, right?


Anthony Gurule  16:31

So what exercises are safe for pregnant women to do? All are. reduce or eliminate for sure contact activities, different things like that. the increased risk activities of you know, trauma and things like that. Outside of that you’re managing pressure, I would definitely encourage reducing anything that’s heavy lifting, that’s, that’s requiring you to do Valsalva moves, you’re having to hold your breath for an extended period of time. that changes blood pressure, so on and so forth. But outside of that, Pregnancy is a completely safe time to do all exercises. we definitely as we highlighted, urge and encourage, you know, certain things over other ones just for you know, added bang for your buck or full body movements, so on and so forth. And that, but outside of that you are free to do what you want.


Anthony Gurule  17:19

If you want guidance, though, you know, there are there are trainers out there that work specifically with prenatal patients. we would love to be able to have that conversation with you if that’s something you want to bounce back or navigate. Because we do want to encourage as much as we can. A very, very active pregnancy through exercise working out or however you want to describe that. So if you found this beneficial, please like share, subscribe. if you’re pregnant, I hope you can utilize this and take some of the information for you and yourself. If you have anyone else you know… a relative a family member, a friend who is pregnant and they’re unsure they’ve been you know asking this question what things I don’t know what things I can do. I don’t know if it’s safe for baby share this video with them. We’d love to be able to provide a better frame of reference and or context to be able to ask better questions so that they can find the workout program  or the movements that work best for them during their pregnancy. Until next time guys live loud .if you’re currently pregnant, Congratulations, and we look forward to helping and serving in the future.