Health & Wellness
When Your Strength Becomes a Weakness | EP 81
Live LOUD Life Podcast
Lafayette Colorado
Episode 81
When Your Strength Becomes a Weakness
With Dr. Antonio Gurule
Welcome back to another episode of the Live Loud Life Podcast! In this episode, Dr. Antonio Gurule discusses When your Strengths Become a Weakness. Through this discussion, Dr. Antonio will share personal insights to his own life-journey as well as key considerations for identifying your own personal weaknesses before exploring how to overcome weaknesses and gaps with the proper support.
Episode Highlights:
- [02:22] Susceptibility to re-injure
- [04:41] Identifying Potential Weaknesses
- [07:23] Using adaptability to be too casual
- [10:49] Diverting Attention Dilutes Progress
- [12:00] Seeking Support to Overcome Weaknesses
About Dr. Antonio Gurule
- Father
- Doctor of Chiropractic
- Owner of Live LOUD
- Personal Trainer & Health Coach
Check Out Some of Our Other Blog Posts and Podcast Episodes
When Your Strength Becomes a Weakness
[00:00:00] Dr. Antonio Gurule: What’s up guys? Welcome back to another episode of the Live Loud Life podcast. My name is Antonio, your host of the Live Loud Life podcast. Um, couple short, housekeepings, whatever you wanna call that. I can’t remember. It’s been a few weeks since I’ve honestly, uh, recorded anything. We, um, we’ve been doing a lot of, um, Outdoor backyard projects, uh, which I’ll give you a sidebar for that too.
[00:00:31] But this dang chicken coup I’ve been building for, I swear it was like months now that is finally finished. The chickens and the ducks are in their new home. They’re happy as can be. Uh, we have two, um, compadres, two males that are, that have been a little mean and bully-ish so they’re off to the side. But anyways, that is completed, um, which is fantastic.
[00:00:52] Um, for those of, I think I said this in the last one, I can’t remember from when we announced it, Uh, but we’re expecting baby number four, which is crazy. This is a surprise for everybody, but we’re very, um, amped, so we’re adding a another little regret to the live loud, uh, Gurule clan, which is gonna be fantastic.
[00:01:11] Come March. Late February, early March of next year. Uh, we may have three birthdays in March. Uh, everyone’s telling, uh, Michelle and I to keep our hands off of each other in June. Apparently there’s something going on there. Um, but that’s quite exciting and to not, and to add anymore onto that, we decided to get a puppy.
[00:01:31] We’re getting a new puppy at the end of October of this year, and, uh, the kids and I are just so amped about that. Uh, it was a funny story about that. Um, Michelle doesn’t recall it as such, but I recall it just as this was, I was originally, um, hoping for just three kiddos and she really always wanted four, and so she basically made me a deal that said if we have a fourth child that I get to have the puppy that I’ve been wanting for a few years.
[00:02:00] And lo and behold, baby’s not coming. So puppy’s coming. But we figure now’s a good time to, you know, do the early training before baby comes. Cuz I feel like getting a puppy afterwards in training would be a lot more difficult. Um, so that’s all, that’s new in our life. Uh, hope everyone’s doing, uh, well, we’re trying to keep ourselves busy.
[00:02:17] Oh, the side part. So, um,
Susceptibility to re-injure
[00:02:22] Dr. Antonio Gurule: This is not what the topic is today, but it’s kind of like a sidebar. Cause I had someone else coming in with back pain and you know, they’re very active and they had fallen hunting and they hurt their back again and kind of fr and, and, and they didn’t necessarily go as far through our little back program as I’d wanted.
[00:02:38] They kind of, uh, decided to go their own round and get back into CrossFit and other things, which was fine. They were doing okay, but. The frustration was like, Why do I keep hurting my back now the number one cause of injury, previous injuries, if you have hurt yourself before, you’re more susceptible to just hurting that area.
[00:02:54] Again, it’s unfortunate, but it is what it is. Now, obviously we would go through an extensive amount of rehab and training and strengthening to mitigate that risk. Um, but that does unfortunately make you slightly more susceptible. Now we wanna build resilience around that to reduce that susceptibility.
[00:03:10] And that’s what I’ve been suffering. I mean, there’s, I do a lot of conditioning and resistance training and core training and, and understanding obviously the principles about how to better, uh, stabilize. But I also know that I have my shortcomings on things that I should be working on. Slight with more, um, mobility in certain areas, but also some more odd object.
[00:03:30] Training, uh, an odd object kettlebells might be included in that, but we’re talking about like sandbags and, and um, stones and medicine balls and different things like that which force you to learn how to leverage and move your body in unique different positions and holding on objects. Now, I would say I feel fairly comfortable about doing a number of odd objects, but.
[00:03:52] I’ve been suffering some from some low back pain over the last week or so because of all the odd object lifting and all the bending over I’ve been doing from, from, um, you know, uh, putting up post and, and lifting up fences and just a number of different things and it just caught up to me. Now it’s nothing that’s bad or debilitating.
[00:04:11] Good thing. I know the things to do to help wipe out and clear that as fast as possible. But I just wanted to add that as a little caveat is sometimes we get frustrated by these nagging injuries because we’ve had substantial injuries in the past that we either haven’t adequately rehabbed or or, or gone through, or we’ve kind of fallen off the wayside of what had been working previously to help us, and then we kind of get back into those old patterns now it kind of segues into this next, next topic.
Identifying Potential Weaknesses
[00:04:41] Dr. Antonio Gurule: Because, uh, the topic is, um, when your strengths can actually become, um, a weakness or a deficit to use, right? So, That segue is we get comfortable about kind of what’s going on and, and, and we’re finding like, Hey, I feel good about this and so I don’t need to direct so, so much time and attention to that which, which I would argue and validate that that would be, that would be true, but sometimes we use that strength as a crutch.
[00:05:05] Like, I’m okay because. This is strong to me, but, uh, and there’s, there’s a lot of talk about this where there’s, there’s one caveat that talks about triple down on your strengths, right? If you’re good at this, don’t do the things that you don’t need, that you don’t need to do, you’re not good at, because you’re really good at this.
[00:05:22] Now, from a business standpoint, And, and, and, and maybe communication standpoint, relationship standpoint, that makes sense. Um, but more so from just a general business standpoint, but from like a health and wellness standpoint, that doesn’t really make sense cuz there’s weak spots that obviously need to be addressed.
[00:05:38] Right? And, and what I have been realizing and trying to be more honest with myself is I have been using my quote unquote strengths as an excuse for certain things. Now this goes beyond the just health. Side of it, maybe in the wellness side, but from the business side. But this is, this is also just from a, we’ll just say a general more global behavioral side, right?
[00:06:03] So one of my, and, and we have taken a number of, uh, um, personality tests, strength tests, um, Colby Index, strength finders, minor Briggs, you know, all those different things. I’ve taken all them over the years. Um, uh, and what I have found from, you know, when I’m, look, when you’re looking at all those, Uh, I’m an initiator.
[00:06:26] I’m an activator. I have, I’m very high in adaptability. Um, low, lower on research and strategies, kind of in the middle, but my, but my flow tends to be. You got an idea, Let’s go. Oh, that didn’t quite go the way we wanted to. Let’s, let’s shift laterally over here, which there’s, there’s obviously huge pros to that, but there’s, there’s a lot of cons to that because there’s not as much maybe strategic implementation.
[00:06:54] And that’s the thing that I’ve been, this is a sidebar for another show that’s something I’ve been struggling with is while I do set goals, I struggle to set goals. Um, and because. I feel that the adaptability, the adaptable side of me does not like being pinpointed to one thing because I like being able to shift and, and understanding that the goals can be bigger than that.
[00:07:18] There’s multiple roads in Rome and understanding that there will be constant shifts in navigations. Right.
Using adaptability to be too casual
[00:07:23] Dr. Antonio Gurule: But I’ve been using this quote unquote “adaptability” to, to be too casual. Uh, I was listening to a podcast and essentially, It was, it was saying you’re too casual, right? Like, like those that are doing extremely well, they’re not casual about it, right?
[00:07:41] They’re, they’re, they’re focused. Their intention is there. And, and I 100% agree with that. And I find that when I feel frustrated about where I am from a health standpoint, Could be diet, could be mental, could be relationships, um, could be, you know, whatever part of that wellness we, we wanna look at. But also from a business standpoint, it’s just like, man, I’m super frustrated with maybe where our numbers are and things like that.
[00:08:07] I take full responsibility for that, but I’m, I’m looking at it and I’m seeing as just like I’m using my strength as adaptable and this, this implementer and this action oriented. To be almost too chaotic, right? I’m being too casual about it cuz I want to allow myself to shift and navigate as I see fit, and that has always been a struggle.
[00:08:34] And this is also true from like one, one thing I’ve been, uh, I would say more invested in and, and very curious about and, and trying to learn a lot is about, um, financial independence and just finances in general. Um, I would think. I think a lot of people, at least that I know and talk to from our age, we came from kind of the more, I don’t wanna say blue collar cuz it’s not necessarily blue collar, but like our, our, our parents’ age was, you know, go to school, you work, you get a job and you save.
[00:09:04] Right? Um, reading this is actually have it right here. Um, Psychology of money. Um, Morgan, I don’t know to pronounce the last name, I apologize, household hostel. Um, but it talked about how, you know, how new, even just the stock market and 401ks and all these other investment opportunities really are. And so that’s why it was so ingrained within a lot of our parents’ age and my parents’, uh, particular is that’s just what you do and, and.
[00:09:34] And, and, and it works. It can’t work for you. And it depends, obviously, if you have, you know, if you’re entrepreneur or W2 and all those different things as an employee. But I’ve been, I’ve been thinking about that and that’s been the, this frustration is just like, how do you, how do you narrow in when you have so many elements within your life that have.
[00:09:53] A lot of importance. Family, finances, your health. Uh, and it’s, it’s a big struggle. It’s a big thing to, It’s a big thing to balance and you can’t say that. Well, you know, the, the top priorities get put to the top, um, because they all. Could be top priorities. And that’s the, that’s the big struggle again, that I’ve been having and just sharing kind of like where I’m at, how I’m feeling, and, and knowing that you can’t do all the things.
[00:10:19] And I, I feel like we’re at a good position where I can, you know, hopefully hire more people to help me. And, you know, from, for as a listener, if you’re not an entrepreneur or you don’t earn a business that would be hiring a coach, you’re still in a position to hire other people to help you. Um, and, and you, I mean, you know, I’m trying to do that.
[00:10:36] I’m trying to figure out where I need more help, but it’s also just, it’s also just researching and learning and trying to figure out, but understanding and, and this is a long, I really apologize, this is a long way of saying is like there was this other book that I had come across just called One Thing, Right?
Diverting Attention Dilutes Progress
[00:10:49] Dr. Antonio Gurule: When you start diverting your attention too much, My fault as an adaptable or implementer person is you start diluting everything that you do. So when you’re thinking about. Goals, whether that be financial, health, wellness, uh, relationships, business, employment, you know, all that stuff is. You have to, you have to start to narrow down and I am literally speaking out as I am talking to myself.
[00:11:18] Like this is me talking through my own thoughts of sharing what hasn’t been working for me and hearing what Hasn been working for everyone else and finding the, the struggle of, of that. Now, that’s not to say, again, multiple rows in Rome, that, that those things that I’m doing now might not come down the road at a certain place in time.
[00:11:37] And, and I know they will on, I wasn’t gonna say I hope they will, but I know they will because it is important to me. There are certain pieces I’m trying to put into play while doing other things, but knowing that if I focus too much time over here, I lose attention here. And, and the moral of it is, and maybe, I think, I think all those people do struggle with this, and maybe you have the same strengths that I do because of that.
Seeking Support to Overcome Weaknesses
[00:12:00] Dr. Antonio Gurule: Uh, we’re seeing maybe a behavioral pattern based on personalities. But that is, that is a lot of reason why, and I tell myself, and I validate myself. I’m being, uh, this is okay because, uh, these are my strengths. It’s just, it’s my strengths at fall. Right. I’m just, I’m just a person. It’s like the person who constantly is, is is getting burned or hurt, right? I’m just a loving person. Uh, I care too much. I give too much. Is there’s a point in time where that strength might become a fault or a weakness to you where you have to protect yourself. And the more you know about yourself, the better you can. Realize that and recognize it, which is, which is a huge turning point, right?
[00:12:38] Um, uh, or you just, and then ask for help and support. And that’s where I know I need to, is we have all these different things that we’re trying to put in place that’s trying to help with this, but then I’m trying to take this so it’s not just sitting there doing nothing and make it in and turn it into something else.
[00:12:54] And it’s, it’s, it’s a, it’s a navigation game that just growing up, I didn’t really, I didn’t see too much. And this is, again, no fault to my parents or anyone else. It’s just the way it was was just you work and you save. And we’ve done, we’ve done well. I’m, I’m not complaining about where we are way, and I’m super grateful that we have the opportunity to be entrepreneurs, to help people to, to be in this situation where we can share, um, information like this to be in a situation where, I can have four kids and not feel, um, uh, you know, super strapped from paycheck to paycheck.
[00:13:29] So this is in no way I’m complaining about that. It’s just how do you go from where you are to where you wanna be? With the strength that you have, but also realizing that those strengths could be, uh, turning into something negative or more or less, you’re using them as an excuse. So it was just something I want you to ponder about and think about.
[00:13:50] Um, we see this as a, you know, as a limitation for many of the people that come into the office. Um, uh, you know, I sympathize with everyone because I’ve been in the position of obviously being a, a parent before and the time and detention that it takes, you know, I, I do. It’s, it’s tough. It is definitely tough, especially when you start adding, when you start adding more of a man, the time you have, uh, greatly diminishes when you go from one to two kids, two to three kids, and I don’t even know.
[00:14:19] Um, everyone says once you get past three, like once you have four, it’s just, it’s just all the same. It’s just, it’s just crazy all the time. So we’ll see how that actually goes. Um, But it’s, it’s like, Oh, well, you know, I have to divert so much time and attention to this, so I can’t think about myself. Um, and we’ve all heard the saying, you can’t pour from an empty cup, right?
[00:14:40] And, and so you have to, you have to just kind of navigate it, whether it’s, whether you wanna look at a wellness wheel or anything like that is what needs more time and attention. How can I use my strengths? To fulfill that. If I, if, if it is not a strength that I have, then that’s where you would then reach out for support or help, whether it be through us or somebody else, coach who, you know, who knows what it is.
[00:15:01] It could be financial coach, it could be, um, uh, not doing your own taxes and hiring accountant, know who knows what that might be. But, but I find that to be, uh, a super, super valuable when we’re having that conversation. And I had this realization, and I think it was like my, it wasn’t. I wanna say it was like one of my first.
[00:15:23] Five podcasts. Um, I interviewed, uh, a mentor of ours who’s a chiropractor, and he’s currently the president of college down in Texas. And I had that realization just this week when I was having a conversation with my son about something and, and my, my oldest, and I wouldn’t say we butt heads, but you know, he’s older.
[00:15:42] He’s, he’s extremely bright and smart and he, you know, the conversations you have with him and as I’m talking to him, it was literally, The conversation I was having to was just a self-reflection and realization, and it just opened up my eyes to these, you know, quote unquote crutches or, or excuses that I’ve been making based on my strengths, uh, which were supposed to be able to be helpful.
[00:16:05] So, uh, something hopefully valuable for you to think about, uh, if you’ve never taken these evaluations, One is called Strength Finders. Um, that one I really like. It’s actually got a number of strengths. So it looks, the whole premise is you, Something that might be low on that list. It’s not a weakness, it’s just not your strongest strength.
[00:16:24] Um, so you really, you can get a breakdown of your top five, which is obviously the most helpful, but it’s kind of nice to see all of ’em in the spread. Um, and then working from a team aspect, the Colby Index has been good because it really shows you. Who needs to fulfill the spaces or the gaps that you don’t obviously have.
[00:16:42] So, um, uh, they’re also just, they’re also just good cuz you can do this from like a family perspective too. It’s like, Hey, as a family you’re better at this than I am. I’m better at this than you. And let’s con divide and conquer. Right? And it could be helpful too, um, from a coaching perspective of, you know, find that could be the, that could be the element of what helps you find the right coach for you is they really help you fill in the gaps.
[00:17:05] That you don’t have, not from a knowledge human standpoint, from more of just a personality and how they addressed and approach certain topics, communications on and so forth. So, som gonna think about. Hopefully that helps y’all, uh, until next time live loud.
My "Season of Life" Training Philosophy & Program Revealed
Live LOUD Life Podcast
Lafayette Colorado
Episode 80
My "Season of Life" Training Philosophy & Program Revealed
With Dr. Antonio Gurule
If you are someone who likes generating your own fitness training and workout programs, or you are wanting to learn how to get more out of your training routines during this current season of life, this episode of the Live Loud Life Podcast is a must listen.
In this episode, Dr. Antonio Gurule, discusses the Season of Life Training Philosophy, outlines his current training plan and schedule, before walking you through the thought processes behind it. Dr. Gurule also highlights specific health care considerations for achieving your personal training goals and continuing to move forward in your fitness journey. Finally, he will share the training elements he uses and ways you can incorporate them, to maximize effectiveness in reaching your personal goals.
- [01:36] Seasons of Life Philosophy
- [03:39] Family Life & Creating Appropriate Routines
- [05:37] Training Adjustments for Your Life Season
- [06:34] Maintenance in Movement
- [09:45] Understanding Movement Pattern Biases
- [14:31] Resistance Training for Mobility & Movement
- [15:25] Maintaining Mobility Without Stretching Daily
- [19:17] Mind Your Personal Achievements
About Dr. Antonio Gurule
- Father
- Doctor of Chiropractic
- Owner of Live LOUD
- Personal Trainer & Health Coach
Check Out Some of Our Other Blog Posts and Podcast Episodes
My Training Program & Philosophy Revealed | EP 80
[00:00:00] Dr. Antonio Gurule: What’s up guys? In this episode, we are gonna be talking about some of the, if you wanna call it training philosophies that I use, but just kind of outlining, uh, my current kind of training plan and schedule, or lack thereof. Um, And kind of walking you through at least the thought process behind it and, and some of the elements, if you will.
[00:00:20] So, uh, if that interest of you, if you feel like if you’re someone who likes kind of generating your own programs or you’re just wanting to learn a little bit more about that, uh, I think this episode can be super helpful and handy for you. So stay tuned.
[00:00:41] Welcome back to another episode of the Live Loud Life podcast. My name is Dr. Antonio, your host of the Live Loud Life podcast. Uh, and. Uh, as in, as mentioned in the intro here, we’re gonna be talking about some training elements, uh, some of my training philosophies and principles that I follow. Um, kettlebells, of course, if you know me, I love kettlebells.
[00:00:59] Um, so on and so forth. So, before then, uh, sorry, before we get started, uh, please subscribe, uh, whether you’re watching on YouTube, following along on Apple Podcast, uh, hit notifications if you wanna, uh, get or see when these, uh, drop and if you have any topics. That you are interested in or you want us to cover or, or anything like that, it helps us generate more specific content to the needs of you, the listener.
[00:01:23] So, um, we’d love to hear those. If you’re not following us on Instagram as well, handle is All right, so let’s jump into it training now.
Seasons Of Life Philosophy
[00:01:36] Dr. Antonio Gurule: Uh, I’m a big fan of this concept called Seasons of Life, right? In the previous episode, I just shared that we’re actually expecting baby number four. So in March of 2023, the season of my life will be a little bit crazier that we will have four kids.
[00:01:58] Um, fortunately, let’s see, our kids will be seven, five, and three with a newborn. We’re currently thinking about getting a puppy too. Uh, I don’t know if we’re crazy or what, but, uh, I’ve been want a dog for a while. So , I think it fits well into this. Um, but that season of life shit is a little bit crazier than it is now.
[00:02:19] And then three kids over to two, it was a little bit crazier, right? So different elements starting different, um, you know, different side businesses or different programs and different courses and things like that. So the season of life will obviously change. Um, when I had one kid versus two kids, working out was a lot different.
[00:02:40] I had a lot more time to allocate. Now this. Has a little bit of, well, obviously, certain elements that are important to our, our, our, our life and our, and our health need to be prioritized. So it’s not just, Hey, throw this aside. We’re just simply saying, like, and if you, if this is important to you and you wanna get it in, and time is tight, or, or whatever that is, you know, this is, this is how I’m doing it right now.
[00:03:05] So there are certain days where I definitely have an hour to work out. Like there’s no, there’s no question about that. I have a, I would argue a little bit more time than my wife cur currently, obviously based on how she feels and different things like that. Um, we’re starting, um, this is fall. We’re starting homeschooling this year for our two oldest first grade and pre-K.
[00:03:27] So, you know, the school load for that is not intense, but, you know, we’re trying to set up the foundation of what homeschooling might look like for our family. So that’s different. Um, but one element that.
Family Life & Creating Appropriate Routines
[00:03:39] Dr. Antonio Gurule: That we obviously encourage and try to push is like you have sometimes you have to work out with your kids around and your family around.
[00:03:45] So encouraging independent play time, uh, safe play time around wherever you’re working out and doing, uh, is important. Now, obviously the type of training you do would. Suggest that they can be near you or not. Obviously Olympic lifting, I would not suggest your kids being around, um, heavy deadlifts, uh, heavy squats on and so forth, you know, so on and so forth.
[00:04:03] But, but what, But, but you have to be able to get it in. And if they’re around, then you can’t just say, Oh, I can’t do it cuz my kids around, I half my workouts, at least when I’m at home and not the office are with the kids around and they’re playing with themselves or doing independent play time. If they were, if we were young, if they were younger and they only had one or two, they’d be just doing their own thing.
[00:04:22] So that’s part of it. Now, with that season of life’s right. Having kids, sometimes your sleep sucks. Now, in a perfect world, we’d be able to sleep all that we want. We’d be able to eat all the right food and be able to work out as we want, as much as we’d want, and that those dials will shift and change.
[00:04:43] Right? So, you know, sometimes, uh, you know, on the weekends we’re bouncing around seeing family and while we try to control what we eat as best as possible, sometimes it’s eating out cuz it’s easier. So on and so forth. Um, uh, sometimes the kids have a crappy night of sleep and you didn’t sleep all the night before, and so your workout that was planned the next day cannot be executed, uh, to the same degree.
[00:05:04] And so those are all the things that you have to take in consideration when you’re talking about seasons of life and trying to get your, your training in. And so I, I’m, I’m ideally trying to get in five days a week. Realistically it’s three to five. Um, uh, in the last month, I would say I’ve been on a better kick about getting five in.
[00:05:25] And then on the weekends I honestly don’t get much in uh, cuz we’re both home. We’re both home. We’re trying to do more outdoor stuff, family stuff. Uh, we’re also trying to build things like chicken coops and stuff in the backyard now.
Training Adjustments for Your Life Season
[00:05:37] Dr. Antonio Gurule: We have to say, I’ve had a couple videos based on, uh, our, our new move here is looking at training in a different lens too.
[00:05:45] Sometimes we think has to be just structured in the gym doing X, Y, and Z. Like as I was mentioned on a few other things, landscaping, that is a good workout. That might be your quote unquote training day or workout of the day. If you’re outside slinging a shovel or an ax for like three to four hours, that’s a pretty good workout.
[00:05:59] So don’t sell yourself short on what you’re doing on a grand total throughout the day, but, Sum up into simplify what I’m trying to accomplish, and I’ve been very honest about this. I know I have gaps in holes. I know I have certain. Stability and mobility limitations that, uh, could be addressed. Um, that could enhance maybe some of the achy spots that I have in maybe the lower back or the shoulder or some of the tight spots that I have in the back or the shoulder.
Maintenance in Movement
[00:06:34] Dr. Antonio Gurule: Uh, some of the limitations in my thoracic spine that comes from sitting down, creating content, typing, working with patients, so on and so forth. Uh, I try to. Put in what I need, where I can, whether it’s warm up or in between certain sets to try to get that stuff in. Um, there are some days where I just call, call it, and rather than doing the thing that I’m meant to do, it’s just like, today’s gonna be a mobility movement day, cuz that’s what my body’s telling you.
[00:06:59] That’s the whole point of season of life training is listening to your body. Now some of us enjoy the structure of a program of saying, I wanna be told what to do every day and I wanna see the progressive layout in playing. Wonderful. I love that. I can’t do that because of this season of life. When things get thrown off on something like that, then it throws off the whole progression on that scale.
[00:07:21] Now you can, you can figure out how to get back on track. It’s not, it’s not impossible to do so, but I am going for maintenance in movement. Now, part of this is through my health journey. I believe that I have set up a fairly good foundation of baseline strength that allows me to do near the majority of everything that I wanna be able to do.
[00:07:42] Now, obviously, if I wanna go run a marathon, I’d have to shift that and, and create more of an aerobic capacity baseline of just running. Um, but because I’ve done enough, Strength training, mobility work, stability work and movement work. My, the base foundation of my movement pyramid or triangle is, is pretty solid, so that allows me to make shifts and move or miss days and weeks.
[00:08:10] And be able to bounce back quicker. And I think this is an element that so many people miss. We talk about training history, right? So a lot of times we’ll ask people like, Well, what are we doing for training? And we talk about resistance training. They’re like, Yeah, I’ve done resistance training. Like, Well, when?
[00:08:24] When? The last time, Oh, in college. It’s 15, 20 years ago. While that might be a foundation back then, we’ve lost that, right? That that was a while ago. We’ve lost that. But if it was someone like, Yeah, I was, you know, I was on a consistent program, you know, maybe six months to a year ago. They have a pretty good lifting and it was for an extended period of time.
[00:08:44] That’s a pretty. Good recent, um, uh, baseline program to bounce off of. Now they might ha have everything that’s associated with it, but there it’s more recent to the fact where they can extract that knowledge from that and some of the movement patterns and behaviors to catch back up. So I’m constantly trying to, in a way, in knowing my body, refine certain elements and add certain things in, but sometimes it’s just, it’s just doing work cuz I know I need to do work.
[00:09:11] I know I need resistance training. I know I need to make myself breathe hard and heavy and I’m biased towards certain movements such as kettlebell work and other things like that where I know I can get it in and I know I can get what I need fairly quickly. Now again, argumentatively. If I had a coach or someone else looking at this, you’re missing this, you’re missing this, you’re missing this.
[00:09:32] Yeah, I probably am. But again, maintenance of my baseline foundational movement capacities and patterns on and so forth, this is what’s working extremely well for me. It’s still allowing me to progress in certain areas.
Understanding Movement Pattern Biases
[00:09:45] Dr. Antonio Gurule: Uh, again, I’m, I’m trying to be better about understanding also my movement pattern biases.
[00:09:50] My long, lengthy body is very good at pulling, uh, meaning. Pull up and rows and swings and deadlifts. My body’s built for that. It’s not so strong at pushing vertical, pushing pushups, horizontal bench press, squats, lunges on and so forth. The way my body’s structured it is much harder and, and I would veer away from that from time to time, missing those elements.
[00:10:13] So now my big focus has been kind of back to like, okay, well, If, if my body naturally is good at some of these other things, I do need to work on some of the, the, um, not weaknesses, but weaker links of those movement patterns, which would be pushing and squatting to help just create a little bit more of, um, uh, a dynamic balance, if you will.
[00:10:33] So that’s again, In my knowledge of knowing where I’m at, where my past has been and everything else, I’m focusing on that now. The, the training hasn’t really changed all that much. It’s just trying to maybe add more of those movements in and or on those movements. I’m trying to be more intentional and or on those movements, I’m trying to go a little heavier, whereas before I would’ve been like, Yeah, it’s okay.
[00:10:55] I’ll go a little lighter. Right. And so this is just kind of, again, coming, coming back, uh, um, uh, I’m being honest with myself about really what those are. In the past I was like, I’m getting by. I’m getting fine by fine, right? And, and, and it just kinda let those slip and slide. So it’s, it’s trying to be progressive from a micro scale, not necessarily a macro scale, understanding that the micro, the days of the compounding interests are adding up upon each other.
[00:11:23] And that’s really how I got to where I am today. I could, I could have gotten further when I had more time and gaps by, by being a little bit more specific. 100%. Um, but right now it’s the consistency of at a minimum, three to five days, um, um, uh, of doing these types of things. So what does, what does a training day look like?
[00:11:45] Well, we’re, we’re trying to hit the big movement patterns, the big compound movements, because that allows me to get the most out of what I’m doing on each individual movement or day. So, For the majority. For the majority, I have some sort of a push, a pull, a hinge, a squat, um, squat and or lunge. I’m trying to add more carries in.
[00:12:05] Uh, but that’s, that’s the quote unquote kind of baseline of movement patterns that I’m looking for. Now, I can sometimes integrate and combine those things, right? So it might be like, Uh, a clean and press or a clean and squat, so on and so forth. But that’s why I love kettlebells. I can take one, I can take one element or one, um, one tool, one.
[00:12:29] A piece of equipment and do multiple things with it without having to transition and change. And that is what works best, again, for my season of life and for a lot of, uh, a lot of parents, uh, whether it’s a dumbbell or kettlebell barbells, just take up more space. They need more preparation, they need more.
[00:12:46] Awareness and also more foundational practice of understanding the movement principles and how to do those things in the first place. So if you have that, great, I’m not saying you can’t do that, but for the kettlebell, it makes it that much easier. So, for instance, today’s workout, Uh, I was, the, the whole purpose of today was level change is making my body go up and down.
[00:13:07] I did bento, I did a bent over row variation. I did pushups, I did kettlebell cleans, and I did squat. So I gotta push a pull, a hinge, and a squat. Um, I didn’t do a carry, uh, just cuz I was inside today, but you could simply just add in, Hey, after that last set I’m gonna carry, I’m gonna take the kettlebells and I’m gonna carry down and back.
[00:13:24] Or after that whole complex, I’m gonna do a few rounds of just loaded carries to just add that little element in. Now, within that, that was the circuit and that was a complex, That’s primarily what I do because again, I can hit all those things. It helps get my heart rate up, so on and so forth. If I wanna be more specific, I simply just break that up into, uh, like a super set.
[00:13:44] I’ll do two things paired together, or I’ll do one thing with a stretch or a stability exercise. Integrate it in. For example, it might be bent over rows, and then I might flip onto my back and do some sort of a dead bug variation or some sort of a anterior core chain movement to hit more of the anterior core, if I’m wanting to work on that.
[00:14:03] Or I might do a vertical press. I’m working on a press ladder, kettlebell, pressing overhead, and then I might drop down and do some sort of a 90, 90 or a pigeon stretch to work on loosening up my hips. So it’s a way for me to, again, sprinkle in the stability and mobility or the rehab exercises or the stretching elements that you know you should be getting in.
[00:14:23] But it, it’s e but you oftentimes will tell your body, Hey, it’s an either and, or you need to stretch or workout. You can do them together, You can combine them together.
Resistance Training for Mobility & Movement
[00:14:31] Dr. Antonio Gurule: And what most people forget is that when you are doing resistance training, if you make it intentional to elongate, open up, you’re actually providing a lot of stretching and mobility in that movement.
[00:14:45] Uh, what would be an example of that? Well, if I’m doing a trx, uh, if I’m doing a, a trx, row, right. Rather than keeping my shoulder blades pinned back the whole time and just moving my upper arm in my forearms, when I lower myself down, I could really reach my arms out in front of me long to allow my shoulder blades to wrap around.
[00:15:04] So I’m getting a good upper back stretch and my rhomboids my mid traps, my lower traps, um, so on and so forth. So, If we were able to work on depth mobility and other things like, or like that while you’re lifting, you kinda kill two birds with one stone. But sometimes we get so focused on moving faster, moving harder, moving heavy, that we forget that element.
Maintaining Mobility Without Stretching Daily
[00:15:25] Dr. Antonio Gurule: So I’m able to actually maintain a lot of my mobility even though I’m not stretching on a daily basis by simply being more intentional about how I’m moving, setting up. My technique and my, uh, in my movement patterns to allow me to move into, to, to deeper depth, such as in a squat or a sumo deadlift or using, or programming in certain movements like a cosac squat or even a lunge pattern, which would stretch and open up my hips every time I go down.
[00:15:55] So, you know, it’s looking at it from that element while we said, just push, pull, hinge, squat. And carries, that seems very simplistic, right? But based on the exercise selection, I’m able to get multiple elements out of it other than just strength training or loading, right? So let’s lay this out as another example.
[00:16:14] Let’s use a double front rack, dumbbell and or kettlebell double front rack. Rev, uh, split squat, right? So I’m in a split stance position. One foot forward, one foot backwards, and I have two kettlebells racked on my shoulders. This is a quite an extensive shoulder exercise. Depending on the weight that you’re using, you’re isolating or your, sorry, you’re isometrically, holding that kettlebell in front of you, which will require your shoulders to be a strong foundation in order for the shoulders to be strong.
[00:16:41] Your torso, your pillar has to be set. That has to be strong. And then all of that basically, More or less stabilizes and stiffens while you move your hips and your knee joints to descend down. So I’m getting a ton of stability training in my shoulders and my torso, and then when I descend down, my glutes and my quads are what’s going to eccentrically.
[00:17:04] Lengthen, right? Gives me a good stretch in both my glutes and my quads, depending, especially on my width. And then it also then concentrically, uh, contracts to bring me back up. Now on that back leg as I go down, I’m actually getting a hip flexor stretch. So if I’m actually holding my torso up nice and tall and I’m stacked on top of my back knee, I get a wonderful.
[00:17:23] Hip flexor stretch. I can enhance that hip flexor stretch by doing a rear foot elevated split squat by putting my foot up that bends my knee more, which enhances that quad stretch or that hip flex stretch. So you’re we’re seeing how we can get different elements of stretching and mobility while also strengthening at the same time.
[00:17:41] So, If you, if you really just take a second and look at any movement pattern and, and, and, and look at how it’s being performed or how it should be performed, you’ll see that there are these elements that come up quite consistently. So to recap, push, pull, hinge, squat, squat and or lunge. Some sort of a loaded carry.
[00:18:00] You could put a, you could put another element in there and say some sort of a specific core exercise if you really want to. That’s it. I rinse and repeat. I have a lot of the same movements honestly, that I do because I know they hit so many things. Right. So I’ll kind of just rattle off a few, uh, not that this is, um, Uh, uh, um, the only things that I do, uh, renegade rows Bent over rows gorilla rows incline pushups.
[00:18:25] Floor press, bench press, vertical press, uh, TRX rows, um, goblet squats, double front rack squats, some sort of a, uh, kosac squat. Um, front rack, reverse lunges, split squat. Dead lifts, uh, kettlebell swings, kettlebell cleans, kettlebell snatch, um, Turkish get ups, um, uh, split, um, split stance. RDLS um, uh, I’m just, I mean a little, just random these off.
[00:18:53] Right? So that was, what was that? Maybe 10 to 12 exercises. Now, if you were to look at 10 to 12 exercises, And run that through some, run that through an equation and see how many variations of workouts you can get. You get a lot of different workouts in that. Not to mention you can vary reps and intensity just with that and do really well with just a few basic movements and one piece of equipment, or two pieces of equipment without having to overcomplicate.
Mind Your Personal Achievements
[00:19:17] Dr. Antonio Gurule: What you’re trying to achieve, you always have to, again, keep that angle in mind. Right now I’m trying, I’m still moving the needle forward. It’s not as fast. If I was able to set five days a week progressive lifting program as far as strength, but I’m still able to move that needle forward pretty well, uh, either from a maintenance perspective, but also from a strength and mobility perspective.
[00:19:37] By running through this type of, um, uh, training cycle. So right now, I’ve been in a kettlebell complex kick. So basically, I’m doing one or two kettlebells and I basically put a circuit together. That’s all a complex is I’m picking, uh, anywhere between two to five exercises and I, and I add those in an element so that, that, that workout I just talked about today, the bent over row to pushups, the cleans, and the squat.
[00:20:01] That was a com that was a complex, five movements of each limit. Rest. Try to try to navigate and, and recover respiration and heart rate in between. Set the time for 20 minutes and just go, right. You get a ton out of that sweating heart rate up. Uh, good strength. I’m, I picked the movements out of that in which I, I needed a little bit more attention to, which was the pushups and the squats as mentioned.
[00:20:24] And, and I, I, I got a great workout that being done. Three, five days a week, four weeks out of a month, 12 months out of a year, you will be in a very, very different and great spot a year from now, even three months from now. So, uh, if you want some ideas on kettlebells complexes on posting those on Instagram,
[00:20:46] I’m also posting those on YouTube on what they have now, which is those YouTube shorts, which is like Facebook reels and Instagram reels. Um, so we’re just putting those out if you want some ideas on some different movement patterns to do. Uh, again, this is all with the understanding though, is I know how to do these movements, so if you don’t feel comfortable yet to be able to explore those, you gotta reach out for help to understand technique and movement selection.
[00:21:09] So thanks for tuning in. Live loud.
Relationships and Adventures on Two Wheels with Jenny Johnson of CYCLERIE | Ep. 76
Live LOUD Life Podcast
Lafayette Colorado
Episode 76
EP. 76 | Relationships and Adventures on Two Wheels
With Jenny Johnson of CYCLERIE
Jenny Johnson is the founder and president of CYCLERIE, a children’s cycling education company based in Erie, Colorado. There is a huge decline in kids outdoors doing organic play that is healthy. Therefore, CYCLERIE was born from a need to have children to get outdoors and getting them to appreciate the nature and the open air, rather than turning to their iPad or TV screen
Jenny Johnson created CYCLERIE in 2019, and it launched in 2020. They offer bike programs like camps, kids’ cycling training, and events. Today, CYCLERIE not only attracts people from the Erie community but also from Lafayette and Broomfield.
Episode Highlights
00:38 – Jenny Johnson’s motivations for founding CYCLERIE
02:50 – Overview from CYCLERIE’s Learn to Pedal and Adventure Bike camps for kids
03:41 – How COVID impacted CYCLERIE
08:02 – A tip for getting your child to ride a bike
09:51 – Biking trails to consider taking your family
13:30 – What to consider when buying a bike for your child
17:45 – Other biking events and camps to consider for children
About Jenny Johnson of CYCLERIE
- Founder and President of CYCLERIE in Erie, Colorado.
- Passionate about children’s outdoor lifestyle.
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Dr. Antonio Gurule 00:09
Awesome. Well, welcome back to the Live Loud Life podcast. Today I’m sitting down with Jenny Johnson, and we’re going to be talking about her newish-
Jenny Johnson 00:19
Dr. Antonio Gurule 00:21
Okay, 2020. Newish, but been around for a few years. But what they’re doing in the local community East Boulder County, Weld County, with biking and family. So welcome.
Jenny Johnson 00:32
Thank you for having me.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 00:33
Yeah. So talk to us a little bit. It’s called CYCLERIE. What is CYCLERIE?
Jenny Johnson 00:38
Yeah, CYCLERIE. CYCLERIE, the name, was sort of tossed out there. It’s French for the word cycling. So it’s kind of a play around words, Cyclerie. I didn’t know that at the time because I’m a Spanish person more than a French person. But that was kind of a fun twist. But it’s Cyclerie meaning, you know, based in Erie, tried to circle around the Erie Community. But also, we get a lot of people from Lafayette and Broomfield. I created it, probably in 2019. It had been brewing for a while, but 2020 was when we launched it.
I always had neighborhood kiddos coming over to our house, and we were constantly just kind of exploring together on the bike. I was kind of the fun mom, but it was something I love to do. So I thought, you know, a lot of these kiddos aren’t getting the chance to go outside. Or maybe their parents are busy, or they’re usually just turning to an iPad or the TV screen. I started researching it, and there’s a huge, huge decline in kids outdoors in that organic play, which is so important in life. And as children, especially if you try to speak to a kiddo about climate change, when they’re seven, or you know, environmental facts, you’re just not going to get anywhere with a seven-year old or an eight-year old. So, or as young- our campers are as young as three and four. So but getting them outside in nature and having that experience just, I don’t know, it invests the value in them, I think, for future appreciation of the outdoors and just being a kiddo and playing.
And so that’s how CYLERIE started. And then the bike aspect of it is so cool because we’re able to get from point A to point B, much faster than we would walking or hiking. So it’s just more kids on bikes, and you get more adults on bikes by getting more kids on bikes. So that’s my philosophy is just getting more people outside in nature and building confidence.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 2:40
So walk me through a little bit like- so they’re on bikes- I think you just had a camp that just ended?
Jenny Johnson 02:50
Yeah. So we have multiple camps. Right now this summer, we had two. So we have a Learn to Pedal camp for the really young kids. They’re just maybe on training wheels. Or it could be older kiddos that just haven’t learned yet. And we’ll usually break those age groups up. There is a Learn to Pedal camp that’s Monday through Thursday, three hours in the morning. And then we have another camp, which is alternating weeks called Adventure Bike Camp. And that’s where what I was talking to you about, where we go somewhere. We have a destination. We usually meet at Star Meadows Park in Erie, and we ride to various nature areas. And then the last day of camp is Ice Cream day. So Dairy Queen, usually, but we try to hit up some other local spots if they’re open at 10 a.m.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 03:41
That’s really cool. I think that- obviously, that kind of self-developed or starting to develop in 2019, but then 2020 launch, if you will. I think that came around in a good time because so many kids were then yet put in doors for longer periods of time having to catch up with school based on COVID and everything, just being stuck. And or, you know, they’re kind of like hesitant about playdates because it was inside. So it’s like, this is all outdoors. It’s all exploration. And I think that’s so important, too, because so much of what we try to, at least, encourage for other parents, or at least for our own kids, is just that exploration model of just seeing where things go and develop.
Jenny Johnson 04:19
Yeah. I was devastated, honestly, in 2020 because I had been brainstorming this idea for several years, really, since my oldest, who’s now almost 10 started riding a bike. And then whenever March 1st, I was going to launch it 2020, and then that was right when the pandemic really was starting to become full swing. And I was just crushed, but like you were saying, turns out there was a bike boom, a whole bike, what are they calling it, evolution or revolution, that’s happening.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 04:50
You couldn’t buy bikes anywhere.
Dr. Jenny Johnson 04:49
Couldn’t buy bikes anywhere because so many families were getting out on bikes. And kids’ bikes were booming. I also sell children’s bikes. It’s not my primary business at all. It’s just more of a complementary aspect for kiddos that are at camp.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 05:06
Is it like specific types? Or is it like Striders for just like introductory type of stuff?
Jenny Johnson 05:12
It’s kid-specific bikes anywhere from the Strider size, which would be the 12-inch size tire all the way up to 26 inch tires for the older kids. So pretty much any kiddo that’s not yet able to fit an adult bike.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 05:25
Yeah. So that being said, obviously your passion for biking and kids. How would you- I mean, obviously, I think most people know Striders like the thing to do, but why is that such a beneficial tool for kids learning how and or, as a sidebar to that, should they be using training wheels at some point in time?
Jenny Johnson 05:48
Yeah, so, you know, I hate to say it’s one way or another because if you’re willing to get your kiddo outside, like whatever works for your family. However, from an expert’s point of view, training wheels are a lot harder to teach to balance. If they’ve been on training wheels before, I can always tell at camp, which ones are the Strider kids and which ones are the training wheels because training wheels are essentially converting your bike to a tricycle? You’re not really learning to balance. So if you can’t get a Strider, that’s even your size for your kiddo, if say they’re seven and they haven’t rode yet, you can always take the pedals off of any bike and turn it into a Strider bike. And that’s much more beneficial teaching them to use certain core muscles and balance rather than leaning from side to side.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 06:35
Yeah. That’s a good point. Now, I do have another question. Well, my oldest what he struggled with was he could kill it on the Strider. Like he could go down hills and do everything. But the point when then trying to get them on the pedals, he never could understand like propulsion was all like this. How do you then encourage kids, from a propulsive mechanism, to being here grabbing your feet and pushing versus understanding how the pedals actually work?
Jenny Johnson 07:03
Yeah. It’s tricky. It’s incremental, just like with anything. So a lot of repetition. There is some an option to bring a trainer bike, a stationary style bike that can set up where the bike is still stationary, but the kiddos are on the saddle getting that motion without going anywhere or with risk of falling, just like an adult does at spin class around a peloton. It’s a stationary bike. It teaches them the different cadences.
But when they’re really young, that’s hard for some of that to click. So we just incrementally go from picking our feet up, gliding, frog jumping, and then eventually they’re putting one foot on the pedal. So it may just start with that quick, they have a dominant side. And then it just natural progression and over. Usually our camps are four days, the private lessons I’ll do are usually three to five lessons, 30 minutes each, and it’s just that small incremental repetition.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 08:02
And well, the good thing about kids, too, is like they catch on to things mostly fairly quickly when you have the repetition. They just get it so fast. Yeah, well, it’s funny. Speaking of ice cream, my oldest, he was being a stinker about- we got on this because we bought them new bikes. We got him a new bike, it was bigger, all this great stuff. And he was kind of intimidated by it. And, you know, we kept asking him, it was like weeks until he even wanted to try it. So he’s into bribery. Like, “Hey, we’ll go get you ice cream if you go ride your bike.” And this was Saturday 8 a.m. He’s like, “Are you serious?” I’m like, “Yeah.” He’s like, “All right. Let’s go do it.” We went outside and he rode it like he’s been doing it for like a year. Just like that, he just took off.
Jenny Johnson 08:41
I hate to call it- yeah, it is bribery, and it almost always works. But I think part of it, too, is just autonomy, like giving them- they have the power and the vehicle to get to where they want to go. And once they figure that out, it’s pretty inspiring, I think, for them, even as an adult. I rode here, and it’s pretty nice.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 09:00
That’s, I think, the hard part as you had mentioned with kids like in commuting and stuff, sometimes you can have that opportunity. I would love to be able to commute every day to work just on the bike. I think it’s such an amazing. I did it in college. I lived at CU Boulder okay. I had a car. I think I put like 1,000 miles on my car in like the four years I was in college. I never drove anywhere. I rode my bike everywhere
Jenny Johnson 09:25
Then you run into people that organically you wouldn’t in a car because when we’re in a car, we’re-
Dr. Antonio Gurule 09:30
You’re shut off from everything.
Jenny Johnson 09:31
Not to say that I commute everywhere. I still use my car yeah a ton with three kiddos and multiple pickups, and we do activities in Boulder, but just having that ability when you have the time to go on your bike is pretty cool.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 09:44
So being now, so you’ve moved from Texas. How many years have you guys been here?
Jenny Johnson 09:49
Since 2018. So four years.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 09:51
So figuring out the area, I think a lot of people like to know, too, what are some of the more family-friendly. Most trails around here are family-friendly, but it could also be like elevation gain and things like that. What are some of your favorite trails around here to take let’s say like a family that either has someone on a Strider and/or learning to pedal but not too intense?
Jenny Johnson 10:13
Yeah, and you can- before I get to the location specific, you can bring a bike trailer and maybe get your kiddo to pedal halfway with the agreement, like hey, if you get tired, the bike trailer’s here. We can throw you a small bike safely in there with you and get from point A to point B. The Coal Creek Trail is very flat and docile. If you’re looking for more of a mountain bike trail, Heil Valley Ranch, H-E-I-L, Heil. People get it confused with Haul. Heil Valley and Boulder, they have a fun schoolhouse loop.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 10:46
Okay. I didn’t know that.
Jenny Johnson 10:46
Oh, yeah. It’s a mountain bike trail. So I probably I would think starting at like age four, maybe even boulder. You never know. [crosstalk]. Yeah, if your kiddo has never been on mountain bike trail, it’s a good starting point. There is some elevation gain, but Valmont Bike Park is great, too.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 11:05
Yeah, we love that one.
Jenny Johnson 11:05
Just to test out your skills, and you’re not far from home. The cars usually, you know, they’re in the parking lot if you need to go grab a snack. I guess the main thing is always bring snacks. That’s what we always say at camp, ride, snack, you know, game, ride, snack, game. And yeah, Coal Creek Trail. And also just if you have bike paths in your neighborhood, we have several where we are, but it’s kind of easy if you can go from the house or find a quick path to school. Before you take your kiddo out, maybe do some of your own research. I just say keep it simple and try to find somewhere fun that has a destination. It doesn’t have to be ice cream. We have a ton of fun. The kids love just finding any kind of water.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 11:47
Yeah, water is key. Anything they can [crosstalk]. That’s awesome. What have you heard of the TowWhee strap? That just reminded me.
Jenny Johnson 11:56
Yeah. I haven’t used one.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 12:00
Yeah, that was a huge game changer for us. My oldest, for some of our rides, because he could go far. And he actually- it was crazy. At four-and-a-half, we love going to Frisco for the marinas and we would ride from Frisco to BRAC. And his little legs, he rode from Frisco to BRAC and back. It was like 10 miles round trip. But some of those hills were tough and elevation’s different, too. So the TowWhee strap is a retractable toe strap, which is huge, because what we had used previously did not retract and it almost got caught up in the tire. So that’s super helpful. But even just small little things, we’re just like, hey, do you need a boost, hook up, and then pull them over the hedge and you can go. That’s a fantastic tool to have.
Jenny Johnson 12:43
You probably don’t want to hear this being a chiropractor, but I tend to push them up by grabbing their shoulders, which is so bad probably for your back.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 12:52
No. I do the same thing, too, because oftentimes you don’t want to hook it up.
Jenny Johnson 12:55
I’m like, oh, what did I do? That’s right. I pumped.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 12:57
You’re pushing them.
Jenny Johnson 12:59
Yeah, I’m riding up the hill pushing their back. We call it giving it a boost. Like do you need a boost? And I’ll do it for kids at camp, too. Even though it is Erie, there are still some significant hills. They’re not for kids. That’s the other aspect is getting a quality, lightweight bike is pretty key because imagine if you were or I were trying to ride an 80 pound bike somewhere, but that’s the weight to power ratio that we’re dealing with in some of the big box store bikes. And you would never expect yourself to be able to do that. And we’re expecting our children to do that and up hills.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 13:30
That’s a good point. We’ll talk about some of the- you had mentioned spikes you saw because that was some of the things we ran into is first and foremost, A, it was kind of tough when you have a kid, you’re like, well seems crazy to spend X amount on a bike when they’re, A, growing out of it fast or, B, just learning. But it has made a significant difference because some of the ones we had, A, they were heavy, B, being that they were used, not really tuned up well. So bearings are very dry and gritty and it’s cracked, to say the least. When you’re thinking it, you’re just like man, not even also having gears, their torque output or [crosstalk] based on torque is significantly change. What makes it so much harder for them, even when they’re just trying to learn. So what do you guys recommend?
Jenny Johnson 14:13
You know, if you can find a good use bike, if you don’t have the budget, because some of these entry-level kids bikes, say for a four- or five-year old can be $300 or $400 that are the high quality bikes. If you don’t have that upfront money, if you could look for a good quality used bike and, you know, obviously take it to the bike shop and make sure everything is functioning and safe. But if you do have the ability to get into the $400 or $500, depending on the size, market, you can buy that, hand it down to siblings. The resale value is excellent on the higher quality bike. So you almost always get back at least 50% of what you paid for.
I don’t want to drop any name brands, but I would just say that there are kid-specific design, not something from the bigger box stores. They’re designed specifically for children, meaning like their brake levers are the right size. Because so many times, you just go into these big stores and the brake levers, it’s a flashy looking beautiful bike, but they can’t even break and stop. I’ve seen that so many times. At camp, the kids or their parents will come to me, like, Oh, they’re just really timid. And I look and they can’t even stop on their own because the brakes are adult levers that they just throw in a kid’s bike and then throw it on the shelf and sell it with the cute basket.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 15:34
Yeah. That being said, do most kids bike from an early standpoint? Do they start with a coaster brake or are they trying to get more to lever brakes? Because I found maybe it’s because levers are too big, but I feel like just the grip strength of kids, it’s kind of challenging to pull levers. So is that partially why they have coaster brakes or are coaster brakes advantageous?
Jenny Johnson 16:00
I personally don’t like coaster brakes. But even some of the higher quality brands will put a coaster brake on their teeny tiny bike. But when you’re going downhill or if you’re in any kind of loose gravel, the coaster brake can cause you to skid. And when kids are naturally trying to find that cadence and that pedal forward, a lot of times they’ll pedal backwards and then they stop and they don’t know what’s going on. But you and I probably grew up with coaster brakes. We’re obviously totally fine. I didn’t learn ‘til I was, you know, a little bit older, five. But you see these two- and three-year olds riding and they’re able to grab the handbrake. You can adjust the brake, too, on the kid brakes so they can grab them a little easier.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 16:42
There is. If you have a bike that has coaster brakes, there’s a way to take the coaster brakes out. It’s actually not that hard. You just YouTube it. You just take apart the hub and you just take the pads out.
Jenny Johnson 16:51
Yeah, a lot of the companies that they sell they have a free wheel kit. If it comes with a coaster brake, you can buy the free wheel and swap it out whenever your kiddo is ready for that handbrake set. All the bikes that I used to teach with at camp and in my experience teaching tons of kiddos, they’re absolutely fine with the handbrake, even some Strider bikes now that have no pedals come with a great practice to teach them that because it’s the stopping power is also so much quicker. They can stop a lot faster with handbrakes than they do that the coaster brake action.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 17:23
And I think just, like you said, the coaster brake as they’re trying to learn that cadence is just so confusing when they’re thinking pedals move, I go forward, but then they go backwards, and then they stop and it just throws them all off. That was at least one of the tougher things for our kids. My son, though, now that he knows how to do it, he loves coaster brakes.
Jenny Johnson 17:43
You can do those with the handbrakes, too.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 17:48
True. So one camp just ended. How often do these camps run?
Jenny Johnson 17:53
So normally, it’s just the summer okay. And 2020, when school was out of session, we did fall programming and a lot longer summer session. But with the weather in Colorado in October, it can be dicey. We ended up having to cancel a few later fall sessions. But yeah, I might do a fall program. 90% sure of that just waiting for staff. I’m always unsure of- the staff that we have is usually college kiddos transitioning off to college or they just graduated high school and they move out of Erie after school. So once we get our staffing figured out, then we go ahead and open the program. So it’ll probably start in like September, October, and it would just be four or six weeks, once a week. So in the summer, we do pretty much daily, Monday through Thursday, 9 to 12. And then the fall would be once a week, just like you would go to dance class or you could go to soccer practice weekly.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 18:53
So that’d be like an evening class, not weekend?
Jenny Johnson 18:55
It’d be like an afternoon, probably like 4 to 5:30 is what we’ve done in the past.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 19:01
You guys ever go up to the Erie Bike Park with the age group?
Jenny Johnson 19:06
Yeah, we do. Our summer camp this year, we always have- naturally there’s sometimes more of an advanced group. And then there’s a group that’s a little more cautious. And so those breakout into two different age groups, advanced and beginner. So the advanced group this year, they went to the pump track because they’re able to ride longer, too. So from Star Meadows Park, it’s probably, I would say, five to six miles round trip to get to the pump track and back. So the group that wanted to hang out closer to home, we did that and still explored and saw, you know- we think of ice cream store that day we went nature discovery. And then the older kids were like, we really want to go to the pump tracks, so we made it happen. Sort of let them decide what they’re going to do and when there’s a safe route to get there. The pump track’s really fun. It is one of those places is where you just have to know the rules, which way to go, because there can be other kids there and it can be dangerous.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 20:06
I’ve seen a couple collisions there. But it’s fun. And the kids love that. It’s such a fun thing for them to do.
Jenny Johnson 20:13
Yeah. And it’s a great starting point, too, if you are thinking about doing some mountain biking. The pump track is a great way to just get used to the hills and gravity.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 20:21
That’s awesome. Well, I know it’s kind of in the infancy- well, not infancy. It’s been around for a couple years, but what are some of the- do you have any other plans or things with it moving forward that you want to be able to do with it?
Jenny Johnson 20:34
Yeah. I would like to get more grownups involved. So we’ve thought about doing-
Dr. Antonio Gurule 20:41
I think that’d be huge. Because I know like my- I mean, my wife knows how to ride a bike. But, you know, we’ve tried doing some mountain biking and stuff. And she’s like, I just don’t really know how to approach or deal with even obstacles and things like that.
Jenny Johnson 20:54
100%. I learned to mountain bike in Texas. So mountain biking in Colorado, I had to step up my game, big time. So I can see why the barrier to entry is there. because mountain biking trails in Colorado aren’t green trails always. And there’s this machine that you have to learn how to operate and make sure the tires are aired up and the chains lubed and everything has to be dialed. Then that’s half the battle just to get out on the trail. So I can see why there are a lot of people that are hesitant to get involved in the sport. So we’ve thought about having some clinics, obviously teaching families and parents. All right, here’s what to do if you get a flat tire. Here’s a flat tire clinic. If something were to come up, we’re going to give you the tools so you feel empowered to go out there. If something were to happen, you can change your flat.
Also, just basics in mountain biking classes, maybe just starting out with trail etiquette. Like if someone’s coming up behind you and you feel panicked or nervous, you don’t have to get over right away. You get over when it’s safe and announce when you’re coming. Just basic trail etiquette, just to feel comfortable. And then we’ll get to maybe more of the small drops or going over big hills or big rocks and roots. But yeah, that’s how I see it moving forward is doing some group rides, family group rides, then maybe some clinics, especially more for the moms that are involved, because there’s so many moms that come to me saying I don’t even know what bike to buy. What about the bike trailer? And what do I need to connect a bike trailer to my bike? Like there’s a lot of details? And I’m always trying to remember, okay, not everyone’s been doing this for 10 years. And this is new to everyone. So what may seem easy for some people, I just tried to break it down and make it open to everyone because there are so many people in the last two years that have gotten into cycling with the pandemic. And it’s sad to think that their equipment is just sitting in their garage because they’re feeling stumped.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 23:00
I think that I was thinking too. We saw a lot of people just like, What do I do? And then just bought it? And like you said, just kind of sits there and not actually being used?
Jenny Johnson 23:07
Yeah. So we’re thinking about- not just thinking. We are planning some programming and have that-
Dr. Antonio Gurule 23:15
And we’re going to have some races and all of that.
Jenny Johnson 23:20
Yeah. It does need a location to have a hub to get this all started. And then oh, man, I have so many ideas for the racing. I would like to call it events more than racing.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 23:27
Yeah, no, yeah. It’s great.
Jenny Johnson 23:29
You know, some kids just love the competition. And, you know, just having- giving to kids what we would have as adults, like a little podium and some pedals and just fun prizes, quality giveaways. That’s also on the radar, too.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 23:45
That would be awesome.
Jenny Johnson 23:47
Yeah. The single track is a little dicey to have a race there. For some kids, it can be intimidating, but it could be somewhere in like a flat field. It doesn’t have to have huge hills or jumps. If anyone has any recommendations or any opportunities that they’re aware of, please connect with me because I’m looking for some opportunity.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 24:05
Yeah, I’ll keep my eyes open. Speaking of races, there was an obstacle course race I recently saw on some random farm in East Erie near I25. Yeah, it was off a county road. It was off Erie Parkway. And south of that, and I was just like, what are these people doing? And they were running an obstacle course race out there.
Jenny Johnson 24:29
Okay. It may have been The Recess Factory.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 24:33
I didn’t look up what it was. I just saw an obstacle course.
Jenny Johnson 24:37
[crosstalk] open anymore, but it used to be like a mud run type setup.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 24:41
It was only like a month ago.
Jenny Johnson 24:42
Okay. Yeah, I’ll have to have to connect you with that person, but I’m pretty sure that would have been what it is. But yeah, but it was on foot, right? Like a foot obstacle
Dr. Antonio Gurule 24:51
Yeah. It was exactly like what you’d see like a Tough Mudder or Spartan Race, but it was just in this field out there.
Jenny Johnson 24:59
Because I know the RadRover event that the town does is really popular.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 25:02
RadRover, I have not heard of that. What is that?
Jenny Johnson 25:06
So RadRover, the town of Erie, they do that every- I think it’s July. It might be coming up- I’m not sure. Don’t quote me on the dates, but last year it was in July about this time. I think they used to try to have like a kids triathlon, and it wasn’t as successful. And so they just focused more on keeping it simple to RadRover, like one sport, and that seemed to do really well.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 25:27
So that’s a biking event?
Jenny Johnson 25:28
No, sorry. It’s an obstacle course event. It’s put on by the town of Erie, but I would like to do something like RadRover, but only do the bike instead of incorporating any kind of like swim bike run. Keeping it simple for kids that’s key.
Dr. Anthono Gurule 25:45
Yeah. Limit the variables.
Jenny Johnson 25:45
Yes. Yes. Yes. But kids’ triathlons do happen, but there’s a lot involved to get there.
Dr. Anthono Gurule 25:50
For sure.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 25:50
For sure. Yeah. Yeah. Well, also from just set up, but liability issues with water and stuff. That’s a whole another game.
Jenny Johnson 25:56
And I think just exposing kids to that, not even competition, but just hey, like, my neighbor is doing this. Like this is a normal thing. Like we go out and we run together and we have fun and we high five at the end. And, like, I don’t know, for me, I’m not super-fast, but I love doing little races, cyclocross events and things like that.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 26:19
I don’t even think of- I just think of two. Like we did the turkey trot last year and our kids had a blast. And it’s the thing that everybody does every there’s five knots and races all the time, but there’s really not- and granted, I think it’s harder to structure bike events like that because there’s road closures and things like that from my kids’ perspective. They love anything like that.
Jenny Johnson 26:39
And it can be small. Doesn’t have to be anything grandiose. And I don’t know, I just love the community aspect of events like that, whether I’m going fast that day or not. Yeah, like at the end, you know, everyone’s hanging out, it’s family oriented. So I pursue that for Erie.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 26:56
Have you done the Venus de Miles since being out here?
Jenny Johnson 26:59
No. I do cyclocross. And actually, funny enough, my kiddo got me into that last fall because it’s basically like riding a road bike on gravel. So it’s a unique kind of- richer in a way.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 27:16
Jump over obstacles, do crazy stuff.
Jenny Johnson 27:19
Yeah, you carry your bike. So I primarily mountain bike. I do some road biking, but the cyclocross was really fun. And most of them are in Boulder. I would love to see one in Erie because the cyclocross races have men’s, women’s, and little kids. And so it’s a family event that everyone can do on a Saturday.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 27:41
I think they could do. They just need to find or there’s enough open-
Jenny Johnson 27:45
Permitting and getting people out to Erie. I think a lot of people, in Lafayette too, I think a lot of people think this area is still like cows and pasture. But you know, there’s such a market for young families. And no, it would be great to not have to drive into Boulder for every event.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 28:04
That’s awesome. Well, I’m looking forward to seeing all those things come up. I think that’s going to be awesome. And we’ll keep an eye open for what happens for fall. And so I should say, before I forget because I’m always bad about this. How do people learn more? Where do they find more information? How do they connect with you if they wanted to get into the camps or just stay in the loop about when camps are, when events are, so on and so forth?
Jenny Johnson 28:28
Yeah, so it’s, C-Y-C-L-E-R-I-E. I’m most active on Instagram. It’s @cyclerie. So you can find me there. I’m Jenny Johnson. I have a Facebook page as well and a website that has all of the program information. So we always have summer programs. The registration usually opens March 1. And if you’re ever interested in private lessons or getting a group of kids together, too, we do that year round as long as it’s not too cold. If there’s not snow on the ground, we’ll usually have our bikes out as a family
Dr. Antonio Gurule 29:04
And then do you guys have like a newsletter or anything? Or is that where most things are announced? Like if there are group rides or anything coming up or anything like that?
Jenny Johnson 29:15
Yeah. We’re actually kicking off a newsletter this fall. Previously had just relied on social media. But I know a lot of times that can just be inundated with so many events. So the newsletter and direct email is going to be our next method of communication for bigger events.
Dr. Antonio Gurule 29:32
Great. Well, thanks for spending time and sharing about this. I think this is awesome. I can’t wait to see how it builds and grows because we’re huge on just family bike rides together, too. We have the trailer, we have the TowWhee, we love packing up and just be like, Hey, we’re going to go somewhere new, ride, see what happens. So this is amazing what you’re doing.
Jenny Johnson 29:54
Thanks for having me.
EP|75 with Rebecca Bach of Mecha Fitness | Being Your Best Even When You Are At Your Worst
Live LOUD Life Podcast
Lafayette Colorado
Episode 75
EP |75 Being Your Best Even When You Are At Your Worst
With Guest Rebecca Baack of Mecha Fitness
Rebecca Baack is the owner of Mecha fitness. In this episode we’re going to talk a little bit about her background with Mecha, her extensive fitness journey in the fitness industry, especially in the Colorado area, as well as her training philosophies.
Guest Speaker (Rebecca Baack) Intro: 00:29
Intro to Mecha Fitness – 03:50
Diversity in Mecha Fitness: 05:15
Denali Adventure – 11:29
Can you be at your best when you’re at your worst- 4:00
Embrace the Suck – 19:46
Mecha Fitness
Mecha on IG:
About Rebecca Baack
- Owner of Mecha Fitness
- Diverse Training Philosophies
- Has an extensive background in the Colorado Fitness Industry.
Check Out Some of Our Other Blog Posts and Podcast Episodes
Can you be at your best, when you’re at your worst?
mecha, people, denali, cardio, summit, strength training, core, hiking, yoga, grit, locations, altitude, pandemic, fitness, training, love, add, guide, deadlifts, power
Anthony Gurule
All right guys, welcome back to another episode of The Live Loud Live Podcast based in Lafayette, CO. I’m here with Rebecca Bach. She is the owner of Mecha Fitness. we’re going to talk a little bit about her background, as she was sharing her extensive fitness journey in the fitness industry, especially in the Colorado area.We’re also going to get into some of her training philosophies. Finally, we’ll get in to some of the more recent adventures she’s been doing. I’ve been following along on social media, which actually looks really epic. We’re just gonna kind of chat and see what Mecha and you’re about. So thanks for having me. Yeah, so Introduce yourself. Give us a little bit about the as far back as the history if you want to. My name is Rebecca. I am the owner of Mecha Fitness in Boulder and Louisville two locations. I’m the co owner of 34 core power locations around the US and a co owner of Ape Co Movement school which is located in Boulder and in Edgewater down in Denver. When did you first start? You were the first franchise with Core Power correct? That was back I want to say mid 2000s. I opened core powers first franchise location, Broomfield east, okay, so over on 144 symbol, and then core power franchise for a while to a couple of their partners. Then they stopped franchising for a while I had I opened also the Flatiron small location, okay. And then I joined forces with some other co workers I knew from the telecom industry. So my background is in telecom, corporate strategy. And we combined our locations and then continued to expand. So in total, we have core powers in North Denver, South Denver, suburban Chicago, the Carolinas, Charleston and the Phoenix, Arizona area. Wow. That’s awesome. Yeah, a long time. Yeah, a long time. So I did that was the core power for probably like, little over 15 years. And then so you guys probably can’t see on the video here. But we’re sitting in a very different room than what core power would be. So walk me through what was the journey of starting Mecca? Like how did that transition into in now? What is this.
so I, there’s a lot, there’s a big journey on this. So core powers, corporate parents had exercised a buyout option of the core power locations. I’m part of that transition was set to occur in April 2020. And we all know what happened in April 2020. And so we kind of got stood up at the altar in that transaction, and then took them to court for that. And that’s still in the legal process right now with them. But as part of that journey, I could see that that was coming to an exit, whether I wanted it or not. Yeah. And started looking for other opportunities. Mecha was owned by two other owners. So I I’m not the founder of Mecha. It had shut down during the pandemic, like everybody had to you know, so I purchased it out of COVID shut down, and then reopened it. And then grew it to this location here in Louisville.
So obviously you had a very strong feeling about the possibilities of Mecha. Yeah, to be able to revive for Yeah, I tried it when I was at core power. So it used to be on the Pearl Street Mall, and it was called Coco fit. Not on the Mall area, but on the east East Pearl Street. And a lot of yoga teachers were were going there because they loved it because it’s similar to yoga and that it’s really slow paced and about mindful alignment, but more strength training focus to it. So I loved the brand. I love the concept back then, since then, the owners had added on the cardio element to it as well. So there’s a second, there’s kind of two concepts under one roof. So this this room that we’re sitting in, which is the low impact strength training room, and then the other room which is the low impact cardio hitt room so took that on and expanded it to Louisville in 2021. So I’m curious to get your perspective on this because someone who does not do enough yoga, but having conversations with those that enjoy yoga is a I think it’d be valuable to get your perspective for someone who has so much background in that, but yet also doing strength training. And then also seeing you do deadlifts and things like that. Right? We’ll get into that is, how do you where do you how I’m gonna say one is better than the other? But how does this benefit someone who strictly does yoga, thinking yoga? Is enough strength? And that’s obviously a very specific definition for the person. Sure, right. But I think enough people do yoga, we’re like, Well, I’m getting strength training through yoga, but I feel they need some more. So how could this be different? How would this benefit them?
Right? Right. I mean, I would say, like, the first principle is just do movement that you love. So if you love yoga, and it keeps you coming back, then awesome, keep doing yoga. At some point you sort of tap out on yoga, it’s all bodyweight-based in yoga. So you can’t add weight to it in any kind of realistic way. So you just get to a point where there’s no juice in the squeeze anymore. What’s nice about the resistance classes we have is it’s all spring-loaded tension. And so you can add weight as you go, you can constantly be progressing in this room. It feels, in your body, similar to yoga, and that it’s mindful and slow. So that’s really why I think people in some ways, I mean, they you know, yoga is awesome for a lot of different things to but it I guess, quote unquote, kind of graduate from yoga as their physical practice, because they just top out and you know, the bodyweight holds of it, and they need more resistance to
- Yeah, that’s, that’s such a good point. And like you said, there’s, it obviously depends on the goals, the context of the person. And yes, doing the thing that you enjoy keeping you back is huge. So that’s good. It’s a good stepping stone and into some other stuff. So then the cardio piece, which is in the other room right next to us, right? What are some of the equipment that are pieces of equipment or things that you guys utilize over there? Yep. So
we use Versaclimber. Over there, which now there’s not that many gyms around that use it and it is killer. It’s a great low impact, contralateral workout too, so good for your brain. You can add resistance to that machine as well. So you can do a resisted climb on it. So we use Versa climbers, we use assault bikes. So rogues assault bike, and which is common in the CrossFit industry, most people are familiar with that. But that is also killer piece of equipment. And then we use skiers, so a standing skier, platform, and then we have weights, free weights, we have a pull up rig, TRX, slam balls, all kinds of equipment. So you know, it’s different every day, depending on what day you come. And, but you’ll always be on those three cardio machines and doing like some kind of cardio challenge. And then some sort of floor work challenge as part of that.
That’s awesome. I mean, that was, I think that’s what’s so great. It’s just it, it gives you the taste of what people liked, but then also like diversification, because I know for me, and bias Lee, I have certain things that I enjoy more, and I don’t diversify enough, which is, you know, that’s another conversation. But that’s good. It’s good, because you can hit all those different things in such such a different time. Yeah. But for you and your training, you’re adding another layer to that walk us through some of the training that you currently are doing.
yeah. So I also do just heavy strength training. As we’ve talked about before, I have a gym in my garage. So you know, classic lifts, front squat, back squat, deadlifts, benchpress, you know, the classic ones. And so I like to do that as a compliment. Actually, I would say that’s like, my main probably my main focus is strength training. And then I’ll take resistance maybe twice a week. I like resistance because it’s unilateral work largely. So it’s good for stabilization of both sides of your body because as you know, as a strength trainer, you tend to in any move like a deadlift, like dominate into one leg. Yeah. And so you have to be you have to constantly be managing that trying to make sure both legs joints are equally strong and you’re getting like same tension both sides to prevent prevent injury or weightlifting, you know, so a lot of people love this room that do that kind of bilateral work like cyclists or runners so that they can work on one side of their body and the other and get symmetry. So I like this work for kind of my this is sort of my accessory in my core work yeah, and then I’m a big believer even though cardio is not my favorite thing to do. I mean, I love hiking, I will get cardio hiking, but hitting that like max heart rate threshold like one to two times a week just a minimum dosage, you know of a couple minutes of maybe some sprints or whatever it is that’s like really pushing your cardio threshold. I’m a big believer in that for just health and wellness and longevity in your life and also being able to then pick up when someone asks you if you want to climb a 14 or and it’s like right away no problem you know you don’t get altitude sick and it’s it’s fine. So
does Your training also include like a subset or baseline of steady state or is that just basically the hiking that you get? So yeah, is sufficient for that. Yeah. I mean, I would say that for steady state cardio, that’s when I just do the stuff I enjoy, like a walk with my dog or a hike or something like that. But yeah, I never just get on a treadmill or just, you know, go for 45 minutes or something like that. That’s not my, my personal preference. Yeah, that’s no, that’s great. I mean, and that’s what, that’s what so many people I don’t think are doing well, I see. I see. I feel like a dichotomy of not doing enough and or doing too much of it. We’re not seeing the balance of having some steady state. They think just redlining all the time. Oh, yeah, is the best.
Yeah, I definitely, you know, try to talk people out of that coming every single day to Mecha, taking Dell, you know, double up both classes, because what’s great about Mecha is the workouts are short, they’re only 50 minutes long. And they’re very intense. And that’s how I like if I’m going to, if I want an adaptation in my body, like hit the intensity really hard and do it for a short amount of time, like minimum viable product, you know, no more than that. Because then you get wear and tear on your body and just things start breaking down. And I think in Boulder County, in general, we all like fitness, because it’s like our mental health, too. So you got to be mindful about the overtraining, just like you said, because we actually enjoy it. You know, a lot of people just didn’t enjoy the fitness and can tend to overdo it.
For sure. Yeah. And I think I mean, the minimal viable product term is something I use a lot too, because it’s like, wow, we enjoy fitness. Like, wouldn’t you enjoy doing other things other than just fitness? If you can get what you want out of just doing this? Would that be enough? For sure. And most people would agree. But then yet they think, Well, if I get it out of this, if I do more than wholesale get more, right. But sometimes it goes the opposite direction. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah. That’s a good point. So with that a lot of this has been obviously supplementing and supporting some of your recent adventures. Yeah. I’m curious to hear how some of those were. Sure. So what you’re referring to is I just I attempted to summit Denali. Let’s see that was last month. And my training for that was largely like strength training, a lot of spine stabilization and isometric spine strength. So a lot of one arm heavy, carries nice, you know, for a mile on the other eye, that is where you would use a treadmill sometimes. And strength training work for that, getting a lot of like load in the hips. So my hips could stabilize my knees, you know, work in that whole chain up and down. And, and then the, you know, cardio realm, because I needed to work that but sort of hypoxic state that you have to be in at altitude. And it’s a great way to do it in a short period of time. Like, it’s hard for me to do sprints, or like run outside sprints or something like that. So being able to do that on the Versaclimber where it’s not impact. And I could just completely gas myself and like hit that max heart rate threshold in 30 seconds, and just do that a couple rounds. That I mean, I went into Denali being just feeling really strong really fit until I got to the top. And when we crashed and burned, was it. Do you think it was sheer altitude? Factor? Yeah, for
sure. So I was starting to show signs of of high altitude pulmonary edema. Like I really fought for that summit hard. I got to summit day, I lasted, I don’t know, seven hours through summit day. So got through all the technical terrain. And you’re at your like the very last part, you’re literally like at the base of that final Hill, it’s maybe a third of a mile. It’s the first time you can actually see the summit from the entire time you spent on Denali, like you can’t see the summit until really right there. And I started having like wheezing, you know, with my breath. And like we were at a final break the break where you get to take off your backpack and go without your backpack. And that’s it, you’re done. And I was just like a puddle on the ground. And it like really terrible flu like symptoms, and the guide was like you still gotta get down. Yeah, so I don’t think you should I think like you need to just chill and rest and I sobbed. It was all I mean, I just was so crushed. And I was you know, I was also just crushed because the youngest guide had to stay with me. So I limited his ability to summit so I just felt terrible about that too. And that was super humbling. But then the hardest part was in getting down because all the technical part of the route I’d already done, so I had to get down that piece. And the guide you know, there’s there’s all sorts of like protective equipment on Denali, like stuff where you clip in. So in case you fall like not everybody falls and you’re safe. Because of the state I was in, they were worried about me bending over and clipping and unclipping into the carabiners. Oh, yeah. And so the guide was like you, me, and in this another client that was on the trip, are going to travel down unhooked. And I was like, I’m not comfortable with that, you know, because I like that. I mean, we’re all going to risk our lives, like, Isn’t there another way? And he’s like, No, this is the safest way. Like, I don’t think you should bend over, like clip in and clip out. And so none of us will clip in. And I was concerned, because, you know, I had done a lot of research about Denali, and where are the places where there’s been accidents in the past. And so, you know, we had to travel down these sections, which are, you know, you’re literally walking a tightrope ledge, foot in front of foot, and it’s a sheer drop off, and we didn’t clip in. And so I just was like, you know, I really am a believer of training grit. And one of the levels of grit is like, can you be at your best when you’re at your worst? And so I just like, the whole time, I was thinking, like, I gotta be at my best, even though I’m at my worst, because if I slip and start sliding down, and they can’t self arrest me, like, all three of us go down. So just trying to make every step perfect. On the way down, which I did, and we got down. But then like, once I was at kind of the bottom of each technical section, I had to melt into a puddle for a while. Yeah, sure, recover is just took everything out of me to get down there and keep every one that was on my team safe and be safe. And it was, it was pretty challenging. I mean, one of the most like humbling experiences I’ve been through for sure, to where, like, at the end of those two days, there’s sort of two days of technical climbing to get down, you know, I would just be a puddle, and my, my tent mate, who was the one who was on my rope, would like, take off my boots, change my socks for me, you know, bring me food, just do everything she could to take care of me, like the whole team carried a lot of my weight. But right around right around 11,000 feet. Like it’s just changed, I just perch right back up. So it really was that altitude and, you know, like, I really, I would like to try it again. I hope I get a chance to try it again. I learned a lot. One of the big things I will do differently next time is I will take the freakin Diamox which is altitude sickness prevention medication, I wasn’t taking that in the dosage that was recommended. And so you know, that in addition to a whole host of other things that I learned, but it was also I don’t regret any of it too. Because like if I just strolled to the top and been able to take like the sweet Instagram photo, you know, to my eyes, sacks and everything like that. I learned so much from this and it really cracked open my heart in a way that I think I needed you know, to experience having people need to take care of me and to be the vulnerable one and to be the weak one. And so no matter what I don’t regret like any moment of that journey it was a fantastic and amazing
that’s an amazing story. I’m so I’m so obviously medication helping outside of that. I mean, we have big peaks, but is there any way to get additional high altitude training? Yeah, I mean, you you can like step on a mountain, right? Like you can like buy the expensive tent that you sleep in, you know, in your house. So you can like do that. Yeah, I think that’s what a lot of people that live at sea level do. Yeah, I I did like some winter fourteeners a lot of winter hiking. And I have no problem at 14,000 feet. I mean, a lot of the people on the team were feeling sick at 14,000 feet, and not doing well. And I was I was fine there. It was 17,000 feet was where I started not to feel great. I didn’t sleep the night before we summited. And I, when you get to the next camp, the high camp at Denali, you have to build camp too. So I was like sawing ice blocks out of the mountain. Like we had to like stack ice blocks up around our tent. You probably didn’t get to bed till 11pm that night. And then you’re at 17,000 feet, so it’s hard to sleep. I didn’t sleep at all that night. I woke up the next morning already nauseous, no sleep, having a hard time getting water down. I mean, it was kind of like already a train wreck from from the start, which was the summit of Denali
20,330 I believe or 20 Somewhere around 20,300.
so in you had mentioned being a believer in grit, right being your best at your worst, and just from a cause. I mean, I think most people would understand this, but how does your everyday training philosophy and mentality like built into it?
I’d say a lot of it is doing things that suck. Doing stuff you don’t want to do. I did a lot of cold weather hiking. I did a lot when I was tired, still getting up in my garage doing back squats, even though I just was exhausted or didn’t feel like it. Just pushing through and that, you know, that sort of saying embrace the suck. Trying to find situations where you have to embrace the suck.
Do you do anything? So this is a failure because Jaco willing, he talks a lot about this, right? And a lot of people do, right. And it’s using physical suck to harden you mentally. Right? Which, which makes sense, right? Because you just have to overcome something. Is there anything that you do from a mental perspective that’s consistent that helps with that?
Yeah, I would say opening opening gyms in the middle of a pandemic. That’s definitely a good mental challenge. I opened really like three three gyms across two different fitness concepts throughout the pandemic. So that takes a lot of hard work, a lot of grit, a lot of smarts, a lot of just scrappiness. So that is one of them. You know, I haven’t been back since the pandemic, but I was a practitioner of jujitsu prior to the pandemic. And I think that is an also a fantastic way to build grit and calmness under pressure, you know, literally under pressure. They’re like, so somebody laying on top of you and just like waiting for them to make a mistake. You know, that patience? Yeah. So that that one as well. And it’s something I’m always seeking out and thinking about, like, if I’m if I don’t feel like I’m being challenged, emotionally and spiritually, I’ll think about like, what would be something that I could take on? That would be a struggle that would push me in that way? Where I could learn.
That’s amazing. I love that. Yeah. Thanks. I mean, I think that’s a kind of a cool way to wrap up. I don’t have any other questions. Other than maybe if there’s anything you wanted to add about how you added it’s the cardio, the resistance training, being supportive of obviously bigger goals, but Yet can be a standalone as well alone. Yeah, obviously, not everyone has Denali goals. Sure. I know it’s a little bit better or differently tailored. But is there anything else you wanted? I mean, that was an awesome story. Is there anything you else you wanted to add or any other like big mission that you have coming
big mission?
You know, just like enjoying life, figuring out work life balance? I have kids too. We talked about that, and figuring out like, how do you get them to build grit? You know, how do you push them? Let’s add a little bit that I mean, because I wouldn’t say the majority of people listen, our parents but a lot of people who are part of Live Loud, are parents, but a lot of us are younger, right? Parents, right? Meaning our kids are like my oldest is six. What are some of the ways you’ve tried to instill that mental toughness and grit and teaching your kids like, hey, the worlds not all roses and butterflies?
Definitely. I mean, I’m a big believer in chores. It Oh, and giving your kids chores. I had a lot of chores growing up. And that was what like someone who used to work restaurant industry told me that’s the first interview question she would ask people is what choice did you have growing up? They couldn’t answer that. She’s like, interviews over. Yeah. So I’m a big believer giving them chores Yeah, just a simple response for that. But yeah,
it works really well. Yeah. It also just, I mean, from early get go, to his chores, and a sense of not like you have to do these things like hey, we’re part of a family. This is a collective thing together as part of this being a unit. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. That’s awesome. For sure. Well, this was amazing. Thank you so much for sharing. I love the gym. This is an amazing setup. And I loved hearing that story. And hopefully we get to see a Denali Summit. Fully someday, maybe in a year or two. Yeah, really. Back to the drawing board. Yeah, yeah, for sure. Thanks so much for Antonio. Perfect, that was fun. Thank you a super wild adventure. I mean, I loved it. And you know it’s funny because we the only
Low Back Pain Explained! If you are Suffering this is for You!
Low Back Pain Explained! If you are Suffering this is for You!
It is estimated that 80% of the population at one point in time, will sustain or suffer some form of lower back pain.
Understanding how the back pain was generated is the MOST critical component of understanding the solution to your lower back pain.
This blog post is for you if:
- You have dealt with lower back pain in the past
- You are worried, apprehensive, or not confident about your back
- You are refraining from doing certain activities that you want to do because of your back
- You just sustained an injury
After having low back pain explained from this post you will know how lower back pain occurs, the proper way to go through a cause of pain evaluation, as well as going through movement assessments and orthopedic assessments to determine if there’s actually structural damage.
Simply looking at Xrays and MRIs to determine what’s causing pain from a structural approach is not enough!
If you want to deal with your back pain once and for all, if you need a solution, if you want a plan, Live Loud Chiropractic in Lafayette, CO has your back! Dr. Antonio’s specialty is lower back pain. He loves explaining lower back pain and helping individuals who are feeling defeated by lower back pain gain more confidence, strength, mobility, and ultimately gain more life!
If this isn’t for you, but you are researching for a family member or a friend, we appreciate you putting in the time and effort to share this with them. This is such a prevalent topic and again unfortunately it is being mismanaged across the board.
We at Live Loud Chiropractic want to be able to help you out by having low back pain explained to you!
What's the majority of Low Back Pain Caused by?
Back pain is one of the most prevalent musculoskeletal conditions across the world. It’s estimated that roughly ⅓ of individuals are dealing with some sort of lower back pain. The majority of lower back pain is almost always some sort of flexion intolerance.
Flexion Intolerance is when your body doesn’t tolerate bending forward well. Now, knowing this really helps us determine the best course of action for you. Flexing forward is normal, and you should be able to do that pain free and with enough stability that you’re in control. Often there are times where we have to manage that. So a lot of our conversation, depending on how acute the individual is, will determine what the immediate course of action is!
First and foremost, our goal is to just help you get your pain down. Because if you’re in pain, you’re not able to do a lot of stuff as it is. We need to break that cycle and understand what your lower back pain triggers are! We want to understand what keeps causing you pain and then we can figure out where to go from there.
Functional Approach Vs. Stagnant Approach
Now, more times than not if you have a good clinician and they’re asking the right questions, we’re going to know right off the bat, right? A good clinician can see it in how you move and see it in the description of what your symptoms are. When things are being mismanaged people are looking at a stagnant perspective of your pain. This means they’re taking an X-ray or an MRI to determine what the cause of pain is.
What we need to do is look first and foremost functionally at what’s causing the triggers of your lower back pain. This will tell us the issues or the site of pain that we need to be more cautious of, but then also the area we need to focus on and strengthen afterwards!
We’ve got the solution about how to deal with your lower back pain.
Examination Process for Low Back Pain
Touch Your Toes
We are going to want to start off with a basic toe touch, this will help us determine if you are flexion intolerant.
- Bend down and attempt to touch your toes. Does this create any symptoms? Does it cause any pain?
- Now take your arms overhead, come back up, and extend back.
Something to note here is, oftentimes when someone is flexion intolerant they actually become extension intolerant for a while too. This is a possible cause if when you are coming back from the toe touch position you feel pain as well. The exercises Dr. Antonio is going to give you today help soften a lot of your lower back tension. These exercises give you your mobility back in a subtle way that won’t trigger your pain.
Again, understanding the triggers of your pain will help you get out of pain sooner than just putting some proactive exercises toward it.
Compression Test
The next thing to determine the extent of flexion is a compression test.
- Find a chair or stool to sit in
- Sit up nice and tall and grab the bottom of the chair or stool
- Then with your hands grabbing the chair or stool, you will pull yourself into the chair
What this does is create compression in the spine. Does this create any issues for you? When we are in a neutral stacked spine, more times than not, this does not create the issue. If you had a plate injury, meaning you fell some sort of distance or took a hard landing, this might aggravate you.
Next we’re going to repeat the test but this time instead of sitting up nice and tall we are going to tuck the lower back. This causes us to slump in flexion, meaning we are creating compression under flexion.
Does this create any issues for you?
For those of you who might be having acute pain at the middle of the back, that tells us one thing. However, if you get some sort of shooting pain down your legs, that tells us something else.
We’ll have a separate condition video tailored towards disc injuries and sciatic injuries. Where we will further explain your low back pain.
This compression test for your lower back pain allows us to determine the extent of how flexion intolerant you are.
How Live Loud can help your Low Back Pain
Dr. Antonio specializes in low back pain here at Live Loud Chiropractic and Coaching in Lafayette, CO. He knows exactly what patterns to look for that are associated with flexion intolerance. What Dr. Antonio does is secondary to what we’re about to give you today. He tells every single one of his low back patients:
“If I can help reduce your pain without me touching you, that creates autonomy in your lower back pain. Then all you have to do is rinse and repeat when you get at home to help decrease your pain. Like compounding interest, the more you do it, the better it gets.”
Now we are going to give you the exercises we give to help you decrease your lower back pain once and for all. We want to not only have low back pain explained for you, but also give you the tools to do something about it too.
At Home Exercises to END Low Back Pain Once and for All
Hip hinges
The first one is understanding how to hip hinge.
- With soft knees, hinge your butt straight back
- Notice we’re getting the torso down towards the ground, but all the load is going into the hips and the hamstrings
- If you need to get lower, all you do is simply bend the knees a little bit
Supported squats
The next exercise is supported squats. If you have a TRX or suspension trainer you’re going to do this.
- Depth does not matter here, you’re just going to squat up and down
- The goal here is to give the hands the majority of the weight
What this exercise does is loosen up the hips that are oftentimes very tight from holding down and guarding. This also helps stretch the lower back a bit. Most importantly, what we have found is it provides mild pumping decompression in the lower back. This really helps decrease a lot of the pain that you are having in your low back.
Hip Drops
Exercise number three is hip drops.
- Start on your hands and knees (This is going to be like an upward facing dog but instead of being super active and prying up all we’re going to do is shift forward and let our hips sink down.)
- Shift forward letting your hips sink down
- It’s okay if you don’t get very far. Each time you want to focus on going a degree further
- If it hurts going forward, we’re going to go backwards to soften and work on our mobility
Now outside of that, there’s obviously many more stages into getting you back to all the activities that you want to be able to do. Seeing a low back specialist such as Dr. Antonio at Live Loud Chiropractic in Lafayette, CO. He’ll take you through the appropriate progressions from day one!
If you can do hard things or lift heavy things, you’re gonna have a lot more confidence in your back and not only from your acute injury you might have now, this is especially important for all having chronic lower back pain. If you’re afraid of picking up your children or even a bag of dog food let’s get you confident in your back!
So if you’re tired of dealing with low back pain, stop waiting, come in and see us and I guarantee we’ll be able to help you deal with this either chronic or acute injury to get back to all the activities that you love to do!
Thanks for following along with us as we get your low back pain explained!
The One Question Your Provider Should Be Asking You EP|73
Live LOUD Life Podcast
Lafayette Colorado
Episode 73
The One Question Your Provider Should Be Asking You
With Dr. Antonio Gurule
Sometimes we’re unable to do the things we want because of pain, being out of shape, or simply lacking energy. Therefore, we need help from a professional. With many chiropractors and physiotherapists to choose from, sifting through to find the right one can be difficult.
In this episode, I uncover one way to tell if a chiropractor, physiotherapist, and healthcare provider truly cares about your interest and will get you the results you’re looking for.
Episode Highlights
01:13 – Alarming musculoskeletal pain stats in the US
02:03 – The pain management crisis
06:10 – What’s your motivation for dealing with pain? What do you want to be able to do?
07:44 – My problem with functional improvements and assessments
10:23 – The question your provider must ask
13:00 – One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to achieving your pain treatment goals
14:50 – Trustworthy coaches, personal trainers, physiotherapists, and chiropractors are an investment, not an expense.
About Dr. Antonio Gurule
- Father
- Doctor of Chiropractic
- Owner of Live LOUD
- Personal Trainer & Health Coach
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The Light Weight High Rep Myth EP|44
Rehab & Pain/Injury Recovery,Podcast
February 16, 2022
0 Comments29 Minutes
Antonio 00:00
What’s up guys. Welcome back to another episode of The Live Loud Life podcast. My name is Dr Antonio, your host of The Live Loud Life podcast. happy that you’re here. I’m happy that you’re listening and you’re jiving with our content and our message here.
What we’re about. If you’re new here, our role is to help guide you to the adventures that you’re made for. Obviously being chiropractors and coaches, we do that through a multitude of different approaches, but we try to meet you where you are. And that’s a little bit of foreshadowing into what we’re talking about today.
What we have found is families deserve more from their healthcare providers, and we hope that we can fill in the gaps of the message and the questions that you are not getting answers to through the knowledge and expertise that we have. And we do this in a subset of different niches and specialties of which is, primarily prenatal, postnatal, and pediatric care, which is what my wife Dr. Nichelle does. But then outside of that is just musculoskeletal pain. And I heard a stat the other day. This was kind of a reflection off of COVID 2020 and 2021. This is not what we’re referring to, but it started with the mental status of the United States adult. This was just the adult population, not to mention what was happening on with adolescents, teens and, kids is that 40% of them were at an elevated stress level, compared to what they were previously. It just added so much more stress on that.
But on top of that in, and stress having part a play in that, is at any given point in time, it’s estimated that 35% of us are dealing with some form of musculoskeletal pain. That’s a lot. When you look at the total population of the United States, we’re just talking about United States stats, 35%, a third of you, one out of three, is dealing with some form of musculoskeletal pain.
Now we know that a lot of this is being mismanaged. i.e., there’s an opioid in pain medication crisis. That’s been what’s going on with fentanyl from just a drug perspective of what’s being prevalent on the streets as well, is there is a crisis around how to manage pain. And most of this is dealt with a numb suppressing sort of approach. In reality, when we have a better understanding of what pain actually is and what’s happening, we can take grasp and form some form of autonomy around our pain.
Now, there are a subset of cases. I always say this because someone’s like, oh, what about this? What about this? There is obviously a subset of pain that needs a multifactorial approach that might include some form of medication. But as seen this week in particular with three hot low back cases. When we say hot low back cases, this is your typical, I bent over and my back went out situation. I can’t walk. I’m about to go to the hospital to get medication, but I don’t want to.
It was all dealt with a movement approach, of which we were able to retrieve 50% reduction in pain mitigation with a few basic exercises, explained in a certain context and form to help these individuals get control of their pain in this immediate set so that they can start gaining some momentum in a positive direction rather than going through a negative feedback loop. So what we’re seeing is this approach of not understanding how to actually manage musculoskeletal pain.
Now, when you’re in this world, as obviously most of the listeners are not, is you see this constant battle of- and this is true in any industry, to be honest, of like how to best approach these. You know, you have one side that thinks this, you have another side that thinks this. Look at just how our nation’s run of just a two-party system, and then the complete opposing views of those and realistically not getting a lot of stuff done in that, but this is not a political show is.
But that’s what we see. We can’t find a middle ground of understanding that you have to have a patient-centered approach. And that’s what today’s show is. If you feel that you have been, or your case or your musculoskeletal pain or your injuries have been mismanaged, because you got one person saying this, you got another person saying this, you want conservative methods, but you don’t want to take medication, but yet at the same time, they’re not getting you anywhere because you’re self-reliant on not only medication, but maybe physical therapy or chiropractic adjustments. If you feel that your case has been mismanaged, this is the show for you. This is how to manage musculoskeletal pain. And this is through one question and one question alone.
Now this is a ‘who’ not ‘how’ question. Meaning, this doesn’t necessarily tell you the how; this just indicates the appropriate question to determine if you have the right provider who will provide you, who will be the ‘who’ for you providing the how, the means, so on and so forth.
And this is a question that we’ve heard in multiple different areas from multiple different people in one way or another. Some have obviously coined the term to be theirs, but it’s something that’s been around coaching and marketing and advertising. Realistically, this comes down to the trust factor and the trust factor is whether you as the client, patient, or member trust the individual.
And if the individual is asking this question and they’ve gained your trust, then you know you’re on the right path. But the question sheds light to the underground or the underlying truth message or goals that you’re trying to accomplish. So it’s really more about you as the client and patient as a self-reflection, but it’s hard to know that if you’re not being asked the question.
A thought process is important because when you’re dealing with musculoskeletal pain, if asked incorrectly, the answer is, well, I just want my pain down. Well, why is that important? This has been asked, like the five whys. You just keep asking why, you keep asking why until they finally break down and cry because they know the real answer.
I’m just kidding. They don’t always break down and cry. They know the answer because you’ve dove in far enough to determine their true motivation. Now, when we’re dealing, obviously, with musculoskeletal pain, it’s less about immediate pain. It’s more about, well, I can’t do X, Y, and Z, which are important to me. And I would like to do that.
And to name off a few of these most recent back cases is I love gardening. It’s summertime in Colorado. I want to be able to garden. I want to be able to enjoy my yard. I want to be able to enjoy the outdoors. And I can’t do that right now because of my pain. Or I lead an active lifestyle. I want to be able to go paddle boarding. I want to be able to go hiking. I want to be able to do those things. I want to be able to get down on the floor with my grandkids or my children to enjoy time with them, but I don’t feel comfortable about that. I want to be able to sit in a meeting and not feel like death when I get up.
And this is more of a motivating factor for vocational improvement, whatever that might be. And in reality, what it looks like is it’s very draining mentally and you want your energy back.
And so we now start to see a different criteria on what goal outcomes we should be looking for. Many a times, providers, such as myself are looking for “functional improvements”. And this is dictated by the insurance model. Meaning they want you to go through a checks and balance list to determine if there is functional improvement to understand if your treatment is showing improvement.
Now, there is validity to that. Meaning a lot of times these functional assessments are based on, well, getting dressed in the morning is easier. I’m able to do more activities, but from a functional improvement, what others are looking for is just like, I’m able to measure your stability or quantify your stability or quantify your range of motion.
And that has improved. Thus you must be improving. And I think there’s a time and place where that could be important, but for me, I hate that. I don’t think it’s valuable. I don’t think there’s a lot of great carryover to the conversation to you as a client, member, or patient of really understanding what that even means.
Now I could say, yeah, you look like you have about 30 degrees range of motion, and I can ballpark that and describe it, but it has to be put into the total narrative of what we’re actually trying to do, i.e., your goals of getting back to X, Y, and Z.
So I always ask, what are the things that you want to be able to return back to? That gives me a clear, defined movement pattern or criteria of which we’re trying to achieve. And then we mold and blend our treatment approach to be able to do that. So if you want to be able to do gardening, oftentimes you have to pick up a bag of mulch or some compost or something like that that could weigh anywhere between 30, 50, or maybe more well. Here’s a kettlebell. I’m going to teach you how to pick up an odd object or a box or something like that that weighs a certain amount. And that way, you gain a specific parameter idea and feeling and more context – again, context, context, context – around how to move, navigate, and manage the pain that you currently have, but then also in the future to reduce it.
Now, coming back to the question. So the question that we ask on every single new patient that comes in the door that we’ve been treating and, or if there was a new issue or a new problem that we’re trying to solve is, Hey, if we’re sitting down here now, depending on obviously the length of what we’re talking about. Sometimes this length will change, whether it’s three, six, a year, or three years. We’re just going to pick three to six months to just start the narrative.
I’m just going to read you here to make sure I kind of get it right. Obviously this speaks off differently depending on the person. But if we’re sitting down here having the same conversation three months from now, and you’re looking back over the past few months, what has to happen for you to actually feel confident or happy about the progress that you’ve made in your recovery to make that this was a successful investment in your time, energy and money.
This is an open-ended question to allow you describe what’s important in your life. What are the things that you can reflect upon that you really want and that are really important. And oftentimes this is described in a way that is not forced upon, but someone will ask you like, well, do you want to be able to do this? Yeah that would be nice. That’s not motivating enough for you. And it’s not that motivation is the key to this, but if I’m able to tap into and understand realistically what things you want to be able to do, I can better approach that.
Now this is the question, again, that every single healthcare provider should be asking whether you’re coming in for cardiac support from your cardiologists, maybe your rheumatologist, so on and so forth, so that they can navigate not only the management of that, but then address it appropriately with maybe medication, but also with an appropriate referral, not just the standard cookie cutter.
Well, you need physical therapy. You need to get your heart stronger. You need to get your joints stronger. More times than not, musculoskeletal conditions should be managed on, we’ll say a progressive subset of physical therapy in chiropractors and rehab professionals, but personal trainers and strength conditioning coaches, with the caveat of understanding about pain management. I think there’s obviously a subset of personal trainers and strength conditioning coaches who are just kind of the same run of a mill. Hey, we’re going to put you in a group, bootcamp, doing this and make you stronger. Things need to be tailored.
That’s the approach that we’re trying to get to is when you’re dealing with musculoskeletal pain, unfortunately, and I do apologize that this is the way it oftentimes goes, is unfortunately this changes the narrative and context about how things should be approached. And some get more musculoskeletal complaints than others. And that’s just the nature of it.
But I always try to emphasize the gift of injury. Be blessed that you’re able to actually move and navigate through a lot a lot of these situations. Many people are actually not able to do that. But be blessed in understanding that your body’s trying to tell you that, Hey, what we’ve been doing in the past is not working. And if you want to live a long, loud, active life, something has to change, and this is your body’s way of telling you, just like I wish I was able to have a certain thought process that I see others are able to accomplish. It’s just not the way that my brain thinks. And I have to go through sometimes along the route in order to achieve a certain goal, results, or just even a mindset and thought process that I’m trying to go through where others it just seems to click.
It’s just how it is. And unfortunately that takes more time, energy investment. Based on my knowledge, I don’t have to invest as much time, energy, and money in coaching from a health perspective as far as like nutrition and personal training, so on and so forth. But for me, I have to invest more time and energy on someone who can help me navigate my thoughts and mentor and coach from that perspective.
It’s based on our strengths. The question again, helps you navigate well, what are the important things? This same question is asked in a different context professionally and personally. Well, what has to happen if I was to go with a coach? What has to happen in my life?
For me, reflecting back, that would say this was a successful investment of time, energy, and money, both professionally and personally, over the next three, six months, year or three years. I would answer with, well, I want to be able to be here. I want to be able to do X, Y, and Z. I want X amount of revenue. I want to diversify into maybe other investments or something like that.
So you just have to understand that the friction that you have in your life, whether it’s mentally, whether it’s musculoskeletally, whether it’s, a form of health cardiac– but basically just your lifestyle, your health. We all have some friction at different points of life. And your investment is an investment. Your payment is not a cost, it’s an investment, but the due diligence of making sure investment is properly allocated should be navigated through questions such as this.
If someone’s just going through this, you know, checking on the box and saying, yeah, we can help you. This is pretty standard. Here’s our protocol. So on and so forth. That’s not what you’re looking for, right? You’re investing a lot in this and your provider should be diving in and trying to understand what your goals and motivations are in, in relation to musculoskeletal pain and why that’s preventing you from being able to do that so that they can bridge and connect the gaps to get you back to that quickly.
Obviously it’s very motivating, but more importantly is getting you back to that with the utmost confidence in whatever you were dealing with before. So for instance, in that case before of gardening and lower back pain, my patient Michelle, that was dealing with, it was not about getting her back to gardening.
It was getting her back to a point where she felt confident in any sort of gardening task that she would come past: picking up a bag of mulch again, picking up a bag of compost, picking up a large rock that needed to be moved from A to B and having the knowhow of how to pick up odd objects, but also how to leverage her body to be able to do it, but also have the strength and capacity to be able to accomplish it so that she didn’t fear having a recurrence or something like that.
So, once again, the question that I want you to consider, not obviously asking, but if someone’s not asking you, this is like, Hey, this might not be the person to team up with you. This might not be your who for your how, is if we were sitting down having the same conversation three months ago, and you’re looking three to six months ago, and you’re looking back over the last few months, what has to happen for you to feel confident or happy about the progress you’ve made and the investment of your time, energy and money and your care. And then you share it.
So if you’re not getting these questions as described previously here, it’s a thought-provoking question. It’s intentionally framed in a way to have you reframe and reference what is actually your goals outside of just pain reduction and management, when we’re talking about musculoskeletal pain and finding the right person and provider.
Oftentimes while, as we know, manual therapy is very beneficial, oftentimes it’s just having someone work through these questions with you to help you get the right answers and the right direction. In this same example, obviously Michelle, who saw me with some lower back pain for gardening. She was nearby and she was able to come see me and the power of manual therapy and adjustments provided a catalyst to the system.
But we have worked with other individuals from San Diego all the way out to New York that are going through the exact same thing. And we simply frame the same question and did an evaluation virtually to help guide them. Hey, this is what I’m seeing. This is where you are. This is how your pain’s being described. Based on that history and examination of what I’ve asked you to do, I have a strong feeling it’s this. And if you want to get back to X, Y, and Z, gardening, snowboarding, hiking, riding your horse, whatever that is, here’s the best approach that we can do, that we’re going to build mobility around these joints because it’s really important for you to have mobility here and here to reduce added load onto your lower back, as an example.
It’s really important for us to go through stability exercises, oftentimes seen as core exercises when we’re talking about the lower back, but here’s how I want you to approach it. So more times than not, this is a conversation of navigation, not essentially implementation. And then finding other obviously resources if manual therapy or adjustments or something like that might be needed.
So, we always say the foundation of recovery is that narrative in that conversation of understanding that, and there are obviously proper diagnostics of knowing the context of the situation. And then the manual therapy is simply a catalyst. It does help you get there faster if someone knows what they’re doing and they do it well, but it’s not always needed.
So I implore you to dig deep. You are vetting me as a provider. Obviously, if they’re a referral, they come trusted from obviously who referred you, but it’s still, in my opinion, your responsibility to vet your providers. I encourage anyone coming in to ask questions about what we do so that I can get them to get to this, so I can have a conversation and be able to ask these types of questions, so that I can know if they do trust me. Because if there’s no trust in that relationship, it’s not going to be a successful relationship. You’re not going to see the amount of success that you could see if you’re working with someone that you actually trust.
So, if you don’t trust your provider, I encourage you to find a new provider. There are plenty of providers out there. Now, those trusted providers sometimes come at a premium, and that premium should not be again as a cost. This is an investment, and oftentimes it saves you actually time, effort, and money in the long run because you’re able to get the results that you want based on that question a lot sooner than if you were to go with your standard run in the mill situation.
So if you are digging this, please share it with someone else who’s been frustrated of going through the system. We appreciate if you’re digging this to give us a comment, to like, to subscribe, to share this so that we can get this message out that there are providers out there that want the best for you, and that are not just trying to push you through the system and push you through the wheel.
And if you have any questions specifically about certain topics, we’d love to be able to address those. So please shoot us a comment and you can shoot us an email at Our social media is on Instagram. And then we have you can check this out on YouTube. We have a number of different pieces of content and videos on YouTube, helping you deal with musculoskeletal pain from a number of different issues, prenatal, postnatal, pediatric care, so on and so forth.
So thanks again for tuning in, guys. Live loud. I hope you have a wonderful week, and we’ll see you next time.
5 Easy Tips to Improve Your Deadlifts (video included)
Today, we will be going over five of the top tips that we give to help our patients and our clients, who visit our Lafayette Chiropractic Clinic, with deadlifting.
This is an associated video with a podcast episode that we did. It's the same information that we did in the Podcast. We just wanted to demonstrate what those tips are so that you can see it in live-action to give you a little bit more of a frame of reference.
Now, how can you apply this information?
Well, digest it.
Practice it.
Film yourself.
Get a coach.
If you don't have a coach looking at you and you're trying to go through a self-developmental process, you're just trying to understand your body a little bit more. That is a fantastic way to understand what's going on.
But sometimes, you need that expertise and coach's eye to give you what you need.
So let's dive in:
1) Keep the bar close
The first tip is keeping the bar, or the weight closer to you and not letting it get too far in front of you.
From a side view I need my shins right up against the bar, so you can see how close that weight is to me. This helps me keep that bar path nice and straight and close to my body as I go up and down, hinging to do the movement.
Now, if I did this exact same thing, but I'm standing out here, you can see how much further that bar gets away from me and I can feel how much more load and stress is being put on my back as a result of that.
Now the same also goes true. If we're just talking about like a kettlebell. We prescribe sumo deadlifts or kettlebell deadlifts all the time.
But what we instruct is for people to straddle, or stand directly over the kettlebell, okay, now, why is because it keeps that weight nice and close to you. And it allows you to sit back into your heels to make sure we're loading that posterior chain.
But same thing, if I'm forward here, where that kettlebells in front of my toes, I'm going to be putting potentially a lot more strain on that lower back, because I've increased the distance from the kettlebell to the actual lever, moment arm, which should be essentially my hips, right.
So as I'm reaching forward, that's going to put more strain on here, now, you can still maintain a neutral spine, a long spine or a straight back, but just simply the act of having an out in front of you, even though my backstraight, this is having to work that much harder.
So we want to make sure we're keeping the weight, the box, whatever that is closer to us, okay.
2) Watch your speed
Now, the second point that we want to make is pulling too fast.
You can see in the video that I'm pulling the bar too fast.
So what that means is, my shoulders are connected my arms, my hands connect to the barbell, the work is basically being done from here to pull my upper body up, which is effectively going to pull my arms up.
So what can happen is if I just start yanking too fast, I'm rising too fast. I'm trying to jerk that bar up to be explosive, because you want to move the weight all finding good, but what can happen with all of the speed is we lose tension and end up rounding the back.
We're effectively not keeping all that pre tension that you've built up. And what happens is you want to yank really fast in the spine will end up rounding your back sometimes, because your body's trying to move too fast and you're not maintaining the tension.
We want to be able to make sure that when we're rising up the whole unit, and the whole system is rising up together at the same speed, and we're not rising with a really fast, jerky motion.
3) Control your hips
The next fix that you want to think about is not letting your hips rise too fast as well.
I gave an analogy on the podcast, which I'm going to describe here.
Imagine my elbow is my hips. My forearm is my torso, and my fist is my shoulder.
So in this setup, which is a hinge, it's perfectly fine for your torso to be horizontal to the ground.
So what will happen sometimes is we'll set up and then we'll start to lift and the hips will come up, because you trying to pretension the hamstrings and the posterior chain.
When the hips start to rise too fast then the upper body is trailing which has to follow to lift the weight but they are not moving together. We want collectively for everything to be moving together.
As an example, let’s say we have a good setup. But based on maybe being a little bit too squatty or low, what's going to happen is once I want to start lifting, you're going to see the hips rise to increase tension in the hamstrings or posterior chaing.
You see this one step, two step jerky motion. It could be subtle and you might be maintaining a neutral spine still, but I'm shifting hips first, and then the rest is coming.
Again, the reason why most people are doing that is because we did not tend to pretension that posterior chain, the hamstrings and the glutes enough. And so your body's trying to find that tension, before you lift. Your body is trying to store up elastic energy to help you initiate the movement before the concentric motion of the muscles takes place.
Ideally, what you'd want to try to do is find that hip position that makes you feel like you're under that initial tension. And when referring to barbell deadlifts you're going to hear a little click as the barbell pulls into the ring of the plate.
It is fine to start a little low, and then raise the hips a little bit. But that is the pre-tension, and then you should move as one unit.
4) Activate your core and get your torso ready
Next tip is activating your core and getting your torso ready! We hear brace, tighten abs, and a number of different cues that people will give when lifting to clients or coaching.
We are going to go back to our forearm analogy. In order for the shoulders to effectively rise as the hips come through and forward. The forearm (torso or core) cannot be soft, right?
Notice, obviously, my, my forearm is one piece/bone. But that's essentially what I'm trying to do, I'm trying to turn my torso into one stiffened piece, so that the forced transfer that my legs are doing, as my hips are driving forward, will adequately raise my chest, raise my shoulders, raise my arms and raise the weight.
If we're soft, and we have a soft system, then as you come up, you're going to be dispersing energy all over the place and not being as effective and efficient. And this could could potentially lead to some back pain or an injury, right? So we want to make sure that that that mid system is stiffened. So that you can transfer all that force that you're generating to your shoulders, arms, weight, so on and so forth.
So what do we need to do? We need to stiffen the torso.
The torso is essentially the area from my shoulders, ball socket joints to ball and socket joints at the hips.
As I'm hinging, my torso stays together as a unit. The curvatures you have in your spine as your stand with normal posture will be preserve and maintained when you hinge, it is simply your torso is in a different angle in space.
We're trying to maintain that and as the load increases, you have to stiffen the abdominal wall all the way around to ensure that you're keeping that together. We can do that by increasing your intra-abdominal pressure.
One of the main cues people understand will be to take a big breath of air in, increase the air and then hold it, that'll help stiffen your torso/abdominal wall.
One of the most important things to understand is knowing how much tension you need to generate. If you're over bracing it will not be useful for you and expending more energy than necessary. But as the task gets heavier, you're going to need to brace and stiff more, because low load is going to really challenge your positioning on that torso.
Another cue is to stick your fingers into the space/midsection between your ribs and your pelvis. Next, pretend like you're blowing out a candle forcefully. You should see and feel that part of your torso expand, right?
While I'm not pushing my belly out, that little cue of blowing hard stiffens the torso automatically and you get a little bit of an expansion of the abdominal wall. You should also feel this in the back. The next cue is the same but with a Wonder Woman or Superman pose. With your hands on your waist and in between your ribs and pelvis your thumbs will be pointed and right in the side/back muscles near your spine. When you blow the candle out you should feel a little pulse against your thumbs.
This is an amazing tool for someone who's recovering an injury who's feeling vulnerable in certain hinging or squatting positions. We can enhance the bracing and stiffening because it's going to provide more stability, and more comfort, that allows us to keep moving and keep loading you and keep progressing while feeling more and more confident.
5) break down pre-tensioning and wedging
The last tip is going to break down pre tensioning and wedging.
Pre tension or wedging is essentially one trying to pull themselves down into the hole or pull themselves into the bar, which is basically like compressing the spring. So when you are ready, you begin to release the stored up energy to help you initiate the movement, and then all the muscles involved in this movement are going to go through its concentric phase to actually lift me up.
When talking about pre tension or perhaps better understood as activation, we are trying to load and prime the posterior chain which would be the backside of the body. And for deadlifts we are looking at the hamstrings, glutes, and back primarily.
We can facilitate the pre tension by wedging and pulling down into the bar, but we can also increase this tension by torquing into the floor.
When we tell people anchor your feet, they are going to be screwing into the ground, without actually moving your feet. This creates a coil of tension up the legs.
Now we also have to pre tension our connection to the bar, kettlebell, or dumbbell so that we have a strong linkage to the task. If we have a weak connection or weak grip that is going to make it harder to move the weight.
So imagine a dowel, the bar, or a handle. Your hands are right next to each other and you are trying to snap it in half like breaking a stick.
This is exactly like screwing our feet into the ground, only now your shoulder having coiled up tension that also connects all the way down to your lower back and hips through the lats.
So if effectively doing all of these things together, you're going to be in a stronger state to start the movement through better pre tension and wedging.
Effective & efficient deadlifts
Each one of these tips coincide and overlap with each other, to effectively make the movement done more effective and efficiently.
Now, when we talk about effectiveness and efficiency, that's good, because that allows you to lift more, and if done well, you can lift more and if done well, you also reduce the chances of overloading some of the more vulnerable places within a deadlift, which would usually be areas like your lower back.
Many of you may only be picking and choosing one or two of these tips to implement. Many of you know this ins and outs of deadlifting, but if you are new or hesitant because of a previous injury these tips will be very helpful for you.
If you're doing deadlifts, hopefully this helps you. If you're not doing deadlifts, I encourage you to do deadlifts. It can be barbells, it can be kettlebells, it doesn't matter.
I just want you to pick up some stuff off the ground, make that posterior chain stronger, make those postural muscles stronger, make your hips stronger, reduce load and share load between the Jones joints to make your back pain better to help heal back pain.
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How to Improve Oral Health Naturally EP|66
Live LOUD Life Podcast
Lafayette Colorado
Episode 66
How to Improve Oral Health Naturally
With Sarah Wands
Tune in with Dr. Antonio and holistic dentistry specialist Sarah Wands as they discuss oral health. The effects of fluoride, nutrition, and bacteria on your mouth.
Episode Highlights
4:00 – What’s the deal with fluoride?
9:00 Daily practices to help with oral health
11:00 Eating hard cheese at the end of your meal
15:00 Good and bad bacteria in your mouth
17:00 Mouth taping to prevent mouth breathing
23:00 X-rays
27:00 Top 3 tips for oral health
About Sarah Wands
- Certified holistic nutritionist
- Holistic dental coach
- Owner of Root Raise Rise
Connect With Sarah:
Sarah on Instagram:
Check Out Some of Our Other Blog Posts and Podcast Episodes
Anthony Gurule 00:08
Alright guys, welcome back to the Live LOUD Life podcast. My name is Antonio, your host of the Live LOUD Life podcast. And today we have Sarah Wands, on into we’re going to be talking about dentistry and holistic dentistry, functional dentistry, we’re trying to come up with like, what the name really is, but you know, it’s one of those things that’s kind of sometimes buzz wordy, but welcome. Thank you. And I’ll let you introduce yourself talk a little bit about, you know, your past your your, not your CV resume, per se, but what you’ve been doing and what do you do now?
Sarah Wands 00:40
Yeah. So thank you for having me. First of all, I love your guy’s practice. And I feel like we’ve known each other for a while. But, so, I’m Sarah Wands. I’ve been in dentistry for 10 years as a dental and surgical assistant, I just recently left after the birth of my daughter, she’s now coming up on a year and a half. And so I really wanted to fuse my background as a certified holistic nutritionist as well as my experience in dentistry to offer Holistic Dental coaching. So that’s what I do now. It’s essentially private coaching related to oral and dental health.
Anthony Gurule 01:22
That’s awesome. And so we were kind of chatting a little bit before, you know, get a little bit of background kind of helping me get an idea of where we want to go with this. And what you just mentioned was really great, because and rightfully so we give credit to certain professions based on more or less the, the letters behind the name, right, which is, which is fine, because they’ve gone through a lot of schooling and everything like that. But even like within our profession, you get to a sometimes complacent level where when you’re talking about it, or I’m gonna back up. We were talking about this came up with about a pediatrician and talking about the whole crawling CDC guideline that’s like another whole thing. But it was essentially like we saw kids, we’ve seen kids that are fine and have no health issues because they didnt crawl, like I understand that right?
Anthony Gurule 02:15
And you can see healthy or people being without disease without intervention. But some people want a different lifestyle. Some people want to be more proactive. And I think that dental coaching is great, because I mean realistically from what I remember about my dentist telling me was brush your teeth and floss and come in every six months, and then you occasionally which is gonna lead us to our first question, do a fluoride treatment because you need this in order to not get cavities and have healthy teeth, so on and so forth. Use it oh, this is a different one, I think come up Listerine and different things like that, to kill off gingivitis and gum disease and things like that. And it sounds like there’s a little bit more to the story.
Sarah Wands 03:03
Yeah, absolutely. And I would say that those general approaches and recommendations haven’t changed much. I you know, I think slowly, in different areas, dentists are starting to shift their focus on to supporting the body more versus
Sarah Wands 03:20
disinfecting, like you just said. But I think dentistry really mirrors the medical approach in general with what it’s doing. And I think we’re just a little bit behind on current information.
Anthony Gurule 03:35
So on that, let’s kick it off with with fluoride.
Anthony Gurule 03:39
That’s a big one. For you know, those are family, your family very similar to some people that are coming into us who are wanting less toxic. Take the things right now our body can handle toxins. This is like the big argument like well, we’re exposed to toxins and all these things all the time.
Anthony Gurule 03:57
But as you had already indicated, even with other things, there’s an accumulation level, right? And when you’re doing repetitive things, such as fluoride treatments or having it in toothpaste on and so forth. So what’s the what’s the 411 on fluoride?
Sarah Wands 04:11
Yeah, so you know, a fluoride I think we’ve all experienced it in I would say three main ways, which would be you know, in our toothpaste at home, at the dentist with you know, the little painting or the swishing, right. Oh, trays, the foam trays
Anthony Gurule 04:27
And they’re foaming out of the mouth…
Sarah Wands 04:28
yeah, just you just die and as a kid. And then the third way being fluoridated water, which most communities have at different levels. And it’s it’s kind of been touted and it’s a strong belief within the dental field that it’s absolutely essential for preventing decay, especially in, you know, poverty level communities. However, the actual evidence and research doesn’t support those claims. So and that’s not to say that fluoride doesn’t harden the teeth at does. But in order to harden the teeth, it actually has to pull minerals further out from the teeth. So it creates this kind of issue. So without without getting too crazy, without getting too far deep fluoride can actually weaken the teeth more so interesting. Yeah, florid can actually weaken the teeth more so and they did a really interesting pretty large study. They audited multiple practices, their insurance billing, and they wanted to know okay for practices that did more frequent fluoride treatments on kids, did they have a lower incidence of cavities and needing fillings, and they could not find a correlation. So of the offices that regardless of if they had, you know, high and frequent fluoride treatments billed for their kids, they didn’t have a lower incidence of cavities.
Anthony Gurule 05:55
Wow. Yeah. So the thing that we are assuming it is doing hardened teeth to prevent cavities, it’s not actually it is not happening.
Sarah Wands 06:02
And you look at how much we’ve raised the level of fluoride, which is completely unregulated and not tested for safety, by the way, it has not correlated in a, you know, lower incidence rates of decay. And in any community.
Anthony Gurule 06:18
what are obviously a little bit more of a deep dive of it could be possibly a bunch of different things. But what are some of the big concerns of high levels of fluoride?
Sarah Wands 06:27
So, specifically with fluoride in water lines is a big issue for your body. Because it not only are you getting it when you’re drinking it out of your tap, but you’re also getting it with any bottled juices.
Sarah Wands 06:42
And babies, whenever you’re mixing formula together. Anything that’s packaged, that has water in it, that’s going to have a fluoride factor to it unless it’s been purified water. And what they’re seeing with that, as they’re seeing in increased rates of ADHD in those communities, especially women who are pregnant and had frequent fluoride exposure, their babies have higher levels of ADHD, autism, cognitive disabilities, speech delays. So it really does, it really affects your brain development In those earlier years, especially,
Anthony Gurule 07:18
that’s interesting. So going back to Now, assuming that it was supposed to be doing the hardening teeth, when this, you know, one of the things we were chatting about beforehand, as well as like, what then would parents like us do when we have kids who obviously want to eat certain things on and so forth.
Anthony Gurule 07:36
But if we don’t want the fluoride treatments, and we’re trying to be, you know, mindful of filtration and things like that, what are the ways in which we can harden the teeth to prevent decay, cavities, so on and so forth?
Sarah Wands 07:47
Absolutely. And that’s where I come in, really, because just like you said, so many parents and families are becoming aware of the effects of Florida and they want to avoid them.
Anthony Gurule 07:57
But their big question is, okay, well, if, if we’re not doing fluoride, what do we do? And, and so my big approach is, you know, it’s looking at, why are your kids getting cavities? Why are they? Why are their teeth experiencing mineral loss? and just different other lifestyle factors. And so just for general prevention, I mean, it really comes down to diet and making sure that their mouth isn’t hanging open all day long.
Anthony Gurule 08:39
Yeah. And then as far as, I guess, a consumer product, because obviously those things take time to work on and first and foremost needs to be diagnosed and actually looked at, but most of us assume and no good daily hygiene for our oral health is good, right?
Anthony Gurule 08:59
Obviously brushing, brushing and flossing. So in terms of like, outside of dealing with deeper dive things of diet in life, or sorry, breathing and different things like that, what are daily practices that you recommend people do to to help in conjunction with the lifestyle? Things are changing.
Sarah Wands 09:17
Yeah, I think that’s going to be pretty standard across the board. You know, without looking at individual factors, I think,
Sarah Wands 09:27
You could brush before eating nobody really likes doing that. But you know, if you’re going to wait until after breakfast, wait at least 30 minutes so that your pH and your mouth can balance out a little bit.
Sarah Wands 09:42
Oh, yeah. You don’t want to start brushing your teeth when they’re in a de mineralized state. Yeah. So your teeth are at their weakest at right directly after eating. So I would say you know, either brush right away, or you know, have your breakfast and then brush. brush and floss.
Sarah Wands 10:01
You asked what you know, if people are avoiding fluoride in their toothpaste, then they can really go with a hydroxyapatite toothpaste. And hydroxyapatite is essentially the mineral that makes up the majority of our teeth. So when you have that in a toothpaste on your teeth, it can actually mechanically fill in to weak spots in your enamel.
Sarah Wands 10:21
So, brush with hydroxyapatite if you if you don’t rinse it out after that’s ideal floss. If anyone you know was working on imbalancing, their oral biome, sometimes they can do like either an essential oil mouthrinse or a brand I like is Brio tech mouthrinse that can be helpful. I know a lot of people like their mouthwash. So that’s a really great swap.
Sarah Wands 10:46
But without talking about diet stuff throughout the day, one of the main things to focus on is after you eat, helping to balance the pH in your mouth and getting those minerals back on your teeth as soon as possible.
Sarah Wands 11:00
And without even making significant changes in your diet. Two ways to do that is to eat hard cheese at the end of your meal. And I can explain that more if you want to by eating hard cheese at the end of your meal. It helps to balance the pH in your mouth, make it more alkaline so that those acids aren’t, you know, work in their devilry all day, but also supplies a lot of the minerals that your teeth use to remineralize right after you eat.
Sarah Wands 11:32
there’s actually some really cool research about other countries, they did a study with kids, they didn’t change their diet, they didn’t have great diets to begin with. But they didn’t change their diet, and the only thing they changed was adding one ounce of hard cheese after they ate and their cavity rates dropped. Like significantly.
Anthony Gurule 11:50
what would be an example of a hard cheese?
Sarah Wands 11:52
like cheddar cheese or parmesan or and it could be like goat or milk or you know, cow or whatever. But that can be significant impact, believe it or not. The other thing that’s a great thing to integrate is Xylitol gum, okay? Xylitol helps neutralize acids in the mouth and helps the teeth get back into that remineralisation state.
Sarah Wands 12:10
So, you know, for kids where obviously picky eating is an issue, right? And it’s hard enough as a parent trying to help your kid eat a healthy diet and an ideal diet. But if if you couldn’t change those things, or maybe you co parent, or you have other guardians that and you don’t have full control of their diet.
Anthony Gurule 12:31
Yeah, grandparents.
Sarah Wands 12:34
Grandparents we already know. You know, if you can get them eat, like cheese after meals or just send your kid was in Xylitol gum. Yeah. Interesting. It’s a great mitigating factor for those tough diet changes.
Anthony Gurule 12:48
Before I forget going back the hydroxy apatite. is that right? what are what are some brands that people can look up to that have that?
Sarah Wands 12:56
Yeah, because not all brands are great, actually. So hydroxyapatite toothpaste brands I love, we’ll be Rise Well. And there’s a small company of like a family owned company out of North Carolina calls happy tooth toothpaste. They both have Hydroxyapatite options. They’re really great.
Anthony Gurule 13:16
Now being that they that in particular, is the mineral Correct? Is the mineral that the tooth is mostly made of, and that’s going to fill in the memorization as you go. Is anyone creating a because you talked about mouthwash too. Is there a way in which or if anyone’s doing like a, like a mouth wash, where you swish it around, and you try to hold it? Or? You You know, what I mean? Is there anything outside of just gum in which hydroxy apatite and Xylitol I guess, can be applied and used to help with that for maybe someone who has a more serious case of demilitarization or something like that.
Sarah Wands 13:56
sure Yeah, both of those companies actually have mouthrinses that how okay have Xylitol and there I look at mouthrinse and and I like to distinguish between mouthwash and mouthrinse because mouthwash is more of clearing out bacteria in your mouth and the good bacteria as well. mouthrinses I like to look at more of as supporting your mouth’s natural biome.
Sarah Wands 14:21
So whenever people do have you know more chronic decay issues or you know, gum disease or periodontal issues a mouthrinse can be helpful if it’s you know, xylitol or more neutralizing essential oil based
Anthony Gurule 14:35
Oh, nice that…I just had a question I apologize it literally just ran out of my head.
Anthony Gurule 14:44
So we were Oh so the bacteria that’s what it was? Yeah. So very commonly as common practice in encouraged by at least one viewers younger dentistry and things like that is the mouth wash. So your Listerine and your things like that. So that’s Zapping everything right?
Sarah Wands 15:01
Yeah, you know, what’s interesting about most mouthwashes on the market, even prescription ones is they’re actually acidic. So completely counterproductive to what you want to have in your mouth.
Anthony Gurule 15:13
So why are they prescribed than just that you’re killing bacteria, right? You’re killing good and bad. But the thought is that if you have too much bad, then that’s what’s going to be causing an issue.
Sarah Wands 15:22
I don’t think that conventional dentistry really acknowledges the existence of the oral microbiome in general, they don’t really honor that, you know, environment in your mouth. So what they know is there are six specific strains of bacteria that cause cavities, Periodontal Disease, Gingivitis, bad breath, all of those things.
Sarah Wands 15:45
And so their thought is, okay, well, let’s just kill those. But they don’t respect the fact that there are certain strains of bacteria in your mouth that you want to keep colonized. And so when you bring in something like Listerine, or mouthwash, you’re really just disinfecting everything. And it, it just creates more of an imbalance. That’s kind of like taking antibiotics in your body. regularly.
Anthony Gurule 16:08
Yeah, well, and going back to which we did a previous podcast, if anyone is interested, we talked about holistic dentistry for tongue ties with Dr. Liz Turner in Lakewood.
Anthony Gurule 16:21
So this comes back down to how does the bad bacteria grow? diet, lifestyle, mouth breathing? Can you touch on some of that, and how that obviously, just like, our poor diet, and everything else can mess with our gut microbiome, diet and mouth breathing effect with our oral microbiome?
Sarah Wands 16:39
Yeah, so just like any other microbiome in your body, like your gut microbiome, everybody has to like, lots of different bacteria in their body at any given time. Yeah. And same, same thing for your mouth. So you really just want, you don’t want that overgrowth of the bad bacteria, you want that kind of balance happening, and you know, leaning on the good bacteria being more predominant.
Sarah Wands 17:03
So there are there are different theories with that, you know, a lot of conventional dentistry will point to, you know, acidic foods and sugars, and they just tell you, like, brush and floss more, which disrupts those strongholds of the bad bacteria.
Sarah Wands 17:17
Yes. But then they tell you, you know, snack less, cut your sugar, don’t eat acidic foods, which isn’t realistic for most people granted, but it all of that misses the part of supporting the good guys. So you know, what can we do to support the good bacteria in your mouth without blasting, you know, antibacterial washers in there.
Sarah Wands 17:41
And, you know, that can come down to it, there are different factors like mouth breathing, you know, if your mouth is dry, your mouth is open. That is just a playground for bad bacteria to flourish. So you know, if you sleep with your mouth open at night clenching and grinding. During the day, even people notice that that’s a huge factor. And certainly acidic foods and sugar are a factor as well. But you know, eating neutralizing foods, like fresh fruits and veggies. Fermented foods are a great source. Anything with dairy is fantastic. Anything mineral mineral rich with bone broth is going to be great, too. So I try to tell people take care of your mouth, like you would take care of your gut, because what’s happening in the gut is going to show up in the mouth eventually and vice versa.
Anthony Gurule 18:34
Yeah. with the fermented foods, right? So just because I know that that’s amazing for microbiome, so you essentially all the things that we’re saying for the microbial gut biome is going to essentially affect the oral cavity as well, just because, yeah, consuming it directly from there, right? that’s awesome.
Sarah Wands 18:56
You know, the, the only nuance there, of course, because there’s nuance in everything is for someone who’s experiencing inflammatory gut issues, leaky gut, IBS, things like that. You see those issues with your gums and your oral tissues as well. And for those people, sometimes, uncooked fruits and veggies and fermented foods aren’t appropriate for them yet. So, you know, that’s something that to take into consideration as well. You know, whenever someone has any kind of chronic disease in their mouth, gut health should be one of the first things people look at.
Anthony Gurule 19:31
Yeah, yeah.
Sarah Wands 19:32
So that’s the only time I would say that, you know, it’s not the same for everyone
Anthony Gurule 19:41
From the previous episode, right. So one thing that I have not done yet because I know I have a tongue tie,
Sarah Wands 19:45
I can see I can see.
Anthony Gurule 19:48
And I have a tongue thrust and I am habitual mouth breather, like during the day I catch myself but you know, the underlying cause is not being addressed. I just sit there and I’m open and When I when I, when I sleep, I know I sleep with my mouth open and I’ve tried mouth taping, but it’s so hard for me to breathe through my nose that then I just rip it off at night because I’m just not getting enough air.
Anthony Gurule 20:12
And so I have not done the thing that I know I need to do mostly because it’s it’s a process, right? But for adults, right? You’re kind of like, why do you know these things? Like the conversation of tongue ties in these things seem more prevalent when you’re talking about kids per se. But as an adult, you do have to realize and understand like, there’s still things that can be done. I’m not too far gone, right?
Sarah Wands 20:34
Yeah, no,
Anthony Gurule 20:34
but there are underlying things that sometimes you need, you know, additional support for our intervention for or if you want to call it microbe surgery, I don’t know what that originally would be called microsurgery.
Sarah Wands 20:48
Yeah. So, you know, having oral ties can show up and it looks different in adulthood. You know, it can because at that point, you know, some people have already experienced a lot of dental work because of those factors. And so, you know, they probably been told at that point that they just have bad teeth, or soft teeth, or whatever. Or they clench and grind, or they have a lot of different body tension or migraines. And so it looks a lot different in adults, because they’ve had that issue for so long. But it’s definitely not too far gone at any point you like you say, obviously, the first step for helping you breathe at night would be like, Okay, well, let’s tape your mouth until you can, you know, look at your underlying causes. root causes are important.
Sarah Wands 21:34
But let’s help mitigate where you’re at right now. Mouth taping is great. Unless you can’t breathe through your nose.
Anthony Gurule 21:40
Yeah, then you’re just suffocating.
Sarah Wands 21:41
Right, which it adds an extra step for you, it means you, you have to go to an ENT, an ear, nose, throat doctor and they have to scope and make sure there’s no obstructions, which is critical for kids too because you don’t want to take your kids mouth, and then they can’t breathe at night for sure. You know what I mean?
Sarah Wands 21:57
As adults, you have more control and awareness over it. But it just adds that whole extra step, which I know is great for you.
Anthony Gurule 22:04
Well, and that’s what’s great about Dr. Liz Turner at Fox point dental she has the imaging capabilities to look at airway obstruction and everything, which is good, which is I need to get it I need to get it first and foremost.
Sarah Wands 22:15
Yeah, because they can take a comb beam scan, a 3d scan, and they can see your nasal passages and your throat. With an ENT it’s a little bit different because they can evaluate you while you’re laying down they can see exactly what your airway is doing. Yeah. And what your nasal passages are doing when you lay down when you when you relax.
Sarah Wands 22:32
So it’s different. And let the scans are definitely helpful for diagnosing.
Anthony Gurule 22:37
well, and I’m sure because I on on any given basis like when we go to get our dental checkups and cleaning, which is this is prompting the next question is I seem to always have way more cavities than Nichelle does. now she’s definitely better at flossing than I am. I will admit that excuse me. But I do think it has to do more so with the fact that I am constantly mouth breathing. Yeah, bringing in the bacteria, everything else you had talked about.
Sarah Wands 23:02
Yeah, because when you nose breathe through your, your nasal passages are that filter, when you breathe through your mouth, you don’t have anything to stop that bacteria from coming in.
Anthony Gurule 23:11
which fortunately enough, I don’t get sick a lot. But when I do I get sick, sick. I don’t get sick a lot, even though I do a lot of mouth breathing. But that being said, I have in again, bad apples in any profession. Right? So, you know, we got to we got to call it what it is. But the evaluating the diagnostics for cavities and dental health, I have felt that there’s been a stronger shift towards relying on more technology to do that, ie X rays.
Anthony Gurule 23:43
And we’re talking about all of this beforehand to is when do, when would someone you know maybe speak up and say, hey, it seems like we’re doing a lot of X rays. Are those needed, right?
Anthony Gurule 23:54
Or, you know, kind of just being that advocate, obviously, for more so for your kids, or even as an adult understand. It’s just like, it seems like that’s a lot of X rays to rely on for finding cavities as opposed to the dentist actually doing an examination and looking so is there a benefit to doing the X rays?
Anthony Gurule 24:12
In general, as a screening, is there a benefits to doing X rays to seeing the underlying Silent cavities that are apparently under the enamel that could be dealt with before they become big cavities?
Sarah Wands 24:25
Sure. Yeah. So we could go in so many different directions here. Let’s just start with you know, we were talking before we started about different philosophies on X rays, and it’s hard as a patient to know what’s needed and what’s too much.
Sarah Wands 24:42
So my best advice is when you’re, you know, finding the dentists you want to partner with, you know, ask them what their philosophy is on X rays, if they’re if their philosophy is led with what your insurance will pay for, office policy. That’s not going to be a best fit for you or your kids.
Sarah Wands 25:06
A better approach for X rays X rays, first of all are, they are an important diagnostic, you know, tool to have, and we’ll talk about that in a second. But a better approach and philosophy to look out for Well, if you’re, if you’re looking for a dentist is risk based assessment, and their level of prevention, some dentists are more aggressive, some are more, you know, watching weight.
Sarah Wands 25:29
But, you know, if, if you know, and they know that you really don’t get cavities, much, you don’t have a lot of dental work, you have a pretty good diet and you take care of yourself, you probably don’t need X rays that often, you know, and I’m not gonna give a frequency, you have to work that out with your dentist. But if if you know and they know and you have a history of cavities at every visit, or
Sarah Wands 25:53
you’ve had a lot of dental work done, if you have implants or root canals, crowns, bridges, you’re going to need more monitoring, monitoring. And there are other different diagnostic tools. But there’s really not a great way to see cavities starting between the teeth, unless they’re too big, other than using X rays. But x rays, their purpose isn’t only checking for decay. It’s not always a great sign if your dentist doesn’t take thorough X rays, you know, as a new patient, it’s really good idea to have a full set every five years, maybe one, you know one that shows everything, because what’s important is that they’re also looking for any jaw cancers, any cysts, evaluating the bottoms of the routes that are not seen on routine X rays. There are different, you know, especially if you’re having your airway evaluated, you know, those 3d scans can be important. But having that full scan is important for for cancer checks and looking at any you know, the bottoms of your roots especially. So, you know, it’s hard if you get cavities a lot, or if you’ve had a lot of treatment, you’re you’re going to need more monitoring. Yeah. And it’s just it’s really comes down to philosophy, I would say. But, you know, if you if you’re someone who does need X rays more frequently, you’re doing things to help support, you know, glutathione levels, and just cellular health in general, upping your vitamin C around that time can be really helpful.
Anthony Gurule 27:30
That’s fantastic. What are some of the some of the what are, you know, one or two of the main things we might already touched on? So it could be like, yeah, what we said about this, this and this, but if you were to boil it down top one, two, maybe even three, like what are the top main tips, if you were, you know, I can see the blog post three best things, right.
Anthony Gurule 27:53
But like, you’re kind of like, you know, kind of like you’re kind of like your anthem, the thing that you like to really talk about and make sure people know when it comes to general good, holistic, functional, whatever you want to call it. Oral Health, like you’re like, these are the things that I really encourage people to look for and do.
Sarah Wands 28:14
Oh, gosh, that’s a good one.
Anthony Gurule 28:17
Like diet, right lifestyle, obviously, like starting from start starting from the bottom, like making sure the foundation of what good obviously health is because you could do you know, he said we talked about similar to like, like you use weight loss as an example, right? Like, you can be working out as hard as you want. But if you’re not eating well, and if you’re not sleeping, well, you’re not gonna get results, right.
Sarah Wands 28:39
Yeah. So you cannot out brush your diet. That’s yeah, it’s a bumper sticker. Oral Hygiene is not the top can like, factor for what determines if you get cavities or not. Your dentist might tell you otherwise. You know, their only advice like you said before is brush and floss more.
Sarah Wands 29:00
And you might get shamed into, you know, you might go in, you’re like, Hey, I’m brushing and flossing a lot of time. And they’re like, I know you’re not because you look at your mouth and you’re like I swear and it just turns into this guilt trip thing every time you go to the dentist because you’re like I swear I’m doing this but it’s not working. It’s because you cannot out brush What’s going into your body. So if I could, if it could only be three things it would be mouth taping if you can, and then getting minerals and fat soluble vitamins. So if you’re not getting magnesium, calcium phosphorus into your body every day, and you’re not getting enough vitamin A, D and K especially vitamin K especially then your teeth are never going to have the mechanical tools to rebuild early decay in the enamel. weak spots.
Anthony Gurule 29:59
And then as a side note, we talked about fluoride, right? What’s the best way that you have found or or products that help filter the normal levels of fluoride that are put into most water sources that we see?
Sarah Wands 30:14
Yeah. So you know, what’s interesting about fluoride in the water supply? Just what, there’s such a, it’s such a huge topic, but the EPA is actually currently in a lawsuit. Oh, four unsafe fluoride levels in the water lines. So that’s a whole separate thing, if you want to look into the lawsuit that the EPA is dealing with right now, because it is a it is interesting to say the least.
Sarah Wands 30:42
But I, if it’s accessible to filter your fluoride, I mean, reverse osmosis is going to be the gold standard. There are a lot of other countertop countertop options like Berkey, Aqua true is a reverse osmosis on your countertop, that’s going to get the most fluoride out.
Sarah Wands 31:00
And then if that’s not accessible, doing you just find Bill water, bottled water that’s been filtered, is going to be the next best thing.
Anthony Gurule 31:08
Do the, I don’t have those now, but it was like in college, I thought it was like the thing that was best, you know, good enough, but like, do the Brittas And those things, do much of anything?
Sarah Wands 31:19
No, they don’t touch fluoride.
Anthony Gurule 31:21
they don’t touch flouride? what do they filter out?
Sarah Wands 31:23
I mean, they they take out chlorine to an extent and some of the hard minerals, and you know, some percentage of the heavy metals. But they they’re not going to get like different types of bacteria out. And I mean, they might get a mild amount of sediment out of your water. But unless your filters specifically taking out the fluoride, I mean, you have to look for it. It’s not going to work to have an attachment on your faucet or a pitcher. Unfortunately, it tastes better because it has less chlorine.
Anthony Gurule 32:00
Well, that’s all the questions I had, is there anything else you want to leave us with? Before we wrap up?
Sarah Wands 32:08
You know, I would just say that the reason why this in a profession came up for me is there’s such a wide gap between, you know, conventional dentistry, people have their dentists that they like, they’re great dentists, but they’re missing the boat on true prevention and nutrition guidance.
Sarah Wands 32:28
And a lot of people don’t have access to biological dentists. And, you know, the care that they’re looking for, for whatever reason, distance, finances, etc. And so I love being able to bridge the gap, and help people with all the things they can take care of at home to take care of their teeth in a holistic functional way.
Sarah Wands 32:50
You know, and it just kind of takes some of that pressure and work off a dentist’s a dentist can only do so much in the office, so much of it is at home. And it’s it’s such a new topic for people. So self guided workshops. so that people can really dive in for themselves.
Anthony Gurule 33:36
Well, and I’ll make sure you get all that. Make sure you got all the correct links, everything but we’ll put obviously all that in the show notes and stuff so people can easily just click and find it.
Sarah Wands 33:44
Yeah. Well, thank you so much. This was great. I mean, I learned a few good things and about certain topics and obviously as a reminder to myself, you’ll get myself checked out. I do too. I mean, people are who work in dentistry they
Anthony Gurule 33:59
we’re always our worst.
Anthony Gurule 34:02
Well, thanks again. I really appreciate it.
Sarah Wands 34:04
Thank you.
Anthony Gurule 34:04
All right. Take care guys.
3 Exercises to Loosen Up Your Stiff Mid Back | Live Loud Chiropractic
How to Loosen Up Your Stiff Mid Back
Today we’re going over three thoracic mobility drills that will help you loosen up your stiff mid back. Maybe you sit at a desk a lot, or you’re a parent, holding your baby, nursing, feeding, changing, etc.—they all put you in a rounded back position. These will help you remove the stagnation from your life.
Oftentimes, posture gets demonized, but the lack of movement is the biggest issue. Too much standing, too much sitting, and too much inactivity are all not good.
These mobility drills are specifically tailored for opening up your mid back–the mid scapular region, basically, from the base of your neck to your lower back. So check these out, share them with a friend, because I know these will be super helpful for you.
I’m Dr. Antonio with Live Loud Chiropractic and Coaching, we are based out of Lafayette, Colorado, which is in Boulder County.
1. The Modified Spinx
The modified sphinx is great because it locks out the lower back so that we can target all of that energy and focus on the mid back. It’s basically a spin-off of the traditional cat-cow. The only difference is that we position ourselves to lock out other areas so that the movement that we’re generating is more tailored to the mid back.
The mid back is one of the major areas that will get tight because of what we do on a consistent basis, whether that’s inactivity, or being stuck in seated positions in our car, our couch, or work. But even standing too much can also be problematic, because when we’re standing, we usually don’t have the correct ergonomic setup and we’re falling forward. Essentially, our back is just in a hyperflex position or a relatively flexed position, and it rarely moved out of that position. So we’re trying to create more extension within that.
The classic cat-cow, as you know, is on your hands and knees quadruped, where you draw yourself up towards the ceiling, then drop your belly and back towards the ground. In this position, we get a lot of flexion in our upper back and not a lot in our lower back. When we go down, we get a lot of extension in our lower back, but not a lot of extension in our mid back.
To do the modified sphinx, sit your butt back towards your heels. Your hands should be anywhere from where they initially were, or back closer to your knees. (When I sit my butt towards my heels, it’s called a lumbar lock. Putting my low back into a little bit of flexion locks it down so that when I do the cat-cow position, I specifically target much more of the mid back.)
I like calling this an undulation. Think of it like a wave or a rope undulating. I want to try to maintain as much movement and fluidity as I can in order to loosen things up. So from here, try going back and forth into extension, flexion, extension, flexion.
What’s also great about this position is that, because I’ve locked the lumbar out, I can go in other directions. So if I’m in extension, I can tip my shoulders side to side to work on lateral flexion. I can also go into forward flexion and shift side to side. And I can also do rotation.
Oftentimes we look at range of motion in these specific planes of motion, but we never combine them. But all of these joints have coupled motion patterns that need to work together.
So we need to be able to go into lateral flexion and rotation, or forward flexion and rotation, or extension, lateral flexion, and rotation. We’ll then be able to carve out and find all of the little sticky points within the joints that oftentimes get overlooked simply because we’re trying to stay in one plane of motion rather than tying them all together.
2. Thread the Needle
Thread the needle is usually done as a quadruped position, where you take one hand behind your neck, then you bring your elbow down and through, and then you bring it up towards the ceiling.
But as we have indicated with other movements, such as the Modified Sphinx, when we’re in a quadruped head position, we get a lot of extra rotation or movement, not only from the lower back but also from the hips, because I can shift hips and move everything with it. We’re not isolating the mid back as much as what we’re trying to indicate and trying to do.
If you’re watching the video, I’m going to show you first from a side view. I like doing this in that Modified Sphinx position, where I sit my butt back to lock out the hips in the lower back so I can’t get as much shifting or extra movement outside of the hips in the lower back.
So from here, I’ll take a hand behind the neck, I’ll dive it down through the other arm, and then I’ll lift it up towards the ceiling. Then push the bottom hand (on the ground) and your elbow away from each other. You will get five to 10 degrees more rotation just by simply being more active in your twisting.
Repeat this motion by coming down and up, and creating a flow of undulations rather than a static holding and trying to force it. If you can get a centimeter or two more each time, you’ll improve your mobility.
Thread the needle can also be done in a wide-leg, standing position, but you’re going to see a lot more rotation from the rest. So if we’re wanting to isolate rotation for the thoracic spine, I find that doing that lumbar lock, or that modified sphinx position helps hold us you can really isolate rotation.
You will see variations in how much you can rotate, whether your back is in flexion or extension. So you simply play with that. Do I want to be more in flexion and rotate? Or do I want to be in more extension and rotate?
Neither one is better or worse, we’re just trying to improve all ranges of motions around all of those so that we get the most out of our mid back or thoracic spine.
3. The Half-Kneeling Wall Rotation
When talking about mobility, it’s really important to be able to isolate the area that you’re trying to make move more, as opposed to having all the energy leak out into other areas. When we do the half-kneeling wall rotation, it helps us lock in the pelvis in the lower back so we get all of the rotation through the thoracic spine, which we’re focusing on.
To start, the knee closest to the wall is up, and the knee further from the wall is down. This will torque and lock my pelvis into place.
In the video, you can see there are two ways we’re going to swim our arms to increase thoracic rotation.
If I start with my palms together pointed forward, I do an open book, to where I’m trying to get my hand away to touch the wall behind me. But don’t force it. Just keep repeating that motion so that you can soften that direction and improve that mobility and range of motion.
When your arms are wide open, I want you to think about lengthening your wingspan. In doing so, you’re actually going to twist your mid back a little bit more to improve that range of motion. So rather than trying to pull your shoulder blades together, I actually want you to spread your fingertips and your wingspan apart.
The other direction is to then turn into the wall. So again, I’m going to start palm the palm, but this time, I’m going to take the arm that’s closest to the wall, do a nice big arc around the wall. I then will be facing the wall. Then I’ll come back to starting position.
Because I’m facing the wall, I can push into it to help me turn a little bit more.
So this is your half-kneeling, thoracic wall rotation. It’s a beautiful exercise for improving the thoracic rotation in your mid back and overall improving the mobility of our thoracic spine for everyone.
Keep up the great work and LIVE LOUD!
Physical Activity Guidelines For Americans EP|56
Live LOUD Life Podcast
Lafayette Colorado
Episode 56
Physical Activity Guidelines For Americans EP|56
With Dr. Antonio Gurule
The Physical Activity Guidelines For Americans:
2 hours and 30 mins to 5 Hours of moderate-intensity Aerobic Exercise a week
1 hour and 15 mins to 2 hours and 30 mins of vigorous-intensity Aerobic Exercise a week
2 days a week of muscle-strengthening activities a week
Now when most of you read this you are going to think.
That is not that much.
That is the point we are looking at a minimum effective dose for substantial health benefits.
Now argumentatively I think it should be higher but, looking at the baseline guideline that everyone should be hitting makes it easier to lay out a plan.
Only 53% of Americans over the age of 18 are hitting the aerobic exercise minimum
Only 23% of Americans over the age of 18 are hitting the aerobic exercise and muscle-strengthening activities
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Live Loud Chiropractic and Coaching Top Chiropractor and Physical Therapy in Lafayette Colorado Serving Boulder County Boulder, Longmont, Louisville, Erie, Broomfield, and Arvada Colorado
About Dr. Antonio Gurule
- Father
- Doctor of Chiropractic
- Owner of Live LOUD
- Personal Trainer & Health Coach
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The Light Weight High Rep Myth EP|44
Rehab & Pain/Injury Recovery,Podcast
February 16, 2022
0 Comments29 Minutes
Anthony Gurule 00:00
Hey what’s up guys, welcome back to another episode of the Live LOUD Life podcast. My name is Dr. Antonio, I’m your host of the Live LOUD Life podcast. My wife and I, we co-own Live LOUD Chiropractic and Coaching here in Lafayette, Colorado. We are just outside of Boulder, Colorado in Boulder County. And our mission is to help families. We want to help make families stronger, so that we can build a stronger community. We want to help guide you to the adventurous life that you and your family were meant for. And we do this through chiropractic and coaching. chiropractic, obviously being more of a hands on approach, more of a clinical conversation, clinical diagnostics, but the coaching aspect is really what we believe is, you know, the foundation of what our system methodology, whatever you want to call it is, because a lot of this comes around through just coaching suggestions and recommendations. also, you know, obviously within that comes into clinical prescriptions of certain things to eat or supplements, so on and so forth. But it’s coaching a lifestyle, it’s coaching, it’s coaching a philosophy and a foundation about how to live an active healthy life as an individual, and setting an example of a healthy active life for your family, for your immediate family, for your friends, and more importantly for your community. So stronger families to make a stronger community as a whole would be a win win, right? And that’s what we want to be able to do. we want to be able to help fill in the gaps in the holes that you’re maybe not getting from, from other roles and conditions.
Anthony Gurule 01:43
And today that’s in particular where we’re going to talk about. it’s going to be a little bit more of a shorter episode because this is more of a quote unquote, you know, just discussion around how to lay out a framework and a better understanding of how to work out or what exercises are safe or maybe not safe during pregnancy. This is a very, very common question that we get.
Anthony Gurule 02:12
My wife Nichelle has created a mini course that has some workout ideas, recommendations, and prescriptions than laid out into a workout. She guides and educates other clinicians on how to broach this topic as a chiropractor, how to better serve prenatal patients through chiropractic care, but also exercise recommendations and prescriptions, having recommendations with other personal trainers within the community whether that’s CrossFit whether that’s Orange Theory, chatting with coaches and owners and saying hey, if you have prenatal patients and they’re having these types of symptoms, or this has happened, here’s some better recommendations, not modifications. We call them lateralizations–you’re just you know, you’re doing something something different or something else we you know, we borrow that term from Charlie Weingroff, who’s a physical therapist and strength conditioning coach. But it also and also doulas, right, doulas and midwives and OBs who are directly involved with the prenatal process from nearly conception all the way through, having this conversation. we know that exercise is important during pregnancy,
Anthony Gurule 03:19
There are so many different studies that talk about the benefits of exercising during pregnancy, not only for the mom, but also for baby, which is quite interesting. They’re seeing increased cognitive-what’s the word I’m looking for? Excuse me, their cognitive output as a as an as a child through as they age is actually better from moms that actually worked out during pregnancy.
Anthony Gurule 03:50
Now this is tough, right? How do you define working out or exercise? it’s different for everybody. But we want to, and we encourage that, and yet we’re sympathetic to the different stages of life, aches and pains, so on and so forth, which obviously would limit what you can do from an exercise perspective. So you know, it’s a bit of a gray area on determining what is working out? what is exercise? What are the physical guidelines or recommendations for pregnancy? And without getting into the like, nitty gritty detail of every single thing. And obviously, every potential situation, if you had this versus this, what could happen? we’re not gonna be able to do that. What we just want to lay out is what is what are we trying to accomplish here, and we want to encourage you to stay as physically active as possible.
Anthony Gurule 04:41
And one of the things that constantly comes up is, well, should you add something in that you have not already been doing? Let’s say for instance, someone just through the stages of life with work and kids or whatever that is, they were not able to work out as much before they got pregnant, but now that they’re pregnant, whether they have more time or they understand the importance of exercises during pregnancy, well, would we say, “Well, you haven’t been exercising, so you shouldn’t do too much.” No, that doesn’t, that doesn’t really make sense. Now, we would encourage not to do too much, there’s obviously, you know, a too far swinging the pendulum of the other way. But we wouldn’t say “no, don’t exercise because you weren’t doing something before,” we just have to find those first few stepping stones to help them start to gain some momentum. and help hold their hand, if you will, So that their technique and they feel confident about lifting, or how far they’re walking or whatever that is. And that’s an important topic, because a lot of times people want to add things in, but they weren’t quite ready or weren’t doing them before. And they then assume that they’re not able to do them at all. So you do have to take that in consideration, there is a ton that you can do, and that you can still add, even though you weren’t doing them prior to pregnancy.
Anthony Gurule 05:54
Now on the big questions is, is it safe? you know, outside to contact sports, or different things like that the majority of what you’re going to do is safe for pregnancy, right? Rock climbing, we have pregnant patients that have been rock climbing before, obviously, there’s a certain inherent risk with certain sports or activities. You know, you could fall off riding your bike, you could fall over running, right, so we’re not encouraging any of these by any means. We’re just kind of, you know, setting some suggestions, if you will. And you have to take into consideration.
Anthony Gurule 06:31
Now, there are certain things to consider when you’re talking about like weightlifting, and how heavy and the intensity that you’re doing. And if you’re doing Valsalva movements, which is essentially holding your breath to maintain a more rigid or stiff torso, as you’re seeing changes in blood volume and blood pressure, you know, you do have to take that in consideration. And that is again, of course a conversation with your provider that is managing your, your pregnancy, but we recommend Mama’s weight lift, or do resistance training. During pregnancy, again, we talked about about load management and the intensity and things like that, but you can still lift and do fairly intense things. And it’s a fairly as a you know, as a scale and a wide range during pregnancy and see a ton of benefit from that. Now, are we trying to hit one rep maxes and PRs during pregnancy, I mean, some would argue yes, but I would argue, why, that’s not really an accurate representation of what your strength is anyways. So you know, you do have to to kind of keep manipulating the numbers and the weights and the intensity and the sets and reps in order to do it. But weightlifting and resistance training is safe, and it is effective. Now, outside of that, there’s not a lot of unsafe things to do, again, outside of contact sports, or things that would elicit, you know, potential trauma to you or baby based on impact we’ve had, again, not our recommendations, but some have tried very just easy scheme, because they’re in the winter months, and they wanted to and they felt very confident about not falling. So you know, you have those types of things.
Anthony Gurule 08:16
Overall, again, we’re talking about movement. You need to move, and it’s good to get your heart rate up. And it’s good to breathe hard. So that doesn’t mean just because you’re pregnant, you can’t do HIIT training or circuit training or CrossFit or Orange Theory. But you do have to listen to your body and understand certain signs that would indicate that things might be too much, right? Now those are going to be different for everyone, but a lot of this comes down to you know, lightheadedness, you know, breathing too hard. Certain aches and pains within lower extremity, chest, abdomen, so on and so forth would be obviously like your more extreme ones. If you’re becoming pale or anything like that, I mean, again, these are the same criteria, though, that would be if someone else was working out or training too hard. So it’s realistically the same thing. It’s just that your threshold level for all those most likely have gone down. And depending on what type of an athlete you were before, you’re going to be maybe a little frustrated that you’re not able to do the things you were able to do previously, which makes sense. But if you’re someone who wasn’t exercising before, you’re probably going to be a little bit more hyper aware of that, of just feeling that shortness of breath or that uneasiness. So again, we’re not saying you have to push through that because we’re not trying to set yourself up for a strength and conditioning program to increase your metabolic capacity to increase your strength and conditioning during pregnancy. We’re trying to help you maintain a healthy active pregnancy.
Anthony Gurule 09:54
Now, walking. walking is great. but in general, we encourage you to do something above and beyond walking. Obviously, again, certain things would dictate that you would not be able to do so. And this is again, any exercise. Any exercise that you do during pregnancy needs to be consulted with and work through and have a conversation with the primary physician who is managing your pregnancy, whether that’s your nurse practitioner, your midwife or your OB or obstetrician, right. But we would encourage more than just walking. walking is fantastic, but that’s kind of like your baseline minimum, right? Just like our activities, or recommendation activity guidelines. We want a few days a week of where we’re kind of just doing this steady state getting our steps in, you know, kind of pushing ourselves, we’re huffing and puffing, but still just kind of at that conversational level, but you’re not really getting a lot of benefits outside of that.
Anthony Gurule 10:55
So if you’re just walking, high five. kudos. can you do something more? Can you do some bodyweight squats? Can you do some bodyweight, you know, good mornings? can you do some walking lunges? do you have a suspension training, we’re able to do some bodyweight rows? Do you have some bands that you can do some rows with? You know, there’s a lot that you can do that allows you to get a little bit more out of that. Now, again, this all comes back down to preferences of exercises that you like to do, because that’s gonna allow you to maintain the most consistency, but then also the intensity that you like to do. And we do encourage having an open mind and at least being willing to try some high intensity things that allow you to still get your heart rate up a little bit. And it’s okay to lift more than five or 10 pounds. And not saying that that is a bad thing. There’s programs out there where it’s all directed around that where it’s lighter weight, high rep, but I just don’t want individuals and mamas to feel like they’re not able to do more and or being ashamed because other people are just saying they should back off because they’re pregnant. “why would you need a lift that much?” It fits within your strength, and your comfort, and your wheelhouse, that is totally fine.
Anthony Gurule 12:05
Again, you if you’ve been doing that enough, you understand the risk reward ratio and having a conversation with your practitioner has driven us to kind of help navigate and guide as you start to get further through pregnancies, what things maybe we need to change or manipulate. But that’s totally fine. Now outside of that, the question around safe also comes up around core exercises. diastasis recti, pelvic floor strength, so on and so forth, we want to enhance the capability of understanding how to control tension within your abdominal wall and your pelvic floor through pregnancy, because the pressure is increasing due to baby taking up more space. But we’re not we’re not necessarily we’re not gaining more strength, right.
Anthony Gurule 12:45
And so what a lot of people assume it’s when we’ve seen this, is “I don’t want diastasis. So I’m doing more core work to prevent diastasis from happening.” diastasis recti will happen in 100% of moms, it’s estimated at the week 35 Everyone will have some form of it. Now it is technically not a quote unquote diagnosis, though, until 12 weeks postpartum, because it is a normal thing that everyone will get. So you can’t diagnose someone with something that everyone will get–doesn’t make sense, right? So after that, though, if you still have weakness or spacing issues, then we can have a you know, a stronger conversation about putting a diagnosis on that.
Anthony Gurule 13:26
But what we’re trying to enhance and help is what exercises are quote unquote, not safe versus unsafe, but adding too much pressure or tension into the abdominal wall or the pelvic floor and creating more laxity. again, as that pressure for as baby’s growing starts to put more pressure on the pelvic floor and the abdominal wall. If you’re doing more things that increases the pressure within the within the abdominal cavity that’s going to push on that separation even more and/or push on that pelvic floor even more, creating potential incontinence or prolapse issues and/or more bulging and doming within the abdominal wall stretching out that separation or that gap even further, potentially making the recovery process more challenging or slightly longer. I’m not saying that it will but potentially, so we do have to take that in consideration. So we go through activation exercise of the pelvic floor, of the abdominal wall so that you better understand how to control those pressure increases while you’re lifting or exercising so that you simply can stay at a management level.
Anthony Gurule 14:28
And that in turn, helps you get through pregnancy of understanding how to lift up your older kiddo, having to lift up dog food or anything like that. It’s just managing and controlling pressure. So there’s really not anything that I would say that safe or unsafe. Now, things that we would advise against for core exercises is sit ups or crunches. You know a lot of those things that create like hanging knee raises and different things like that during pregnancy. A lot of those things that create a lot of intra abdominal pressure and tension. and especially during a flex position, that tends to put a lot more pressure on the abdominal wall, the separation where diastasis will occur as well as the pelvic floor.
Anthony Gurule 15:09
So, you know, while we never say never, there’s definitely a category of things that we definitely urge against because the risk/reward benefit and again, risk not being “injured,” But risk of potentially putting more pressure and making the recovery process on the other side harder, is not is not something that we find to be as advantageous. But you can still get the benefits of quote unquote, core exercises through full body movements such as goblet squats, such as deadlifts, you know, depending on the phase that you’re in, push ups, which are, you know, a dynamic plank. or being able to do a TRX row, which is a reverse plank as you’re just lifting yourself up. three point rows where you’re on, you know, two hands or doing like a row on a bench, where you’re in a tabletop position that’s adding anti rotation exercises. So there’s a ton that you can do that still highlights and isolates, the core isolates, sorry. that highlights and will emphasize core activation, but through a full body compound movement. And what’s great about that is during pregnancy, depending on your energy levels, it’s hard to do all the little isolated accessory and all these separate exercises as it is. So it’s kind of nice being able to combine everything, so you get more bang for your buck, especially if you’re a parent and you’re on and you’re on baby number two or three, right?
Anthony Gurule 16:31
So what exercises are safe for pregnant women to do? All are. reduce or eliminate for sure contact activities, different things like that. the increased risk activities of you know, trauma and things like that. Outside of that you’re managing pressure, I would definitely encourage reducing anything that’s heavy lifting, that’s, that’s requiring you to do Valsalva moves, you’re having to hold your breath for an extended period of time. that changes blood pressure, so on and so forth. But outside of that, Pregnancy is a completely safe time to do all exercises. we definitely as we highlighted, urge and encourage, you know, certain things over other ones just for you know, added bang for your buck or full body movements, so on and so forth. And that, but outside of that you are free to do what you want.
Anthony Gurule 17:19
If you want guidance, though, you know, there are there are trainers out there that work specifically with prenatal patients. we would love to be able to have that conversation with you if that’s something you want to bounce back or navigate. Because we do want to encourage as much as we can. A very, very active pregnancy through exercise working out or however you want to describe that. So if you found this beneficial, please like share, subscribe. if you’re pregnant, I hope you can utilize this and take some of the information for you and yourself. If you have anyone else you know… a relative a family member, a friend who is pregnant and they’re unsure they’ve been you know asking this question what things I don’t know what things I can do. I don’t know if it’s safe for baby share this video with them. We’d love to be able to provide a better frame of reference and or context to be able to ask better questions so that they can find the workout program or the movements that work best for them during their pregnancy. Until next time guys live loud .if you’re currently pregnant, Congratulations, and we look forward to helping and serving in the future.